RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

I don’t mind the addition of Dungeon Finder…people keep asking for LFR in these threads and I am not for it. If you look at a previous post of mine you’ll find I have recommended the original release tools. Oh, you take it out of context got it.

whatever you said in the past i have no argument or debate with, i was addressing your very specific response that started with …

you claim you want people to stop trying to retail your classic because thats not what your asking for yet you are firmly okay with the current retail LFG tool and arguing against rdf? or did i misunderstand you telling the poster to go away if they didnt like it?


I’m ready for RDF NOW !! Lets go Blizz !


Bliz keeps ban hammering any new RDF thread, so people Necro old ones.

It’s a topic the community wants to discuss, we need to have a place to do so.


Great post op expect to be censored, tho…lol.


It’s become abundantly clear we might as well direct that discussion to the nearest wall.


We are not even allowed to yell into the void. That’s spamming.

Write a well articulated and reasoned piece on RDF and it gets taken down in 12 hours.

I have no desire to play retail and I can’t even talk about changes that would benefit the community.


Maybe don’t have multiple RDF threads a day for months next time.

Different opinions is offensive. They do not really want feedback. Vote with your wallets. No blizzard games, now that gets thier attention.


Just add RDF. That way Classic can die, the way the game started declining when Cata and all of its QoL changes happened. I don’t care.

Subs want up after RDF was added, actually. In one of the longest content droughts in the game’s history.

It wasn’t until a ways into Cata they started to drop.


Did you play back then?

Yes. I’ve played since Vanilla.

So try to gaslight someone else.


The only logical opinion for not wanting RDF, is being infatuated by flight paths. Just really getting off to being afk on them for 10 minutes. Cuz there’s absolutely no social benefit I’ve noticed so far doing them on 3 80s for months now.


lol antis and their report happy nature.

What’s a necro checking on a thread from 9 days ago? It’s not even double digits yet.


Have you ever read the Code of Conduct? Creating new threads about an existing topic is against the CoC. Most threads were closed because one person decided to necro most of them. And if you paid attention, they didn’t close all of them.

The Forums is the right place to have this discussion; opening a few new threads every week makes it harder to have such conversations, for the arguments have become repetitive at this point: there haven’t been any new arguments in quite some weeks, people keep recycling the same arguments with the same answers. These apply to both sides, just to be clear.

The last thing I heard from Kris or Brian, is that they are happy with the state of the game, so it is very much unlikely that they will bring RDF to Wrath Classic.

Let me give you something you’ve never heard before, in the form of a sonnet.

In World of Warcraft, a realm of might,
Where dragons roam and heroes do battle,
A dungeon finder’s added delight,
To make our adventures more subtle.

With this tool, we’ll never be alone,
No need to shout for a group to join,
With a simple click, we’ll find a home,
In a random dungeon, ready to coin.

The benefits of such a feature,
Are endless, and too many to list,
From saving time, to making it easier,
To find companions, we can’t resist.

So let us hail the random dungeon finder,
A blessing for all WoW players, kinder.


Unfortunately, people have used sonnets and poetry already.

How about a limerick?

A random dungeon finder would be great
For players who can’t find a mate
It would add excitement
And make the game more enticing
And keep players from getting irate


I gotta admit your creativity, but the content lacks originality. :frowning:
It has been said, but definitely not like that.