RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

wrong again. why should i be limited to a small group of people just on my realm instead of being able to meet thousands upon thousands more people so i can find people that fit my guild? you keep advocating for removal of the ability to choose.

disagreeing with what i say doesnt make me a liar, it makes you willfully ignorant and obtuse.


What social aspect, 90% of the classic community buys gold, buys gear via gdkp than logs out, arena is dead, “muh community” is a meme, like 5 classic andy’s on the forums that just troll post.

Classic is the most anti social community compared to retail, you all just buy gold buy gear with said gold, log out
or sit afk in capital cities


Then stay in retail if you don’t like it. All I ask is people stop trying to retail my classic considering that is what I and many players are in classic for. It’s not retail with all of the things that in our own opinion detracts from the game.


you mean like adding a retail LFG tool? oh wait, that doesnt count because its what you want and no one else should want anything different? how newly selfish of you. how bout you go back to vanilla and tbc classic servers where the argument for rdf doesnt exist. where you can play the classic you want the way you want. going to retail for wrath players doesnt solve the problem. none of the mechanics in classic wrath are in retail wrath. so your answer of go to retail is willfully ignorant and obtuse.


Except it’s not. It literally has what you’re asking for. Go do timewalking.

You do know RDF came out in WOTLK right? Why would we go to retail for a system that should be in the game? You want no RDF go back to vanilla and play with your fellow toxic boomers.


Because the developers explicitly said it should not be.

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So not the developers who added RDF in the first place.

But the developers who have lost WoW what 10+ million subs since wrath?


Ziryus inadvertently self owning himself right there.

Its almost like you understand that the changes made to wow drove off players by the truckload but you fail to understand that adding RDF is literally making the same changes that drove people away.

People don’t want RDF because its the first of many changes that created the abomination of systems that is retail.


Honestly, never had a great experience with it when it was released in wrath.
Neither did anyone else at the time.

@blizzard PLS :sob:

Yeah you people stop asking for the wrath rdf in wrath classic. Wrath classic is for people who want the loot boxes from Cata and Mercenary Mode from WoD. Stop trying to make Wrath classic retail by adding the original wrath rdf.


Nah I just can’t wait for wrath to go back to its roots when blizzard adds mythic+ man I really loved those back in the day


You know, it’s not just about adding things from retail that makes wrath classic a more authentic version wrath than original wrath was. We also need to talk about the original wrath features we need to remove to create the authentic wrath classic experience. Dual spec needs to go, or at least not be added until Ulduar comes out. And achievements. They weren’t in Vanilla and BC. They don’t belong in wrath classic.


What about the mount and pet tabs, surely we should have click the items in our inventory or the moral fiber of socialization will die.


wrong, i was there and had a ton of great experiences with rdf.


careful folks, that may be too much truth and get you in trouble. lol.

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I swear, y’all have to be the most annoying part of the player base I’ve ever encountered. The most disingenuous bunch of flipping llamas that have ever existed. I’d rather be around gold farming multi-boxing bots than you.

oh, we KNOW.

then, the logical thing would be to stop claiming that “everyone agrees with me that rdf is bad” or “most people had bad rdf experiences” its fallacy in full monty mode.