RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

still no examples to support your position, good work buddy.


Man thats a whole lot of words used just to say



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I posted this in another thread, and I’ll continue to post it.

One hour ago I checked how many folks were on Benediction Horde.

It’s now an hour later and…

Oh if you want to run RFC? Good luck.

Either add a solution for dead factions besides spending money to transfer or rerolling or add RDF.


RDF did not kill the franchise. There were a series of things (including RDF) implemented over several expansions that degraded realm/guild communities.


guess we should add it back then, since it doesn’t kill the franchise let alone the social interactions or experience after all. glad we agree on something.


Any particular tool does not “kill the franchise” but that shouldn’t be measuring stick on whether to include it or not.

If you implement RDF in its full functionality, it unquestionably becomes the most efficient method to run dungeons. No point establishing a friend or guild network to do that content. Clearly, RDF discourages players from building networks. It’s anti-social.


this is a whole lot of writing when you coulda just said “Im lazy and bad at making friends please do the work of making a group and finding people to run with for me”

you would have saved a lot of typing and came across as actually honest.


No duh. When you have no friends to interact with in the first place what is it gonna kill for you exactly?

The only people crying for RDF are those who struggle to actually keep any kinda people around them for longer than 20 minutes at a time.

Get better.


Look, everyone knows this or vanilla classic wouldn’t be a wasteland. Content is king, without that, nothing matters. No one is subscribed to wow as a chat engine.

but that doesn’t matter, because the people at the wheel are driving it. Hopefully they aren’t driving wrath off a cliff.


that’s a whole lack of examples to support your position? or is it just a troll? i wonder.

I’ll be okay with knowing some people dont know how to have a discussion about a topic without trolling. good effort :clap:


agreed there is no incentive to play on a dead faction server at all unless you plan to pvp for gear only, which is fine for some people who enjoy pvp, but any other player i have a hard time believing anyone who isn’t into pvp would want to roll a dead faction server.

guess FFXIV is the most anti-social mmo in existence then. they must have the most anti-social players in the entire gaming industry. they must have locked sales to their game because they only wanted anti-social players to be able to make accounts, makes sense. maybe people want to do an absurd amount of dungeons while their friends and guildmates are not available? are you saying people who use RDF are going to betray their friends and/or guild by playing with other players? how anti-social of them!

the reason i posted examples of how playing without RDF improves social experience and interaction is give people like you the opportunity to counter with your examples of how no RDF improves social experiences and interactions which you firmly believe.

i’m still waiting for some examples but nobody has been brave enough to post any. guess it wasn’t just a post saying i was lazy afterall.

still no examples of how no RDF in-game will improve social experience and interaction.


But you are. And thats literally your problem. That and the social ineptitude you cant seem to get over. Or maybe its anxiety. But at that point get off MMO’s entirely if its crippling you.

It doesnt really. The player is the one that decides to interact or not regardless of ANY SYSTEM IN PLACE OR LACK THEREOF.

This is all a you issue baybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

None required. This is all about you and your inability to keep a steady group and do work to get said steady group.

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I mean, that sound great but defeats what they are trying to do. If you only run with people, you already know, how does the tool encourage social interaction? Your advice is the natural result, and it seems like it’s actually discouraging social interaction


Since retail WoW had implemented RDF originally, it might be reasonable to conclude that FFXIV’s popularity over retail WoW is based on something other than a dungeon forming tool.

lol you dont. You’re taking “Never talk to strangers” way too literally. Only do that if you never want to meet anyone ever.

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if that is the case then blizzard wow classic team removing RDF because they want to prioritize social interactions and experience doesn’t make sense and isn’t a valid reason to remove such a feature form the original wotlk experience. i’m glad we agree


Doesnt matter. Stop there.

might not matter to people believing their reason is true, but to those who aren’t gullible i’m sure would want answers to the real reason they removed it. since it was part of original wotlk.


Examples? To support the position that you want to turn WoW into a CoD lobby by continuing this months long babyrage temper tantrum demanding RDF which will… turn WoW into a CoD lobby.

Bout as bright as a piece of unlit charcoal arent you, son.

:ox::poop: requires exponentially more energy to refute than it does to spread. At this point the majority of us are content just pointing out that you lost and RDF is never happening.

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It matters to you because you’re currently struggling to do content on account of your inability to form groups and socialize.

This is their attempt at throwing you into the deep and and watching you sink or swim. Right now youre screaming at daddy blizzard “PLEASE PLEASE THROW ME A LIFE RING I CANT DOOOOO IIIIIIT” before even trying to paddle.

Kick harder son. You can make it.