RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

OMG, what is wrong with people… you can still form your own group of guildies or friends and if you dont have enough you can fill via the que or you can queue as a full group. we did it all the time in OG Wrath


Make no mistake about it… we all did it… I personally was in a fairly active guild with people I had formed friendships with…, By the time RDF rolled out we were all doing randoms and raid logging… Not bad time at all but the problem was we formed up these little 5man cliques… For the “fun” that left many of the guildies feeling left out and as a result we lost about 15 core raiders… over the last patch. That’s just us but I have spent years reading a similar woe story so I’ve added them together and made my statement…


Over the years, I’ve added way more people to my friends list using RDF than I ever have using the LFD tool.

Also having RDF gave me a chance to easily group up with other people, allowing me to meet more people as a whole. Most people that I played with I had an overall positive experience.


I am sorry that was your experience in wrath. I played Wrath with some RL friends and some people we met along the way and we used RDF all the time and did 10 man content (usually having to pug 1 or 2)

I guess we will have to agree to disagree that RDF had the negative impact that you are refering to because this was not my experience nor it an experience I have heard from other players either. it sounds like your guild just want that tight afterall


I welcome it actually… But it will kill some guilds. Especially the ones that have more or less avoided the running of dungeons as a form of gearing…

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Go queue for RDF in retail right now and see how social it is.


run a dungeon in TBC using LFG… its the same whats your point


Yes it does.

Dude wants to play retail.


How is it the same? I am telling you to go into the retail environment and queue up for RDF and run a dungeon.

ya no one talks, you smash the dungeon without any need for communicating… just like running dungeons now and just like running wrath dungeons which are just AOE spamfests


Nope, my dungeons in Classic have plenty of talking. At least compared to retail RDF.

Also thanks for admitting that RDF killed any socialization in retail dungeons.

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that wasnt RDF… people have been antisocial and toxic all throughout Classic with no RDF


You already conceded your position in this argument, you can stop telling everyone Classic dungeons flow the same way as retail dungeons because everyone knows it’s not true.

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it has been my experience that Classic dungeons are no different than retail. I am glad you have had a better experience but you are not everyone.

tell you what if you let me have RDF I will promise to talk to my group


The LFG tool is annoying, still. The bugs were mostly fixed but it’s still bad. This is me at level 66-68 on my heals.
My experience:

  1. Still got mage tanks (as they are not changing their role via talent but Blizzard made this redundant imo.)
  2. Peeps often AFK because it probably took too long to form.
  3. “Summon please.” still persists and people refuse to go to stone or even saying they’re coming or going. (Social? Kekw.)
  4. Still no way to tell who is what when they ask for invite.
  5. Still takes a long time to form stuff.
  6. Even if someone talks, rarely anyone replies, such as me lmao.

I’ve been waiting to do Old Hillsbrad since Wens and even LFMing as a healer. So I’m having to do Ramps or whatever over and over because no one wants to do other stuff. If only I had RDF the pool would be bigger. :thinking: And even when I form, I have to hope someone goes to stone or they just wait.

I’m honestly tired of searching and want the damn tool to do it now.


in MoP i met my current retail guild through the use of LFD because i got grouped with a 4-man pug for Coren Direbrew. so yeah it improved my social interactions on that realm.


So this morning someone asked in trade chat if Westfall was a good server for them to start on, and if their friend should join them. I told them no.
No because it’s impossible to find low level parties in the morning, and even later in the evening there’s only 5 or 6 people so if you don’t make it into the party you are waiting for the one running to lose a member. If you are running as a dps your queue is actually faster than if you are a healer now, because there’s just so few players in the game. Most groups opt to run with 4 as waiting for the 5th can take over and hour.
I was whispered by several level 70s telling me this was not the case, and that I need to join a guild. I was offered one, full of level 70s. It’s like they can’t comprehend the issue is with low levels and has nothing to do with level 70. I want to have a break when I am questing and do a dungeon, I’m a mage for crying out loud, we all know dungeon grinding is the easier way.
So now I’m stuck in a guild where I am constantly asking for friends to do stocks with, where no one can without eating all my exp, and I am left /whoing folks in hopes that someone questing wants a break and forgot to put themselves in LFG. This has happened once, the other 5 people within my level I whispered all told me to {expletive}.

Why is this being encouraged as the new player experience? Why do level 70 players keep telling me to just quest for 70 levels? I want to do some dungeons and grind for some gear and materials for my tailoring, not kill the same quest monsters I’ve been killing for over 15 years of my playtime.

For context there’s been a stockade group in LFG for over an hour looking for a tank. They could have done 4+ runs in that time if RFD was in the game and cross server. I get blizzard doesn’t want us to be able to ignore heroic lockouts at 80, so just implement it for 1-70 so I can at least get to 80 without watching everyone around me quit.


You Forsaken are a nasty bunch.

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You should try telling that to FFXIV players, since they had to disable account creation over congestion issues for their entire anti-social game which does have a cross server dungeon queue system.

Maybe you should provide some examples of how cross-realm RDF takes away your social interactions while also exposing you to more group activity?

Or are you fine with being gaslit into believing one beneficial feature of the original wotlk actually killed the franchise?

That’s humorous.


Sounds like you should play FFXIV.

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