RDF Not Coming Confirmed

I don’t know what anti-rdf is saying. What loss is there from dungeon finder?

Let’s run through a scenario. I’m out questing in Borean Tundra. I see some other player doing the same quests. I invite him to a group. I say, “Want to run some dungeons?” With dungeon finder it’s such a simple process. He says yes, we queue up, and we run some dungeons. Maybe we chit chat. Maybe we become friends. Maybe I keep talking to him for weeks, months, etc. That is what the convenience and accessibility of the system provides.

Now take dungeon finder out of the equation. We’re out questing and I see a player. I might still invite him to a party to do some quests, but no way in Hell I’m even asking about doing dungeons. It’s such a tedious, arduous, painful process there’s no point. So now social interactions are diminished. The opportunity to forge a friendship is gone.

Blizzard talks about ‘social proximity’ and then eliminates the system that makes it easiest to bring players together.

I don’t think I said anything about being negatively impacted. How they perceive the impact is entirely up to them.

Umm, yes, you did.

This is pretty much what I like about RDF.

I think the other side of the coin sees you questing in Borean and asks if you’re interested in a dungeon. Maybe you say no anyway but maybe you’re fine with dungeons if they come to you. Some players are like that.

RDF brings dungeons to you. It’s so easy you just hit a button and wait. That player liked being the one to bring dungeon opportunities to you, and probably doesn’t like the idea of being replaced by an auto tool.

That’s just how I see it in that specific context.

Yeah, impacted. I didn’t say anything about the impact being necessarily negative.

So in that context, then, you are saying they could be positively impacted, which in turn diminishes this entire conversation.

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Pretty much. It’s up to them whether the impact is positive or negative. That you see it as a positive for them doesn’t do them any favors.

That’s fine. That’s great. How is that bad?

For example, in the scenario above let’s say those people try to do some dungeons without dungeon finder. They post in the lfg tool, they spam the channel. Maybe one gets an invite, and told boot the other because their gear sucks and/or their spec sucks and/or the tank doesn’t want to share loot. So you kick him to get into a dungeon group. Such amazing community building.

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What s emersive about spamming a chat channel? Please explain.

I’d recommend next time, being a little more concise with your responses because that context implies that it’s both negative and positive impact. I asked how it would be negative, and you said you didn’t say that, even though without specification, one would be led to believe you included both sides.

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Yeah so some people like that second option that clearly you don’t like.

I think they like to be the person dictating who can join their groups and under what conditions. There are absolutely elitist gatekeepers who thrive off that kind of toxic behavior.

But we’re talking Wrath dungeons here. It’s so unnecessary, yet they’ll do it…because they can.

that second option requires people being without the option to avoid it, and having to put up with the ransom the gatekeepers demand, be it HR loot, gold, or endless time stuck looking. Thats one of the core reasons people dont want the tool, because they become powerless. Nobody any longer cares if they “bring the dungeon” to them or not, they can go kick rocks with the selection criteria, biases or rules.

Thats the thing, that second option, where some people have power over how others ascess content, requires the misery of a portion of the player base and thus will always be invalid and inferior, no matter if its someone’s preference.


As someone who likes RDF and manual group formation, what you’re saying applies to me and is completely untrue.

Is it untrue that many anti-RDF people are opposed to their loss of control over who joins groups or the loss of their ability to HR loot / charge gold for their services?

Is it untrue that many anti-RDF people claim that were RDF to be introduced everyone would flee to it leaving the player pool of people elegible for manual grouping barren and desolate?

Is it untrue that if you start trying to HR loot or put asinine rules on group formation many people will just laugh at you and queue to bypass those limitations?

Now, you yourself might not hold these views, but I dont think its untrue to say a large portion of anti-RDF people have these motivations.

I think there’s a good chance that all that stuff is untrue. I don’t know what % of people satisfy what you’re describing. I don’t have the expertise nor have I done the legwork.

In my personal experience I’d say something like 1-5% ish of the group leaders I’ve encountered satisfy those traits, and I don’t know how many of those are actually pro-RDF.

Ah, I can concede that it probably doesn’t track with actual real players. Was mostly referring to vocal trolls here in the forums.

People are a lot friendlier in game than on the forums, lol.


You know this will be happening. :slight_smile:

I hope you DIAF

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