I am that tank friend a lot of the time ;(
That could be true, but look at the people that are anti-rdf they are never a dps most of the time.
Wait a sec, why would you think RDF would have been showing up in beta based on everything the developers have said so far? I mean when you say “guess what” is this a rhetorical question? It’s not some riddle to solve or big surprise at all to anyone anywhere that RDF is not in the beta or coming to wrath at this point in time.
I am pretty sure everyone has had to “accept it and move forward” for 2 months or more now.
What I remember from Wrath before RDF was one person leaves and your dungeon run is over. Not having RDF in Wrath Classic is just asinine.
All if the things you say were true a decade ago during the original wrath when we had 5-10 times as many players and we STILL had a shortage of tanks and low level dungeons were next to impossible to get a group for.
I don’t really care if it’s RDF or not but we’re going to need cross server play or this game will die.
Eh, Blizz will just continue to punish low pop servers with design decisions like removing dungeon finder until everyone is playing on megaservers.
We didn’t had it for years now and it didn’t die. A better server management could also be a solution.
My angle here is faster daily chore pve done to get back to pvp matters.
same as I do in retail. I don’t do dungeon for the joy of it.
it pays me as pvp does not. lets git her done. turned in, paid. now…back to pvp.
that…doesn’t get done stealthed on a meeting stone lol. I don’t ponder long and hard as to why 4 hostile 70’s are flying in.
I played eve a few years. it teaches things. like 4 people hunting you is not to say hi. and 4 on 1’s do not end well most times lol. dying like a muppet is not pvp. Its idiotic lol.
also teaches the chances of 3 people not jumping into to help their 4th buddy if you are winning is very unlikely.
Did you not notice the several realms that have died - to the point that Blizzard is having to consolidate them into a single realm? Oh, you missed that? Okay, no worries.
Because Classic doubled WoW’s subs at launch and required a ton of servers. Like a lot of games, once the hype passed a lot of servers died.
They should have merged servers in Classic Vanilla.
Do you have a source for that one?
You can find it easily on Google.
Yes, more than a decade ago when WoW was the biggest thing on the market and there weren’t a dozen other options and a less knowledgeable player base.
But I was there right before RDF. Anything beyond the max level was dead. and I’m there now in classic TBC. The game ismostly dead on anything but the most populated servers. Few groups, few raids everyone just waiting for Wrath.
What’s the plan when Wrath reaches the level TBC is right now? I have no interest in moving to Cata classic. I think we can count on 1 hand the number of times blizzard did an actual server merge and every other thing they’ve done has had unintended consequences (e.g. free server moves had players self-sequester by faction)
There aren’t enough players on individual servers to support all levels of play. Cross-server will have to come or wrath classic will die the way TBC classic has.
Let’s be honest, the real reason Blizzard is removing RDF is the cost associated with running the servers. It’s just cheaper for them to do so and latch on to whatever excuse seems convenient while trying to maximize revenue generated. It’s essentially a page from EA’s playbook.
There is just no other logical reason to remove the best feature in the entire genre of MMO dating all the way back to text MUDS. Which is ironically what we get instead of RDF we get a nice text chat /4 global chat with zero moderation where topics spiral out of control daily while trying to find a group. Guild spam and trade chat also trickles down.
I can understand not releasing TBC with RDF although it would have been a million times better. However releasing Wrath without this feature is a huge mistake. Again it’s something that needs to be in the game at launch. It has such a huge impact on progression and allowed players to better manage their time and levelling. It also had a good zone overview and backstory with lore AND loot lists. Daily bonus was awesome!
You can still do premades at any time so it’s just pointless to argue about this missing feature. Esp when Blizz is now going to do cross server Wintergrasp Instances. Honestly hope someone over there comes to their senses before Wrath is released. I would even delay it for said feature because it’s important to have a good progression system that facilitates group play without gatekeeping or bias. Being able to find a group at any time of the day and grind out some Dungeons was the best feature ever added. Cleary the majority of players want this feature.
Dude deleted all the images, maybe it wasn’t actually factual.
That post also says it doubled it’s own subscription numbers over a second quarter, not that it beat retail lol.
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