RCR Abuse now coming to light

Edit for clarity: RCR is Right Click Report which autosquelches your account after a few reports.

Even general discussion forum finally is having to deal with this abuse. In classic RCR abuse has WAY worse consequences since it prevents you from trying to get a pug, or completely locks you out of advertising your trades, especially enchanting (there are no vellums in classic).

Let the games begin


I think the whole thing is tornado in a tea cup.

For 99% of the player base it’s a non-issue.


[Citation needed]


I can’t see why anyone would report someone like me.
-I don’t spam trade
-I don’t swear that much
-I don’t make racist or religious comments.
Theres no reason someone would RCR me.


Same. Literally never been silenced or squelched.


Did you bother to read the link? Those victimized by the RCR abuse did none of the things on your list. They got silenced for using a HELPFUL add on that has been around since at least MOP.


and thats only half the story. Once i hear both sides instead of just the one reported then I might look at changing my stance.


Doesn’t seem like it will be an issue in Classic. It just sounds like you’re picking something irrelevent to try and further your own agenda.


Going to bed. Can’t wait to see where this goes though. :sunglasses:


I read that thread. yes they got right clicked reported, but the GM felt the reports was valid and applied the Silences. Not seeing the abuse if the GM’s agreed with the reports. Show me where the squelches was overturned.

Even the addon author said the addon was a bit too spammy and he apologized.

If this was a big deal, the CS forums would be on fire from the complaints. I see no posts there, you people flip out if the server goes down for 30 seconds and you guys storm the CS forums with torches and pitchforks.


You wanna know? Go read the other posts, people are just petty and making excuses as to why the addons are bad. People are making excuses and trying to down talk everything and make it all about how the addons are the big bad wolf.

They literally just hate having multiple people making the same rare reports on the same rare, it’s not even about one person spamming in chat, they are reporting the second, third and fourth person who makes ‘yet another call’ about a rare that is up or dead citing it to be spam since someone else has already made the call.

And I am not joking, some of them are actually saying that, because “someone already made a call we do not need spam from other people about the same rare”.


Most people will never get murdered.

Murder isn’t a problem for 99% of people.


Wow your numbers are WAY off.

But I digress.

To topic: There is no solid evidence listed in the above post. I suspect I might know the addon that it is referring to. Maybe. One that had most of its features broken at the launch of BFA but yet if you enter a zone with others using it continues to send you tells. EVEN if you did not have that addon installed people who did blanket whispered the zone.

But again, this is not RCR abuse coming to light. Its typical people complaining and giving out information they have no factual backing for.

Move along people :slight_smile:


I don’t know if it is hilarious or sad that the same four people have an agenda to pretend RCR is not a problem. I’m guessing this is how you intend on get rid of rank competition in Bgs.

And LOL about the CS forums. Most people do not know the forums exist, much less the CS sub forum.


~raises hand~

You probably should define what “RCR” is first

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As opposed to the same couple of people who decry RCR and give examples that resulted in justified silences?


Just wait until you tag a mob that someone else wants


Right Click Reporting


Right click report which triggers and auto squelch. GMs allegedly reviewed the squelch and upheld the silence. Which proves that NO GM ever reviews. An add on that has existed since MOP used to help players find rares.

The system is entirely automated and now we have proof of it’s abuse. The same four parrots will still claim this is not proof but there is no point in entertaining the willfully obtuse. This debate is laid to rest. It is going to be a bigger problem in classic


Try actually looking at the 450 post thread then Google the phrase “willfully obtuse” :sunglasses: