So People are getting silenced for using Rare Share Addons

Yes, I do know what Blizzard thinks about spam.

As with all things not covered by the ToS, Blizzard’s stance has been concerns that can be resolved inside the community shall be resolved by the community.

The community has spoken by reporting the add-on in sufficient numbers to trigger an auto squelch. Upon review, the silences are upheld because the community reports are valid.

Your opinion on whether or how many people prefer the add-ons spamming the general chat is irrelevant. The facts are that sufficient numbers of people have reported that activity and any review shall uphold the consequences of that report unless those repots are proven to be invalid. That is, if they are spoofed reports; they aren’t invalidated because you don’t agree with them.

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I get some like them, some don’t. Really, until Blizzard comes right out and puts in print SOMEWHERE, we can all argue both sides.

It is a POV area. I’m not advocating for one side or another. I am however, imo, seeing both sides. It NEEDS to be put in ONE place where all can read and see what they feel about it.

No one should have to go looking in all kinds of places for snippets here and there.

Again, just my opinion.

That is ludicrous logic.

You are contrasting people who actively post on the forums saying they support the Spam Addons - with people sitting in game reporting the spam. We do not have the numbers of spam reports available to contrast this all.

The posters in favor of the Spam Addons only speak for themselves.

The people in game who report the spam can do it without 10 posters jumping down their throat. They do it in game, anonymously, and the spam is reduced when enough reports occur.

It takes around 5 people to report someone before something is done, and only 5 people will ensure Blizzard uphold any community driven bans.

You really want to use that as an example of how the community has spoken and how the community don’t want these addons running, sure, why not, 5 people represents the majority does it not?

In the meantime we have no way at all of showing how much we do want these addons. Blizzard never do straw polls and any community driven straw polls are thrown out the window by people like you telling us that it does not represent the entire community.

Well neither does 5 people, but you seem to think it is OK to use that because it represents your viewpoint.

But we do know it only takes 5 people before something is done.

We know this because there are people here who talk about being silenced for this and many other reasons and some of them go into details about their discussions with the GM’s, one of which recently had a GM tell them that because 5 people reported them the ban will be upheld.

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As I said in my first post in this thread, I have not reported the Spam Addons. I rarely report other people. I am pretty easy.

But I do find that spam irritating as all heck. I let it be. But I 100% understand why others would report…

I can see people being equally as annoyed as I am with all the spam, while having less qualms about using the “report” feature.

I won’t lie, I get annoyed sometimes too, but I also think about the need of these vs me just being mean. Take for example Rustfeather, it gets called up and dead sometimes within 10 seconds of each other, but this is useful as there are some who don’t have flying, don’t have jetpacks and on a day when armory is not up it allows them to plan when to go camp the spawn next.

Should we than start being selective about which rares we can and cannot call? Do we limit it to those that drop items needed for the meta achievements? Rares that drop mounts? What about those who need one random rare that gives nothing but counts towards their rare kills for the meta achievement?

What about someone who wants a random rare just for the battle pet? Some people might not view that as important, but to those who want the pet it is. Who gets to decide which rare is and is not important and why some people want to know information on spawns and kills?

We have the issue that those who want the addons are on the forums in more numbers than those who don’t, but than those who don’t want the addons are saying it does not take the whole community into account and because people are being silenced it shows that people don’t want the addons.

But on the flip side how else are we supposed to know how many people actually want the addon? The only way is to post here on the forums, any other form of identifying those for these addons are dismissed so it’s not even a fair argument to begin with. Just because Blizzard take a handful of reports and throw out a silence does not mean there are more who don’t want the addon.

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You’re overcomplicating the issue. Besides not knowing how many people required to silence a player, other than your completely made up number of 5, it doesn’t matter. If enough people in a chat group don’t want to see your addon mess then they will report it.

Similarly there is no confusion as to who wants the add-ons, other than people like you creating ridiculous arguments; the people who want to add-on will download and use the add-on.

As to where the chat output of that add-on’s information should be: in party chat.

There is no realistic scenario where you are just sitting in the hub, watching general chat spam for coordinates of a rare, when you aren’t in a group looking for rares or running such an add-on yourself.

This entire ordeal is something you’ve completely whipped up into a frenzy. Were you silenced? If you haven’t been silenced and your entire argument rests on pushing this noise into other people’s conversation for their benefit, then you should probably ask yourself if this is something you want to spend so much time and headspace on. No one seems to be asking you to champion this for them and there are fewer than five likes on each of yours posts if 5 is the magic number you’d like to revolve this argument around.

Well it does matter and of course you are going to think I made it up. And of course Blizzard are never going to tell us how it exactly works. I can only work on what information I can find by googling it and reading the forums here, not my fault you don’t believe me.

Except I do this all the time, I sit in the main base or close to an area where there are rares I want while watching general chat and, you know, having a chat with people.

No one seems to be asking you either to try and stop the addons now are they? And there are 2 total likes across all your posts here, what is your point?

Whether I use these addons or not, whether I have been silenced or not, or even if people posting about rares are even using addons, I can see the benefit of these messages for some people and find it extremely stupid that people are getting banned for doing the whole community thing and trying to assist other people.

Even if we are going to agree as a community to start policing these announcements how are we going to go about that? Let’s say Arachnoid spawned in the alternate timeline, do I make one announcement and that is it, leave it at that? Or since there are like 3 people in the area at any given time do I make further calls to allow those to make the item needed and make their way over? What about someone who just zoned in after the announcement was made, is it fair that they don’t get to be advised that there is a rare up that drops a mount and the chance to go over and kill it?

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Because all people seem to care about is flooding the chat with other nonsense instead of communicating about things within the game or focus more on the chat instead of the game.

Report it if you find the information spam. It certainly doesn’t bolster your argument to center it around the channel being full of spam so therefore your spam should be allowed.

The hilarious part about this is that five independent reports are actually quite a bit. But by the numbers it seems small…or I should say manageable. The main reason I wasn’t reporting these add-ons was because I don’t use the general chat often enough to pay attention and I wouldn’t have thought my report would effect any change. But given the attitude on these forums in regards to the players using them and the fact that apparently five is enough, I’ll be reporting them all day every day :slight_smile: nice PSA.

Except, it isn’t spam. If one person is using the addon, and they said a rare is up, and then as soon as the rare dies, it gets said in the general, it isn’t spam. The most messages using rareshare I have seen of the one rare in general is a total of 3 messages saying “[Rare Name] has been killed,” by 3 different people.

But yet, for example, if you’re on the Thrall Server, and have General Open, you got people talking a lot of nonsense, even inside a raid instance.

But people reporting others for using addons that let others know of a rare really goes to show that they care more about the chat than playing the game.


You know what I think it is.

It’s probably that like one or two people got silenced by accident because someone decided to mass report or something like that and they thought it was because of the addon spam.

So then someone reports it on the forum and then the hysteria starts while literally 99% of the playerbase doesn’t care or hasn’t be silenced for it.

It’s funny reading the people actually trying to defend that announcing rares is spam though. It’s like the funniest contrarianism ever lol

What people are explaining to the radically obtuse is that chat, any chat, that people in a chat session find annoying can be reported as “spam.” If enough reports of a behavior are considered “spam” by the community then Blizzard is not going to overrule those complaints.

10 people chatting. 7 people posting things the other 3 find annoying. A socially adjusted person would simply move their chat to another channel whereas a socially maladjusted person will argue the three people should just let them stay and annoy the group–because they don’t understand the “group” are all 10 people and not just the 7 they are hanging out with. There is a space for the 7 people to hang out in, where the other 3 don’t get any say in the matter, and that’s the party chat.

Why these socially maladjusted people refuse to use the party chat instead of arguing they should be allowed to run roughshod over any other player’s experience, whether it be one player or 100, is fodder for someone’s dissertation.

The 7:3 ratio is simply a heuristic device. Use any numbers that make sense to you and then evaluate the conclusions it points you toward. The numbers you use will also help you place yourself on the continuum within which the two categories I described are located.


Ok, now I get it. What your saying is just chatting in general alone, people can false flag anything they don’t like as spam, just as people here in GD can mass flag any thread that they don’t like on the forums.

Got it. People like to abuse anything and get away without any consequences.

There is a massive difference between one person that announces a rare and it’s Coords and 20 ppl that do it, the problem is def not that one person with the add on… IT IS ANNOYING AF when you’re in either zone and 14 ppl say Rustfeather - 8% because that’s when they tagged him… you didn’t help anyone with that add on but yourself and you obviously do not know how to control the add on to toggle settings… how much harder would it be to TAG THE WORLD BOSS AND TYPE IT YOURSELF!!! LMAO LOL HEHEHEHEHEHEHE CRAAZZZZZY IDEA!

Clogging up gen chat with world boss call out addons is also abusing the system, you get that? probably not. small brainzzzzzz

You know what trying to be helpful gets you? Griped at. I downloaded Silverdragon and set it to announce in general with coordinates but forgot to turn it off when I was running around the regular zones yesterday. Now because of one person it’s off for good and I’ll no longer be helping anyone else out when rares pop up in the new zones either.

Gen chat is for anything, you can separate your channels boss and not see Gen chat while raiding, ez fix… having 3 people unnecessarily call out when a rare dies is only necessary if when it is alive it is called out at a time where players have enough time to get to it… this is not the case the majority of time and we’re so deep into these zones that you are announcing unnecessary information.

And where does it say that using an addon to post in general is abusing the system?

And second of all, really want to start with harrasment and name calling?

Yes, including the use of an addon to point out when rares are up or have been killed. But you know what the difference between spamming and flooding is?

I agree. But instead of flagging these people for spam, why not suggest an idea to the developer about finding a way to limit the amount of messages by several people using the addon?

Announcing when a rare is up to when the rare dies isn’t unnecessary information.