I don’t know if it is hilarious or sad that the same four people have an agenda to pretend that RCR is a problem.
Oh no, an addon that 100k people use had 4 people silenced for using it because it was spamming chat. RCR ABUSE! ABUSE!!!
I don’t know if it is hilarious or sad that the same four people have an agenda to pretend that RCR is a problem.
Oh no, an addon that 100k people use had 4 people silenced for using it because it was spamming chat. RCR ABUSE! ABUSE!!!
This is a retail problem. There is an achievement for killing every rare. Players want to minimize their playtime so they don’t want to camp spawn points. As such, they use add-ons to announce when a rare has spawned and when it dies.
Multiple people are using the add-ons so the zone announcements are spammed and irritating other players. So they are getting RCR reported for spamming and subsequently muted.
If you are using an add-on that automatically spams announcements into general chat, then you are as annoying as gold sellers. In other words, the intended target for RCR.
It was a great addon for the first two or three weeks but the spam is pretty bad when trying to do it now since it seems everyone and their mom is using the addon.
We probably won’t have a need for an addon like this in Classic. Rare spawns are rare, there’s no tagging system outside of groups and most rares you wouldn’t want to announce to the world anyhow.
“World boss up, come help!”
“World boss dead, sorry, folks!”
“Well. Fudge-adoodle.”
-Silenced for bypassing censors.-
It sounds like people are spam whispering other players and people are reporting them because they don’t want to deal with that. Its really irrelevant that “An addon is doing it!!!” because you download and activate the addon knowing what its going to do.
System works.
I mean, hey, I’m going to be RCRing every single guild that uses SGI, advertises in the wrong channels on an RP server (as per the RP server rules), etc.
I encourage others to do the same, because recruiting in Trade and General while not doing things IC is against the ToS on an RP server. PVE, raiding, uber hardcore, RPing, and all things casual guild who doesn’t have an IC recruitment message? Enjoy your legitimate silences for breaking server rules.
I fight fire with fire.
Nope. It simply calls out rares in the zone chat. Been around since MOP.
Also pretty annoying. So yeah, system still works.
And this ladies and gentlemen is how low retail has sunk. Helping other players is now “pretty annoying”.
If I’m in a zone, god-forbid if someone gets me to play Retail again or I lost 20-30% of my brain matter and wanted to be on something droolingly easy, I’d probably want to know where rare drops were and when I should and shouldn’t waste my time AKA - point of these zones.
Nazjatar and Timeless-I mean Mechagon Isles-Err I mean Mechagon are just whack-a-mole after everything’s said and done. You need to know when to whack.
I mean, we’ve had this add on for FOUR expansions but now that word is out how easily RCR is abused more and more people are abusing it.
I can’t say that this bothers me. Addon devs can take chat spam into consideration. Even if it diminishes the effectiveness of the intent. The considerations should still be investigated.
This addon could report to a channel and anyone with the addon would see the notifications. Leaving all the people without the addon without the spam.
RCR would never happen in this case.
It is. If only there was some kind of system where players could easily report spammers and have action taken against them.
Excuse my ignorance, but what is RCR?
How does it feel knowing the system won’t be changed and that every post you make is an exercise in futility?
Has it actually resulted in something? I want actual proof, not a single forum post because neither Google or Youtube have anything about people being silenced for using Rare Share. Even the forum post you originally linked is just “many reports” which is Internet for “I pulled this out of nowhere.”
You did not Google anything. Google display droves and droves of results about RCR abuse. We’ve covered this ad nauseum in a dozen other threads. You can read those. Not sending this thread on an off topic tangent which is the common tactic of those who support RCR abuse.
Won’t be an issue? Vanilla is full of rare spawns on long timers. Even without achievements, people will want to track certain rares and group for the kill.
Choices have consequences. Cited material had a person that made a choice to use a particular add-on. Result from viewed “spam” of add-on was being reported by other players. Their choice, resulted in consequences. He/She/Non-Binary isn’t a victim.
Asking for actual proof of what you’re claiming is off-topic, mmm okay.
Googling shows plenty of forum and Reddit threads claiming the system is abused. None of them have any actual proof, just people claiming the sky is falling. Most of them are in General Discussion, which makes your claim that GD wasn’t dealing with this beforehand suspect. Most of them are also back at the beginning of the year so I’m guessing it was the topic du jour for GD back in February. I have found nothing other than this thread and the one you linked relating specifically to Rare Share.
You should probably just get over your account being silenced once and stop making crap up.