Rank 2 to 1 Dishonorable Kill

I was a Rank 2 and i got a dishonorable kill earlier today, i went to Rank 1

I did this week 4896 honor, i wanted to reach Rank 3!

I will probably dont reach Rank 3 this week? How does this work? Thanks you

Nope .you have been dishonorably discharged from the Alliance military your character will never be able to gain rank again ever.


ouch, sorry for your loss but dont hit the lowbies!

what a helpful answer!

I have heard you need about ~13,000 total honor for rank 3. Not sure if that is true or not though.

it was a horde NPC on our way to RFK !

Sucks that it doesn’t take much to ruin a whole week

what?!? you can get a dishonor kill from killing npc?!?!? thats super lame

that’s the only thing you get dishonorable kills from. you do not get them from killing low level players.

So, i’ll reach again Rank 2 ? Then i’ll grind honor again and reach lvl3 next week? haha it sucks

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well this is even more lame, you should get a dishonorable kill from killing anyone -10 levels from you.


That’s the only thing you get dishonor from. People have been misunderstanding this since the PvP patch originally launched. It had nothing to do with preventing ganking low level players. It was put in place to stop the 24/7 occupation of enemy faction questing hubs.

You’d fly out to the Barrens to do some questing and chat log flooding with “The Crossroads is under attack!”. You land and the quest NPCs are all dead, and then die again before you can even talk to them. The guards are all dead, and you can’t do anything there. This is what dishonorable kills was put in place to stop.

There is no set amount of honor you need to get rank 3. It’s always based on the total number of all players across the board. I guess only a certain percentage can get promoted each week. 5k might have been enough week 1 when most players weren’t even participating in pvp because they were leveling, but now it’s probably much higher… someone above said 14k and that sounds more likely than 5k.

Uh, no. You get it for killing “civilians”. Non combatants. Killing the weak is okay.

Usually its for killing non hostile quest npcs.

You obviously are uninformed of the massive changes to the ranking system made months ago

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I just want to know what will happens today, i’ll reach rank 2 again, then i need to grind the right amount of honor to reach rank 3 probably next week or next one ?

Dk’s remove 2% of your rank bar instantaneously each. Getting 1 doesnt do that much.

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Honor is no longer based on how others on the server are doing. The “ranking” system is entirely personal based. These changes are highlighted here, and decay removal is highlighted here.

my level 11 priest was rank 2 last week just doing 2 warsong battle grounds (I had over 3,400 kills) it was one of those 4 hour warsong matches since it was 1 to 1 when the timer went off - lol

To go from 0 to 3 in one week it’s 11,250 honor