Random Dungeon Finder

Ah, so you’re incapable of reading my replies and using simple deductive reasoning skills to extrapolate information from a quarterly report. I apologize but I’m no longer interested in this discussion if you are unable to read my replies.

To be fair the other thread that he has been in where I was skimming through and now this is pure entertainment at this point.

Dude all about anti-bad argument as he stated in that other thread and yet his arguments there and here got turned into a crater.


it will happen. but you won’t be in one.

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If you go back and read Rob Pardo’s 2009 interview when they added RDF, that’s pretty much what he said. Guilds and your friends are the real WoW community, and RDF doesn’t impact that. There is no such thing as a ‘server community’ in Classic. Especially on megaservers where everyone is a stranger.

The fact is RDF allows you to group with more people, interact with more people, experience more content. How is that bad? How is that antisocial? Like there’s no value in short-term social interactions? You don’t need to make lifelong friends with everyone you run a dungeon with. And clearly that doesn’t happen without RDF. But there’s nothing to stop it with RDF either, since you can invite anyone and everyone on your own server anyway.

Blizzard’s supposed reason for removing RDF are clearly lies. That’s obvious. And forum posters against RDF are just, well…trolls. That’s where we’re at.


The funny part about this is that the dev team know full well how crap the new tool is on mega servers yet they … keep funneling us onto mega servers.

It amazes me how utterly out of touch with their playerbase they really are.


They’re not out of touch. Their playerbase are bots and whales, and they know exactly what they want. And that’s how they ‘design’ Classic.

People like me…Blizz couldn’t care less about. Someone who just wants to experience the game as it was? I mean nothing to them. Someone who doesn’t want to buy gold and buy gear in GDKPs? What value am I? I’m just a $15. Some whale spends WAY more than I do. That’s the player they’re after. RDF ties into that. When you really think about why they’re removing a feature that increases accessibility and makes it easier to gear up alts and for new players. They don’t want that. They want you buying gold and going into GDKPs. And their Mythics dungeons are just fodder for their resumes. “Hey boss, see the cool stuff we can do! Now please take us off this Classic project and put us to work on the real game.”

Cata is going to be even worse. They will go off the deepend with changes and their ‘vision’ of how the game should have been.


Thank lord Cataclysm had little hope to begin with, their changes have definitely not done anything to make me want to play through that heap of crap again :stuck_out_tongue:

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You never responded to my question.

Do you think cross server BFD group is bad for the game in any way??


here you are talking about heaps of crap again. yet still forking over that cash every month. 3k posts about a games that’s straight trash why you still here ?

It doesnt mean that Wrath classic has millions of players like you claimed. And you do know that you get to play Wrath Classic from buying DF gametime right? Its all included with each other.


You literally did, you said that Wrath Classic had millions of players and used the quarterly update to “prove” it which didnt talk about Wrath Classic… AT ALL.

This would have to be from character services. Game time is DF gametime where you get access to Wrath Classic as well.

Then your logic and reason are flawed, and you are also trying to change what you were trying to say from “millions of players” to making millions of dollars.

Also, quit trying to say everyone else is illiterate when you have poor communication skills.

Its just bad period. You would think if Wrath Classic was bringing in all this money that Blizzard would be spending more time in actually making it an accurate representation of Wrath to a certain point along with fixing their junk systems.


Why would I do that when dungeons are clearly my side hustle?

I’m in a raiding guild that I enjoy hanging out with, why on earth would I leave that for a guild that does only 5 mans?

Where have I said this again?

Hell, I’ve said, repeatedly, that I’d play it more if it felt like it respected my time for doing 5 mans. And it’s a crying shame it’s alienating a bunch of folks I could have fun with.


It might have millions of bots. Whether they should be considered ‘players’ is another question.


That’s not what I claimed. I claimed it MAKES millions. Again, this is a reading comprehension issue on your part.

And the quarterly reports absolutely proves that – you just don’t know how to read it properly.

Yet you still refuse to give us the break down of exactly how much classic made.


This explains why I had some guy angry at me when I had to tell him I’m not a tank after getting invited to a group yesterday!

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That branch has retail. these count to 1 budget. 2 (well 3 with era) games, 1 sub. Linked even. Buy the Ukraine pack…get the retail and classic pet. Not playing retail it doesn’t matter. ion gets a piece of that for his reports too. He’s the dog pet.

retail has…

unlimited boosts (classic is turning away money here imo)
no restriction transfers (gold may ahve some stuck on servers)
no restriction faction cchange (gold stuck again issues)
store with items

Classic turns away money with this stuff. The kicker is retail gives unlimited boosts in game that doesn’t need them. 2 weeks of even casual play and you are capped and into gear grind really. 2 weeks of wrath casual play…and that new human may be jsut leaving westfall lol.


No it wont ever happen, no matter how hard your kind cry for it

You claimed it had millions of players. But lets just for argument say that you did say wrath classic is making millions of dollars… its still not backed up by the article or the actual quarterly earnings report. You are wrong either way.

Really? Enlighten us on where you found Wrath Classic makes x millions of dollars in the report. Because I did a search and it doesnt say. And you can quit with your bs and insulting everyone because you are floundering.


It might. I really dont know whats going on with the system. It will list you as whatever you choose within the system until you get invited and then it will change… I dont know why, but 99% of the time it changes my role. I list as dps, my talent tree is set to damage, there is absolutely no reason it should be changing my role.

There are 3 branches of this company, Activision, Blizzard, and King. The report just showed which each of these branches brought it. It said nothing about how much each game brought in.

Classic doesnt really have the means to bring in much money. It just doesnt. Saying it brings in millions of dollars, isnt really that much considering Activision Blizzard works in the billions.

Blizzard games also had the lowest interaction in the 2nd quarter at 26m monthly active users. Thats across all of the Blizzard games. Its almost 25% of the Activision monthly active users and then King monthly active users blew them both out of the water at 238 monthly active users.

They dont break things down from game to game. They just say to their investors “we made a profit and this is how much” and then leave it at that. Thats all the investors care about.