Random Dungeon Finder

Hello all,

With ICC approaching, I can’t help but to wonder if RDF will in fact be incorporated within the game? I believe that Discord & other social applications such as that would have a chance to “hinder” the “classic social experience” as well. Not everyone plays on Benediction, sometimes it deems difficult to get into leveling groups on other realms. I know I am partially preaching to the choir here, but I am curious to get everyone’s point of view on this topic since it is interesting. Some anti-RDF comments would be interesting to read, I’d like to see more perspectives on this issue!

To sum it up: Will RDF be added to Wrath Classic? Are you a fan of it, or not a fan of it?

Best regards


Rumor is they are scrapping RDF entirely for DN instead.


Nope, this was reversed by Nanya.

I see what you did there.

I can only assume RDF isn’t possible because the technology just isn’t here yet.


:dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

They’d tell us something like this though and reassure us they tried everything they could’ve.


i’d like to see the game break away from the LFG/LFR and go into a more social direction in its legacy servers.

we know where LFG/LFR goes and LFR has been a constant problem since its release, with minimal innovation in the last decade.

I’d like to see it go more guild-centric and work on building strong communities again.


No I think there are more than capable of it I just think they’re lazy Or for some stupid reason They’re really sticking to their guns and Not going to put it in till ICC why I have no idea.


please just see the other threads that have beat this fossilized skeleton of a horse.

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OK, but they probably should’ve started this process already then.


Why hasnt this social thing happened then? All that is happening is people arent doing the content, or are doing it at a much lower rate and the communication and social aspect doesnt exist.

Its not the fault of a tool existing, its the playerbase. Personally i would rather do the content.


The moment RDF gets added is the moment I start putting significant time in classic play. Until then, I couldn’t care less about playing it unfortunately. I only want to do dungeons (and ICC once it hits); I have no interest in leveling via quests again for the 10000000000 time over the last 20 years.


they’re not allowed to fix the playerbase. Greg tried to address the skillgap in cataclysm.

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Blizz doesn’t give a damn about rdf. They care about GDKPs, because that drives gold buying and that’s why Classic exists at this point: to milk the whales and a haven for bots.


Anybody who claims to be a whale in WoW is wrong lmao. You can’t whale effectively in this game, it’s not built to support it. They deserve more ire and distain than your usual P2W whale.

Yeah ok. You buy gold. You buy gear through GDKPs with that gold. Some people like pay2win. They just can’t be honest about it.

I said ‘some people’. Really it’s the majority of what’s left playing Classic.

I get that this happens but buying gold is hardly a guarantee for a drop to, well drop. Can buy 1 million gold but that does nothing for drop rates GDKP or otherwise.

The game is also not designed by any model to be Pay2Win at all. Nothing is locked behind extraneous pay walls and there are no extra required purchases outside of the game and a sub.

Those are the reasons why I laugh at people who RMT or whale in this game. There is no point, it’s entirely a waste.

I am Whale in plenty of other games but the idea of being one in WoW is hilarious to me, and overall just sad.

Nobody is going to be more social because nothing you do in dungeons matters in the long run and nobody cares about 90% of other players on their server.
People are social within their guilds and friend circles, more often than not not even in game but outside of it.

If you didn’t notice, grinding dungeons for sidereals on your nth alt or doing the daily aren’t “adventures” anymore, they’re chores. People want to log in, zip through the dungeon(s) and do something else, or just log out and play some other game. Similar dynamic happens with raids, you log in, spend like 1.5h doing your 25m togc+ulduar skips, check logs to see if you improved and do some basic analytics and you’re done (unless you have alt runs or 10m’s with your guild/friends/static too).

This is why despite the super social group finder and utmost respect for the pillars of the community nobody talks in the dungeons, most people prefer skips and nobody bothers with lower level dungeons.
It’s a hassle, a chore at this point for most players because there’s no “new” players coming in, only alts and people who did this content at least once already.


Basically. a coworker also a d4 refugee says POE is getting a new event soon.

I have eyed it. they hunt whales better. Would you like some tabs? OKay…

game is free. I pay for tabs. tabs come out to cost of a game really. Break even there as I see it. Devs getting paid I have no issues with. Its just I liked to see something worth the money is all.

If I go POE…Captain Ahab could win that fight.

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Discord has already killed any sort of “social interaction” in the game already.