Random Dungeon Finder

i found a typo in your post. you say it ‘won’t’ happen, but actually yes.

Wrong again. So far, you have made-up arguments for me, failed to read almost all of my replies and sources, and can’t even keep up with your own arguments. I’m sorry to say, but you are unprepared to have this discussion with me. Therefore, I will not be responding until you demonstrate you can keep up with what is being said.

It could try.

If by chance tomorrow on patch maintenance/reset day the servers came up and behold…the boost button was there!

I’d see that make some money. I’d be good for at least one boost buy. Quite a few at this point would be at least one really.

If they were baiting 2 account subs for 2 DE packages…that well ahs to have dried up by now.

I mean all you have to do is provide exact numbers for how much each game is bring in but you refuse to do so.


A year in and you’re still feeding this troll. That’s persistence.


He still has yet to respond to my question on if he thinks a cross server group doing BFD is bad for the game??

He claims to be unbiased in the RDF debate but he is so far anti RDF.


That’s just how he works, really. He refuses to address any argument unless he can pick apart one tiny detail that’s only tangentially related to the point being made, and then acts like he’s never faced any good arguments ever


Players on other servers have cooties.

I never saw that stance. Other servers have toxic players! Bad players too.

I see their server. and I go okay, I can think of 3 bgs recently the rage lord of the chat award went to a person from their server lol.

what I do personally is mentally tune them out.

5 lines of rage spew ignored. see the line from another playe about efc in WSG in tunnel…and hit the tunnel.

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I think people should just report you for insulting others until you learn your lesson.

But guess what that report doesny say? How much each game brings in. It doesnt say it. It does however say that interaction with Blizzard games has dropped by 1m interactions and that is with the launch of D4 that makes up 10m interactions of the 26m interactions for that quarter.

Remember what my argument was? That Wrath Classic was failing due to people quitting? Your link proves that people are interacting less.


It wouldnt do much because late game is where its at in Wrath and its a nightmare compared to Wrath Proper. Wrath doesnt actually have the ability to bring in money month after month. Millions isnt much per month when we are talking about a company that brings in billions across the board. Its on the same level as someone who has 500 dollars in their pocket and they find a penny.

If we assumed that all wrath players paid for a sub the US would provide 9m a quarter. But thats not how the sub works so the only things you can actually use for Wrath Classic income is character services and tokens. That actually providing millions per quarter just isnt happening.


Why can’t you tell us what’s wrong with RDF? Why do you dodge questions and every fact and statement that contradicts your existence?


His fragile ego can’t handle it.


The lastest survey (from what I have heard) is asking if $60 for a boost is reasonable. That is why RDF is going to left out. All the ding bats that will pay that much for a boost.

I have no doubts cata will have boosts and I bet Wrath gets it, as well.

This is how 10% of a player base ruins it for the other 90%. That is a boost to level 80, now. Still doesn’t help with the gear, aspect tho.


I’m sitting over waiting on his answer to a question that was asked by drinknblink about cross realm and RDF being detrimental to the game.

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60 for a boost isnt reasonable at all.

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He completely dodged the question.

He even responded and asked what detrimental meant.


The only thing social about the format used for finding raids and dungeons now is all the people using the channel to BS rather than find groups…i guess it makes the argument that LFR took the social aspect out of the game a crock.


Am shocked, shock… oh hell no, no one is shocked.

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Yeah /4 just became the new chat channel.

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Not so much ding bats lol. I just wnat a s. priest to have another rdps option. Given some current issues with leveling…even $60 would not be all that bad.

Lacking RDF there is not much to break up quest/mob grind monotony. IF lfg is slow…its slow.

We get CTA weekends but that can be…painful. Sunday in WSG I had a solid hour of getting twinked hard. the only upside was the twinks wanted fast matches.

About 1 to 2 minutes in the we were pinned to gy and getting farmed.

But…they were running the flags back to back so I only had to cancel rez’s a few times. About the only thing to do when the gy camp is that bad. I’d have left, but at level 62 for the DK it was 22K XP.

Not how I wanted to make about 22K xp a match. But it was XP none the less. 22k for 5 minutes not a bad rate for a non AV weekend.

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