RaiderIO should be banned

The problem is what would it be, a voting system and someone might not like the way you do things and downvote you. I’d rather see things like average # of interrupts per instance, average duration standing in bad stuff, average # of CC used in a dungeon, average # of cleanses, etc. Not necessarily to know who to take, but more of know what to expect.

Yeah, but so much of that is also based on your group.

For example, I am a shaman. I will interrupt more than you. Grouping with me will hurt your interrupt score. Now you’d have to couple it with things that may not be counted as “interrupts” in things like Details! but still interrupt casting. Stuns for example. Or knockbacks.

Its so hard to quantify the extra things in such a way that will actually give a rating that matters.

And so often I see people using their interrupts on things that don’t matter, just to have their interrupt down when its needed. (looking at you Underrot)

I actually interrupt as much as possible and I try and cleanse so the healer doesn’t have to waste their mana on it. I also heal myself and others when my HotP is up to reduce the healer mana usage. But, things like Hand of the Protector go against the ideal Prot Pally build, so people have issue with that, but since I pug, I’ve learned be a versatile player makes up for the optimal builds. Of course, there’s plenty of people who believe I’m wrong on that, but it’s my own experience since I’ve been a pugger for many years.

And I get that.

I was only referencing that some specs can interrupt a ton. Say shammies for example. And prot pallies.

And those people interrupting all the time could decrease interrupts from other classes. Now throw in some classes actually get a benefit from interrupting. If I run with a DH I tend to hold off and let them interrupt as much as possible, as they gain resource from each.

Theres just so many things at play that judging a person by their average interrupt/dungeon wouldn’t really be info that helps.

What do you expect with the current culture of Mythic+ Stream-AHOY!! Go-Go-Go Fasterer Whizz Bang RPG? No Thanks Bash Bash Timers Zergfest?

Strange the way it all started with ICC and LFG and halfway to LFR isn’t it? It’s gradually become worse over the years and will continue to do so until enough people speak up and say they also want slower paced options available for those who like an old style MMORPG.

You can’t have it both ways. RaiderIO and Gearscore are partners to Mythic+.

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Sounds like someone has a low IO score, just get better and stop being bad at the game lol!

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TBH, the problem isn’t RaiderIO itself, it’s that some players misuse, over use, or in extreme cases, abuse it. It’s a problem that will exist as long as there is a way to put a “score” on your character. Only solution is for those players that are in the categories I mentioned above to either A: not use it or B: educate themselves on how and when to use it.

Basically what I’m getting at is, add-ons aren’t toxic, it’s the players that use them that can be toxic.

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I recommend reading this: Raider IO 101

I learned a few things that the addon provided that address some of your issues.

My Raider IO would be terrible. I once spent 2 hours in a 4+ Motherlode because the healer DC’d before the 2nd boss and the others were under geared, but I was able to help them get through it and rez them after they died.

M+ is all about speed, efficiency and skill. The whole point IS to beat the timer. Not exactly rocket science.

This ^ Trying to explain this will make them tell you “u dnt undrstnd how it wrks” or something parroted.

unpopular opinion. i think it should be added to the game…
if anything. it helps pug groups.
I want a person who did all dungeons at 15. it shows they earned it. instead they could have bought a carry through the few they needed and we will be stuck with a inflated score.
You ofcorse dont have to do it. if you want to only run those dungeons thats fine… but if you are quing for a dungeon you had zero prior clears on… expect a decline.

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I have a love/hate relationship with IO, but the love outbalances the hate.

I like it because it’s a reliable tool to see if people have some experience, I usually only invite people who have 1000+ to keys over 10.

I don’t like it because even though my IO score is 1500, I still get declined for +10 keys…like what I don’t even.

Those are guilds. What you want is a guild

This raiderIO is not a test of skill so much as It is a measurement of social connections and available free play time. It’s narrows to available pool of candidates to those who share the same focus on the improvement of that specific number. In other words it brings together those of the same mindset.

Those of the same mindset will always function well together. Example: If you put together a all super casual group you have a high probability of it functioning quite well due to the similarity in mind sets.

It would be interesting if a score was developed to categorize people by mindsets and match up groups that way.

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Unfortunately for you, the parroted reply here is the correct one.

In solution A the person does not use io. That’s fine, except they will still have an io score that everyone else can see. If they don’t have a decent io, then they can expect to not group into higher keys. The first thing you see is the score, and that’s what determines whether people should look more closely into a character or not. I have a 400 io score on my Shaman, so it’s not like I regularly get invited to +8-10 keys. That’s fine. I don’t have the experience for that on my shaman like I do on my monk.

In solution B they educate themselves on how the io works, and they make it work for them. They run each dungeon a couple of times to get a baseline io score so that they can be invited into the level range that they prefer.

In the end, person B is gonna have a more fun time because while they still may get denied, it’s less likely to happen. They’ve shown they have the experience across the dungeon list, and now they have the chance to prove their skillset.

You’re trying to argue against an addon’s existence when you just admitted yourself that it’s not the addon’s problem; it’s some of the people who use it that are the problem. Whether we have an addon or not, people are still gonna be Richards about it.


Option C. They run keys with their guild and stop complaining about the pug world

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This won’t ever happen, so why not just join a guild and run dungeons with them? Stop complaining about how unfair things are and start improving yourself or you’ll NEVER make it in life (game and IRL).

Joining a guild is an option, not a requirement. You’re more likely to be invited to a guild if you’re good, sure, but it’s definitely not a hard requirement. I pug groups all day and I have no issues getting into groups, though I also have logs under my name.

So is running keys.