RaiderIO should be banned

Ok. Lets break this down.

You are saying that raiderIO is getting abused because people are judging a person being good or bad based on their score, and implying all good people get carries. And then gives up, losing your key?

I want to make sure I have your fictional story right, that apparently is your cornerstone argument for how rIO is “abused”.

Because rIO is more than your total score.

It shows your specific dungeon history.

It shows how often you time keys in specific ranges.

It shows what role you participate in.

People who only look at rIOs total score, are uninformed and using it wrong.

Its quite common in society for a person who does not know what he is doing to blame the tool, instead of look at himself.

So you have no arguments to back up your claims, i ask you again based on that example, why should i invite you? enlighten me.

So, raiderio is literally just a different way of displaying data from the armory

(Disclosure: this is my score from some time in the past, but this expansion. I don’t remember when I took the screenshot. but it’s me so I’m not calling anyone out)

What information here, specifically, do you object to? What do you think people shouldn’t be able to see about players they’re considering inviting to their dungeon group?

yes, it shows a score that is derived in a manner explained earlier in this thread.
It also shows a count for exactly how many dungeons have been timed, the best run for the specific dungeon in the queue, and some raid history.

what about that is a problem to you?

one possible objection I can think of is the in-game tooltip doesn’t show the number of untimed runs. You do have to go to the website and look at the history for a dungeon to see that.

other than that… what? Incomplete runs aren’t tracked by the game, so no system will track those.


He wants raiderio gone so people need to look up on the armory/wowprogress, which is annoying compared to just seeing raiderio ingame, then people will invite him just because they are too lazy to look him up, its flawless strat.


Raider IO hate threads should be banned.

You want to hide your inexperience to get carried. That’s all it is.


RaiderIO does feel like something that will eventually just be baked into the game. Like I said, I see it as more like arena and RGB rating than something like… item level.

If your PvP rating is low, you probably won’t get into the higher rating groups. It’s the same premise for IO and M+.

People are going to defend Raiderio all day and there’s no much that can be done about that.

I just wish there was help available for those who do want to break into M+, but don’t immediately have the best scores. Instead the community seems to gleefully exclude and ridicule those folks.

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Sadly there are too many bads who play this game that make pugging high keys a nightmare, i myself do not have a good io score and am stuck pugging 9s with bads i can never get into a 10 unless its my own.
I do more than enough dps i know the mechanics i understand what sanguine is and how a illtimed stun can be bad, but how the is the group leader to know any of that. He sees my io and my gear and says nope this paladin who will do 15%less dps and stun at the wrong time is better because he has a done a few 12s.

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There is a ton of help.

But the people who dislike rIO aren’t willing to accept what is needed to “break into” m+.

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Exactly, we’re all aware that these numbers are meaningless. It just makes it so much easier for us to look at your M+ history without using the armory, it’s all available to us as a tooltip in the game. We make decisions based on your previous experience, not purely based on the overall io score.

You’ve changed your mog. Looks nice.

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Nope. RaiderIO makes it way easier for me to keep the bads out.

Raider IO should be a replaced with an official Blizzard version of it that can function much better than Raider IO can as a third party addon. Features that Raider IO isn’t able to be tracked could be tracked if an official in-game version of it was implemented, such as punishments for leaving keys before the timer runs out, and rewards for seeing keys through even if they don’t time.

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I use both my resto, enhance, and ele set regularly. And I change each of their mogs individually regularly. And I am always logging out on a different spec. This is the first time in a while I used a mog set up not based around the laughing skull masks.

Keeps things fresh.

But there would have to be a way to mark why you left a key early. Some keys you need to, and shouldn’t be punished for.

Just saying its not that simple, and rIO gives you a ton of information already.

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Well either way there needs to be punishments for leaving keys early. I think not losing points by marking something would be abused and everyone would mark themselves as having left for a valid reason so they don’t lose points.

You don’t lose points in rIO for anything to begin with. And you shouldn’t.

rIO is about showing your experience. You don’t lose experience because you left a group early (for valid or invalid reasons).

I disagree. A M+ scoring system should punish and reward certain behaviors to discourage bad behaviors and encourage good ones. It should not be solely about experience - Knowing you have good-mannered party members for a key is important, at least to me. Punishing bad behaviors and encouraging good ones would lead to more good-mannered party members, because being a jerk would get you punished.

And in a perfect world, that would be great.

My point is its better to err on the side of caution and no one has described a system one could actually implement that wouldn’t be hurting people not guilty of the actions you are trying to police.

Its better to leave rIO as a gauge of experience rather than come up with a system that will mistakenly penalize people who aren’t participating in bad behaviors.

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At this point I just want the option to stick my name on a “looking for any key” list and go and quest. Ya pick me…awesome. You don’t…well at least I got junk done and didn’t have to sit in town and refresh a list over and over again.

Could you raiderio worshiping nut jobs at least back me on this simple dream!

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A “LFG” add on would be great.

Can display your spec, ilvl, rIO, and you just check off what you are looking for. Specific dungeons, any dungeon, specific key ranges.

And the person looking for members would see everyone that meets their criteria.

Granted, a negative aspect would be how much easier it would be to sort by class and really only focus on meta group set ups for keys not needing it. Sometimes I think the only reason I get into some keys I pug is because the more popular specs didn’t apply fast enough.