RaiderIO should be banned

Cool, thanks for reiterating my point.

You don’t have to, and that’s not how that actually works.

Sorry you couldn’t be bothered to look at the system long enough to understand it.

That’s obvious. The problem has only gotten worse by using a third party. If you were around during release (vanilla) you would know that it was much different, and not the same corrupted mess. When you give the community a stronger way to divide it, with a third party app that uses the game’s and it’s own system; it has created exclusiveness. The elitists that use know that the average player that just plays without the petty drama, isn’t going to download it. This is where you get the exclusive crowd that looks down upon the rest of the raiding/mythic community. This was never as bad before any third party crap…same deal as DPS meters. Yeah, they have good intent, but it’s more than d-bags abusing it. It has created a segregated community and people are being denied running content say 8-11 because not of the game’s standards…but of the new standards of raiderio and it’s elitists. Now, we have to live up to the “standards” of a third party cult.

No thanks. I’ll opt out and do other stuff and even if that’s LFG or LFR…so be it. We all pay to play and have the right to the content as anyone else does, regardless of what the fuhrer IO says.

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This right here is why the game is bleeding subs. This is a video game and not a job. The community is this game is straight garbage, and then wander why no new players are playing and that the casual players are leveling then unsubscribing due to endgame being gated by others who decide who gets to play or what gear someone can achieve.

If you don’t believe this to be true, then ask yourself why is Blizzard starting to develop more and more solo content.

How many people do you think have their io scores boosted by carry runs then use that to try and get into keys. Like what percentage do you think of applications are boosted? I’m curious

Your right vanilla was different. Looking at classic I can see it wasn’t nearly as challenging in terms of content. World first ragnaros being a 1 shot with half the raid not even level 60 is a pretty good indicator of that. Compare that to nzoth.

It doesn’t matter if someone has the addon or not. I don’t think you know how raider io actually works…


What are you even talking about?

This has been the standard way to build groups since I started in BC. I’d assume it was the same in Vanilla as well. I used to pug a ton of content in Wrath and building groups was very time consuming as there weren’t many good tools for inspecting players… outside of them actually coming to you so you could see their gear.

Wow Progress, Warcraft Logs, Raider IO… they are all just extensions of that.

I seriously have no idea what you’re trying to even say here. The community is garbage because players want to play with people of similar experience? How is this different than ANY other game out there? This makes no sense.

People building groups want to have success. They put in the time and the effort to get a pug going and they want to do the best they can with the information available. If you haven’t put in the effort, then you don’t deserve to be in the group. That’s really all there is to this.

It’s the exact opposite. They have introduced more solo content… because, I know this will be shocking, people enjoy doing it. You know what has been solo content since I started playing the game? Leveling. I have always enjoyed my time doing solo content and I have always enjoyed classes that could do just that.

The fact is, lots of us have lives that don’t always line up well with group content. So having some solo content to supplement grouped content makes the game accessible to everyone. While the ‘best’ gear is still locked behind group content, I can prepare myself in solo content.

Cry me a river. This has been the game since day 1. What do you think raids are? Seriously. Are we even playing the same game? Do you think raids and guilds are ‘gating’ content for players? Do you even read what you type?

Do you think players were getting into molten core with junk gear? Of course not. They were doing their best to grind out whatever they could to be the best they could. That’s how the game has always worked.

you know what actually ruined the game. Players like you that think they need to rely on others to do the content they need. Don’t like how things are? Then make your own groups and find like minded people. Problem solved.


This has literally been a thing since vanilla. It’s not new, and has always been baked into the community. You won’t change it.

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It’s actually rather easy, all they have to do to farm the system is farm keys :smiley:

I have a 2K score. I ran every dungeon on a +6, +9, +10, then +12-15.

Why would I let ppl w/ Less Work than I did into my group?

No, you’re right. I didn’t play vanilla (well I did, but not seriously), and a lot of that was because I was 8. My parents raided on several characters and played nearly every night. Those times were a LOT different, though. An addon like this wouldn’t have done anything for you back then because there was no fundamental way of roughly gauging a player’s competency outside of just running content with them. The game was a lot simpler back then, and a lot of people forgot about that. People cleared Vanilla raids in week 1 with level 50’s. I watched those streams, just like I watched my parents do it back when WoW released. Those systems are outdated.

Here’s the thing, though. This addon doesn’t create exclusiveness. It just doesn’t. It allows you to quickly gauge who’s applying to your key so that you can determine the success of the run. These aren’t old times where you know most of the content runners on your server. We have a plethora of other servers we can run with now, and it’s unlikely you’ll ever run into that same person again.
The “elitists” that you claim are the only ones using this addon aren’t worried about the average player, you’re right. They know that the average player doesn’t usually push above a weekly 10. They know the average player doesn’t use their entire spellbook. They know the average player is probably going to be a part of the reason why their high key fails, which is why this system works.

A 460 DH pulling 80-100k each pull with 20+ interrupts is an excellent DH.
A 460 DH pulling 40-50k each pull with only a handful of interrupts across the dunegon is probably an average DH.

The first DH is more likely to push keys with their success, and meet like minded people who want to gear quickly and push their success up into higher levels. The second DH will likely get hardstuck around the 12-13 area at best. Both are the same ilvl, but the first DH will be able to push and reach higher scores because of their approximate skillset. Players looking at their rIO profile will see all of their timed runs across many dungeons, and be more likely to interact with them in higher key levels (15+). Without something like IO, nobody would ever know the difference between the 2 until they played with them. But in a game as massive as this now, where we no longer know the names of all the people we interact with on a daily basis, we shouldn’t have to play with every single other person to know whether they’re good or bad.

No, you have to live up to the standards of being expected to pull your weight accordingly in a dungeon of that level or higher. The only thing rIO does is let the group maker decide whether you have enough experience to come into their key. They still won’t know 100% that you actually have a decent skillset, but if you have a bunch of experience then it makes it look like you have more of a fighting chance than someone who’s only run the dungeon twice at a +2-4 range.

And that’s fine. Play the game how you want to play. We’ll be waiting for you.


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Correct, why would i let you into my 17 key when u have never chested a 15. IT gets more important the higher key you run because the requirements are so much higher. the damage you deal needs to be 70k overall almost getting higher.

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Your rose colored glasses are cute, but inaccurate.

“LFM [dungeon/raid name here] come to org bank roof for inspect”

that’s how we judged people in vanilla

(edit to add: I didn’t mean the cute as snarkily as it sounds. rose colored glasses are cute :confused: sry)

My rose colored glasses are non existent because I was literally 8 when I played vanilla, and watched my parents play most of the time. You would have known that if you learned how to read the first sentence of a post. :no_good_man:
But if that’s what you say it was then guess what? Now we no longer have to inspect. That’s laid out in rIO as well.

Edit: It’s fine, lol. I reacted just as snarkily, so we’re even.

That’s pretty much as rose coloured Aw glasses can get. A kid watching their parents do things.

My understanding of rose colored glasses is the idea of remembering something in the past and thinking it was better than it actually was. Is that not what it means? Because I sure don’t think that the old systems were better than they actually were. Not in today’s gaming playstyle and community, anyway.

Like what? To get into a 5 they expect you to have done every 4. And good luck because if you are a pure DPS you are still getting passed over by the guy who did 6s.

There is no help, no pity, no refuge for the players getting left out by raiderio.

I’ve got a couple of +6’s and even an 8 and a 9 under my belt on my 440 enhance shaman, yet there are 5 dungeons he hasn’t touched in keys. Sounds like you’re trying to homogenize what all groups expect, rather than understanding that some groups just pick whatever the highest io or ilvl is.

But that rarely happens in 5s.

Lets not pretend every group doing a 5 is checking your IO. We both know that isn’t true, and if one tries to push that narrative it just means they will be ignored for trying to bring up fictional scenarios.

You can pretty easily get into nearly any sub 10 group with a 0 io.


I would be surprised if most groups doing 5s knew what raider io even is tbh.
“I mean it’s got raid in its name why are people talking about it for keys?” But seriously though why is it called raider when it’s mostly used for keys lol.

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