RaiderIO should be banned

There is no reason anyone should have to run every instance at 15 just to get into a 13 group.

Some classes dont need every instance… On my DH I run 3 instances… I shouldnt have to run all 12 Instances at 15, just to get into a 13 or higher.

RaiderIO is very toxic and does nothing but show epeen status and keeps alot of people from doing higher keys even though they have the Item level, dps or heals .

RaiderIO needs to go.


I couldn’t care less about mythic+ but RaiderIO works well for people that need it, so it should stay.


Quick, make another post about your frustrations before Sunday is over!

Edit: On a real note, if you don’t already know that rIO is used to help players determine the success of their key, then you’re the reason things like rIO exist.


I would go that far but Blizzard basically has allowed a 3rd party website to control the participation level of players in the game. I don’t pay too much attention to other folks groups as I tank my own keys only but… How many players just stopped playing and moved on to greener pastures. My friends list dried up early in BFA how about you?


don’t want raider io? then i’ll use wow progress. don’t want that? then I’ll use your armory. don’t want that? Then i’ll have you come to me so I can inspect you.

It’s just a tool that displays information. Don’t like it? Run your own keys.


And without IO ppl would just open up your armory or ask you to come to them and inspect you then kick you if they dont like you. Making the grouping process longer. Also if IO wasnt around something else would be. Its a Pugging tool find a guild/community to run with.


You are in luck!

Don’t have to!


wowprogress and armory re a good thing because they they show the amount of times you have run an instance and at what level

If I say run Tol, UR and FH and those are the only ones I run my IO would be under 400.

IO is no indicaton of skill.

Its a measurement for epeen and that is all… nothing more…

again Nobady should have to run every instance (most have nothing good that drops for certain classes) just to push into a higher key of the ones that drop loot for the chosen spec they play.

There is no logic other then hey look at my score.


So does rIO.

rIO does more than your total score

You don’t seem to quite understand how rIO works, and seem to be greatly exaggerating what is needed.


This. I might use it in the future(next expansion), but tend not to jump on the bandwagon like every one else. If I get in to groups, I get in to groups. If I don’t well then I guess I’m never doing any more group content.


Again, you don’t know how IO works if you don’t realize that this is exactly what it does as well.

True. It’s just an indication of the content you’ve done, regardless of your skill. It can be manipulated. But on the website, as well as the addon, it even shows you what the best runs you’ve done are per dungeon. It doesn’t only show you their blanket score.

False. It’s a measurement of what content you’ve done.


What the other guy said you dont know how rIO works


Here you go sir -


Do you people who complain about io not have guilds or something? If you live in the pug world you play by the pug rules



the site provides this.

we all, obviously, know that. Nothing is. NOTHING. If you want to say it’s not a measure of skill then literally nothing is in this game and NO achievement or gear is either.

Such a ridiculous argument. You know what is also like that? Diplomas. Job Titles. Stuff like that. When you go see a doctor, you have no idea if they finished at the top of the class or the bottom. You have no idea of the quality of care they will provide. True for lawyers. True for mechanics.

That’s life.

What Raider IO does is it sets a baseline. That’s it. Take it for what it’s worth. If a player has cleared everything on a +15, it’s reasonable to assume they might be good enough to clear a +16 as well. It’s not always the case.

nah. That’s your opinion.

Do you think the same for ilvl? Gear? Achievements? It’s all the same. Why do you even play this game?

You don’t have to. You can push your own key. That’s why everyone who runs M+ has a key. Don’t like how people run their keys. VERY simple solution. Do your own.

There is logic to it.

It’s an efficient way to look at a bunch of players very quickly. Every player I invite or any group I join, I always look people up first. Sometimes even check their armory.

If I want to get something done, to complete it, I want to do as much as I can to insure the people I’m in group with are on the same page as me.


Here is the good news, you don’t! Host your own group using your own key. Then you can invite whomever you want, regardless of their experience in other instances.

“IO” isn’t going any where, Blizzard provides them the data feed and they even started tracking your success and displaying it on your armory page. People just need to get over it already and remember that there isn’t a “IO” score requirement for starting your own group.


Pardon me.

But isn’t raiderio not controlled by Blizzard?

It’s not, but blizz does provide all the data via their API, which they could stop. Not that I think that would be good, but they could control what data is readily available.

ahh… i see

the way this site gets consistently bagged on makes so much sense now

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