Just wanted to touch on this part for when your link is working. You will get your rewards one month at a time over the 6 months. You must have active game time on your license to be eligible to receive the rewards.
Oh I know, but I’m worried that before the link works. We will miss the deadline. Is there any guarantee that we would be able to be compensated for this mishap? Because since I already purchased this the timeline started.
No, there isn’t any form of guarantee as Blizzard is known to look into answers after something is fixed not during. All we can tell you is wait and see what they say.
No, sorry, Gundee, but that likely is not possible. They are working on the system and will hopefully figure out what is causing the issue soon, but I don’t know if there is a way to extend the ability to retroactively link accounts.
Testing some of the links I don’t seem to be getting the error and getting the option to select a qualifying WoW license.
If you haven’t, I’d try it again. You might try using a browser in Private/Incognito mode.
I just tried in an incognito window and my link finally worked, thanks!
My GF just tried the link and it worked. She was able to continue the process and buy the game and game time, but WOW is currently down via maintenance, so we won’t be able to 100% confirm if everything works by logging in, but we are both excited to see later on tonight.
Thanks, it works now! We were able to link.
Customer support also told us to come to this particular forum post for updates. They linked it in the email reply to the ticket we opened when it happened to us days ago. Just letting you know CS is telling us all to come to this forum. Hoping for a fix soon, thanks!
Works for me now
Is there any help for those of us who seemingly missed the 7 day window to link? i opened multiple tickets for the matter and was only told they hope its fixed soon. It’d be nice for some accountability from blizzard in regard to those of us who missed the window due to this bug.
Unfortunately, GMs are not able to link accounts. There are no exceptions to that, even if there are issues with the RaF system.
No, I’m sorry, Manapaws. Support has no means of retroactively linking accounts.
I’ve been told many times and i do understand but are there no channels to go through? Is there no escalation?
Thats a dev issues and probably wont be escalated.
I still believe this is still related from Vrak:
Can’t or Won’t
Cant the dev set the rules and gms have to folow.
There isn’t going to be a way to brute force your way into getting what you want on this.