RAF not working

I gave my friend my generated in game link:


They log in with it, and it goes to a page that says:

Whoops! Something’s wrong with your link.

I tried it, she tried, friends have tried it. Everyone gets the same page. Please help?


There does seems to be an error when I visit the link myself hm o.O

Edit: Centaur below this post.

Thanks, Rondell.

I saw another such report a couple of days ago but with that link I was able to test it myself and seem to experience the same thing. I also generated a link of my own and it is getting the same error.

I’ve let our teams know so they can see what might be happening. I likely won’t hear anything until tomorrow but I’ll provide an update as soon as I do.


Having the same issue. Created a link, logged in and could not create an account using my created link. I’m getting the “Whoops! Something’s wrong with your link.” error. I have directly copied it and triple checked the link and its correct. I have tried the link with multiple browsers, all the same issue. I can create a starter account without said link.

I was just about to post the same thing:


Not working. Tried it with 2 different people. They tried new browser, incognito etc etc… nada - 2 work friends want to join me but I don’t want to lose the bonus… so guess they wait until it is fixed :frowning:

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I’m also having the same issue. Just getting that link error.

Adding my voice to the chorus. Very disappointed, because what if the 7 day period lapses before the fix?

Also experiencing the same issue here. Would love to know about a resolution when it’s available.

As soon as I hear something I will be sure to pass it along. As it is, I reported it and there is a case opened to have it investigated.


I generated a recruit a friend link to invite some friends to play wow with me. When they click the link they get a message that says: ‘[My name] wants to play with you’ However when they login to their existing account (which has not played wow in over 24 months), they get an error message that says: Whoops! Something’s wrong with your link.

I have re-generated the link for them to test and they still get the same issue and it’s happening with multiple people. I have verified that my friends have not played wow in the past 24 months, they are not my recruiter (in the past).

I noticed a similar issue in CS issue: 1806245. It looks like blizzard had to fix on their side:


Wonder if someone might take a look for me?

Thank you,

It is a known bug right now, and there are a couple of threads already about this. No one here can really help you at all, as this is a player help player section. Not a line to the devs

Thank you for sharing some context of the issue.

What should be my next step? this is my first time really posting to the forums. Is there a thread I should follow for resolution? Should I be posting my question somewhere else?

There is currently no resolution, other than waiting for them to fix the problem. Hopefully they actually get it together and get a fix rolled out fast

That’s fine. How can I tell when the resolution is available though? Surely if development work is being done to resolve it, then there is a thread somewhere one could follow to know when a fix is rolled out?

I would say keep an eye on the bug report forums. Other than that, not entirely sure.

It’s strange that for a “known issue” the bug report doesn’t have any acknowledgement from blizzard.

Not everything is going to get such - they have a long list of things they work on and not everything is top priority and will get such.


I guess I’m confused how you know this is a “known issue” then? Are you saying it’s known to you or known to Blizzard?

The Bug Report forum generally won’t as it is a repository for bug reports that our QA team collects from. They rarely will post or otherwise acknowledge an issue there.

I’m going to merge this thread with the others so things are a bit more consolidated.


Thank you Vrakthris. Not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand the process. I appreciate the info and help getting my issue categorized appropriately.

Hopefully we can find a resolution before the 7 days expires (One of my friends I was trying to recruit has already started playing)