RAF not working


The current version of the Recruit a Friend was set up to allow users to retroactively link up to 7 days after the account was created/renewed. The ability to link accounts is not a functionality that our Support staff has, it wasn’t built into the system.

If you’d like to see a change to how that works I can only recommend submitting feedback to our Game Developers. They are the ones that can change how the system functions and what options Support may have to assist.


so reach out the the devs. link them this post like you link players.

Shocker, the developer community is unreachable by its own players.

Just to set expectations - there isn’t a way to reach the devs themselves as they themselves can’t be talk to directly. There are places to put suggestions, but there isn’t a way to have an one-on-one with someone on that team.

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That isn’t exactly how that works. Sorry. We have avenues available to provide feedback. I’m afraid Support is not able to pass on feedback/suggestions.

I’m afraid it is time for this one to be closed. We are very sorry for what frustration this issue may have caused folks.