Quest/Objective tracking clearing on login

Vrakthris: I am trying to understand your logic. You state the proper place for this is ‘Bug Reports’, but, at the same time, you question whether or not this is a bug and if people are doing their UI resets correctly:

If your suspicion was correct, wouldn’t these customers then deserve or require Technical Support since this would not then be a bug? Would it not have been more appropriate to move this thread to Technical Support than to lock it?

Quest tracking is being cleared at login. Quests still exist in the log but are no longer being tracked. Thank you.


All those posts are in the proper place. So they’re being looked into. Posting here really isn’t drawing any more attention to it, since this forum is one for players to assist other players. It is not a contact point for the staff. And due to the nature of this forum’s format - no data is collected from this forum.

Now, the Bug Report forum? That one is monitored by the CMs and Devs. So so long as those posts are up there, it’s on their radar. There is never an ETA given for fixes and you very, very rarely see a Dev or anyone post there. Just because you don’t see a Blue post, does not mean that it’s being ignored.

You guys have done all you can do. The posts are where they need to be to be addressed. Now it’s all a waiting game.


Thank you, but everything you said I already understood. You may have misunderstood my intent. If people come to Customer Support they will see my post and see the bug reports and will be able to post in the appropriate place. Also, I’m a customer and wanted to post in customer support, so I did. Nothing wrong with that, is there? No harm done. :slight_smile:

There is a reason I did not go into detail and just supplied the links. You may have noticed how short and to the point my original message was.

While I appreciate the response, you and I can ‘suppose’ what is being done, but unless an actual employee responds we cannot ‘know’ how the issue is being triaged, but that wasn’t really the point. I happened to assume the same things you did.

I do appreciate the volunteer work you do here on the forums, it’s a nice hobby, and I do understand my post probably won’t receive an employee response, which is fine. It was meant more as a point of reference to the many people who are actually impacted by this issue.

I’ve got to get back to work so I won’t be posting any more replies. Enjoy the rest of your day. :slight_smile:


While I understand you’re going back to work and all of that, I did just want to touch base on this.

If you don’t trust the system, then why are you here and paying for the game?

The SFAs have stated exactly what I have above, time and time again. No one is entitled to a handwritten letter laying out every nuance of what player X wants to know, or even that elusive Blue post that “it’s being looked at and worked on.” If you don’t believe by following the path outlined for reporting bugs and issues, then why do it? Why are you paying for the game time, the expansions and everything else you may choose to - if you don’t trust the process?

  • You report a bug, whether through the Bug Report forum or the in-game reporting system.
  • The Devs and their CMs gather that data and triage the issues.
  • They work from that list of stuff that needs to be addressed.

Your particular issue, while annoying, isn’t game-breaking. It may not rank quite so high on the triage list as compared to other issues like people who’ve been locked out of characters for several days now for choosing to use the gear update schtick (which I know was fixed this morning, but it’s the most prominent issue I thought of off the cuff). That still doesn’t mean that it’s being ignored. Just like it may be an easy fix, just an adjustment to a line of code. But then that easy fix may break fifteen other things. It may not be quite so cut and dry.

So if all you can do is ‘suppose’, then perhaps you may want to reevaluate why you are here and continue to play a game and contribute to a company you have no faith or trust in. Your post is then relegated to being superfluous if you already know everything I stated in my post above.


I was attempting to be polite and kind. I find your reaction and response to be a bit bizarre and you are making assumptions about the intent of my post that has no basis in reality. Perhaps a slight edit will make this less triggering for you. :slight_smile:


This isn’t really going anywhere.

For potential bugs the proper place to report it would be the Bug Report forum, while I appreciate your efforts to notify in other forums, but it really doesn’t work that way. If it did, we would have dozens or hundreds of threads throughout the forum referring to other threads and so on. No one would be able to find anything because where the information is supposed to be.

The Bug Report forum is primarily a repository for reports and unlikely to receive a response from QA, as their primary job is to collect reports, not engage or update based on those reports.

As for many of the reports themselves, I would question their UI resets. The ones I review said they “disabled their addons” and renamed the cache and WTF folder, but disabling and addon is not the same thing as removing it by renaming the Interface folder.

As this is not impacting every player, while there may be a common factor involved, I would start by doing a full User Interface reset, just to be certain it is happening with the default UI. Make note of that in the Bug Report forum so our QA team can try to reproduce what may be happening.