Objective Tracker bug

Everytime I log on a toon any quests I was tracking are no longer tracked on my UI starting today (7/19) after update. I have tried renaming WTF, deleting cache and disabling addons, and it seems to be a bug in the base game.


Same issue here, the quest tracker is bugged.

When you log out, it automatically untracks ALL quests.

You can manually track them again, but the next time you log out and back in? They’re all untracked once more.

Zero add-ons, this is a base game issue.


Can confirm this is also happening to me.

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Same for me. It’s quests, achievements, and Trading Post activities. Anything I’ve been tracking untracks when I log out and back in.


I disabled all my addons to find out if that was it, but it’s not. Logging in causes everything tracked to be untracked, but reloading my UI does not.

Perhaps related, my crafting order favorites are lost every time I reload my UI or log in, also with no addons.

Having this problem as well. Several bug report forum threads have been added on this topic so it looks like many players are having this problem.

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This is really annoying… I already hate that my all bags all cover cover over my micro bar and my right side bars no matter what I do.

doing it to me as well. Another thing Blizzard releases that apparently went untested. What a surprise.

It appears to have been fixed

Not fixed happening to my Shaman that I am leveling.