Questions about Faerin Lothar's arm

Pretty suspicious the screenshot has the identity of the commenter hidden. Also, note how they’re open to diversity, just not when it’s pandering to ideologues.

It was you for sure. Everything is pandering to people who think like this.

Edit: How did I like it?

Nice try.

I’d forgotten about that comment, but it doesn’t say what you think it says. Note how I said in that comment, quote

Looks like your screenshot from imgur was edited.

I must really live rent-free in your head - and I underestimated your petty spite - if you kept that comment from three years ago to use as a strawman now to try and cancel me. And you forgot the warning I posted after that comment;

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You edited it. The message is the same. And Faerin’s not “organic” to you? How? She just exists.

Oh the horror…

If nothing else, your attitudes about female characters of color have been consistent.

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You’re back to quote-mining, but people can still see the original comment; nice try.

Note I had and have no problem with Captain Garrick. Be honest and civil, or back on the blocklist you go.

Your strawman still failed. Previous attempts to gang up on me on the forums didn’t work, neither will this.

It worked just fine, like it always does. People always see your bigoted takes. There have been a thousand incidents with you here. You can’t deny you have a problem with non-straight, white, able-bodied, male characters. Bigotry is a pretty big problem in New Zealand, where you’re presumably from, and other places.

Complaining about the ‘social commentary’ (there is none) is just as cringe.

There isn’t even any ‘social commentary’ going on, they’re just missing an arm.

Interesting how you try to say that everyone is strawmanning you, yet one of your first responses was trying to strawman someone.

The original comment was just as stupid.

No, there was the same amount of ‘social commentary’ from then as there is now.

You just weren’t brainrotten by chud content into caring back then, that’s why you didn’t notice it.

Imagine crying cause you saw a disabled person not wanting to be “fixed”


You didn’t even deny it was a strawman :joy:. Then why not flag me to mods instead of lying about me?

An ignorant or in denial comment.

That was an analogy and not a strawman.

Again, ignorant or in denial.

Wrong on both counts. If it really was bad, why not try reporting to the mods instead of hurling false accusations?

Do I need to reply to every single sentence someone types? I used to do that. But it sounds awkward. My post strongly implies that it wasn’t a strawman.

Flag what?

Petty personal attacks, you say?

You call it what ever name you want. You only seem interested in name calling and labeling people as “others”

The way a Human Woman of Color getting any screen time triggers you, it is evidence enough of how you seek to label people who do not fit your desired mold as “others”

If you recall, you mentioned putting me on ignore nearly every time we disagree- I don’t play that game.

Oh please. You say that every time, and then you still see my posts enough to say it again.

Such a pathetic attempt at a threat, especially when you always seem to reply to me anyway.

You don’t have to threaten me with a good time.

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Cool story, bro.

You claim my post was so bad. If it was, you could flag it to the mods as breaching CoC - it’s telling that you haven’t yet.

Pot, meet kettle.

I’ve done it before, then gave you another chance. Which you just squandered. Goodbye.

Done. But I’d personally rather the post stay up so I can use it as evidence later on.

You still didn’t do that until I pointed it out. And people will still see the context I really meant instead of your lies.

It was Baalsamael who did the screenshot, not you. The fact that he had it and you asked for it (unless Baalsamael or Doness is an alt for the same person) shows this was a coordinated attack; typical cancel culture attitude.

While I won’t waste my time trying to change your mind, I will not be bullied, framed or silenced by self-appointed thought police.

Try remembering my warning this time;

Not in denial.

Just normal and not brainrotten by some weird mind virus of thinking a random character missing an arm in a fantasy setting is somekind of ‘social commentary’.

When like… Nobody said anything about Captain Hook from Peter Pan being ‘social commentary’.
Nobody talked about Luke Skywalker missing a hand being ‘social commentary’.

This isn’t something rare or unusual in fantasy.

It was bad because it was stupid.

Not because it broke the rules.


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Captain Hook’s story didn’t have or make social commentary about his missing limb, and neither did Kargath’s.

If you care about rules so much, isn’t name-calling against the rules?

What social commentary is being said with Faerin Lothar’s arm, exactly?

I don’t.

His and the rest of the Shattered Hands probably has more “social commentary” than whatever Faerin Lothar’s will. Nobody’s ready for the shattered hand conversation though.


I don’t know why you think flagging the post is so important. Like I said, that post can be used as evidence later on. I like that it’s still there, even though it’s in a now-deleted thread. You’ve made many bigoted comments over the years, some deleted, while others still being here.

Nothing was a lie here. The context is still probematic. Your clarification that you’re okay with diversity contradicts your opposition to Faerin Lother. She is quite organic.

Other people aren’t involved here.

I read your warning. It means nothing. I’ve explained why.