Let Anduin be homosexual

I don’t think Anduin is gay — he’s repeatedly expressed interest in women.
Though he could be bi. I mean Baine literally gave Anduin his horn.
If Golden wanted to write a bi Anduin ---- he and Baine are right there(assuming they both survive Shadowlands)

I’ve always seen Baine as the Uncle Tom of the Horde. It’s less about sexual attraction and more that he’s an Alliance sympathizing bootlicker.


If Baine is a Bootlicker what are Jaina and Andiun?

Do they make the boots before licking them?

Never underestimate these malcontent ideologues.

If Anduin becomes gay, some of them will start whining for a major lesbian character or a non-white human who’s a major character, then a human woman of color who’s a major character after that.

If they want to put these characters in the story in a way that’s organic, they’re welcome to do so. Having female, ethnically diverse or non-straight characters isn’t bad in and of itself. But doing it to appease ideologues is a bad idea because it’s virtue-signaling, usually fake and I’ll sum up the ideologues with a quote of Nuada from Hellboy 2, “Greed has burned a hole in their hearts that can never be filled. They will never have enough!”


And that would be a problem how exactly?

Screenshoted for posterity btw


Don’t try to blackmail or cancel me. Using a screenshot to quote-mine me won’t work since anyone can just read the rest of my comment and see why I have a problem not with those things in and of themselves, as my problem is with virtue-signaling and trying to appease subversives and malcontent ideologues. Remember that when you try to use this against me in the future.


“Subversives and malcontent ideologies.”

Bruh its not that complicated people just want a gay dude as a major character.




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And God forbid we get a Black Human major character lol

Or a Lesbian

Truly the horror


Because it’s always going to be something else. They don’t want good characters, they want a cast full of tokens like a diversity checklist.


Those people who just want a LBGT+ character I don’t have a problem with, my problem is with the ones who are ideologues.

Be careful, Baalsamael might take screenshots and try to dox or cancel you like they’re preparing to try and do to me lol.

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This is such a vague worthless statement where you’re trying to pretend that you’re not against LGBT characters while you’re just against LGBT characters.

People like you always try to wrap up their homophobia in some nonsense pretzel logic explanation but at the end of the day it’s always the same thing.


Do you think Flynn is a bad character?


Is Natalie Seline a bad character now that she’s a Black Woman ?


? You’re a Male Human Paladin archetype on a Death Knight and I have no idea who you are

You were canceled when you did your Deus Vult schtick a few months ago

Wait did they update Natalie Seline even more after all the new customizations options to make her Black? Neato.

I don’t remember her being so from Legion but that’s nifty.

Right on schedule, here comes the libel and false accusations because I dared criticize SJWs. You can flag this to the moderators if you want. Most likely they’ll just do what happened when I corrected Baalsamael’s inaccurate statements about the history and situation of LBGT rights; they’ll delete both comments from both of us on the subject, lock the thread and go “none of this ever happened.”

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Yessir, for 9.0

It slapped, she looks great. An actual (in theory) Forsaken Anti Hero Lore Relevant Black Woman

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Yet again the tactic of a reactionary bigot trying to pretend their bigotry is anything other than basic hatred.

Imagine using “SJWs” unironically in 2021. My god.


Of all the things that didn’t happen, this definitely did not happen the most.


I am inclined to agree with the point he’s making. If a character is solely defined by being “the lesbian,” “the trans character,” “the nonbinary character” then what’s the point of them?

No and no. You’re missing the point if you think that’s what it is. I have no problem with any of those characters, I may not remember who Natalie is but I rather liked Flynn.

To keep with the topic of this post: imagine they introduced a gay character to be Anduin’s Aggra, it would be a load of crap wouldn’t it? He’d marry Anduin and disappear from the story and be a tokenistic gesture of LGBT inclusivity.