Questions about Faerin Lothar's arm

Counter point: it’s cool.


I just talked about her disability, you brought race and gender into it, don’t deflect.

Poor logic and attempt at blame shifting. I would’ve brought this up no matter the skin color or gender.

Weak and clumsy virtue signalling and strawman from you, which I make no effort to refute.

Lazy and petty personal attack, not worth the effort of refuting.

Since her missing arm will be getting focused on, I think it’s a relevant thing to discuss.

You bought her up and than complained about her and her disability. It’s all on you, regardless of how much you wanna bury your head in the sand and claim ignorance

You knew what you were doing


I complained about the social commentary, not her or her disability and you know it.

You’re like someone calling a Star Wars fan racist for hating Reva even though they like Trilla and Cere.

You literally complained about her and her disability and wished for such things to be rolled back

Be a man and admit your mistake instead of doubling down and continue lying about what you really meant

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Quote the exact words where I complained specifically about anything about Faerin besides her disability. Before you assume anything about race or gender, let me speak in a language you’ll understand

  1. Though it shouldn’t matter, I’m not white. Satisfied?
  2. If race or gender was a problem, I would’ve said something about other characters like Captain Garrick.

Be a man and admit your mistake instead of doubling down and continuing to lie about me.

As if being non white prevents someone from making racist comments. What kind of idiocy is this?

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  1. If you think my comments were racist, report them instead of making spiteful accusations. You can’t because they’re not.
  2. My point about Captain Garrick still stands.

I’ll just wait for Thad to try and walk back this ugly statement of his

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Where’s the complaint about anything besides social commentary? Or about Faerin’s race or gender? There’s none.

Of course there is. It’s why everyone else picked up on it

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You, Doness and Cursewords are everyone? You can’t even point to anything besides the social commentary complaint. Apologize and move on, or you’ll make yourself look even worse.

I have nothing to apologize for. Unlike you

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That’s a weak and wrong “NO U” response.

It’s a fact and I don’t give a damn you don’t like it

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What about healing/regrowing her arm with the Light? Does the question of that come up in the story?

I don’t think it would be appropriate for healing that type of injury, especially since it’s so much tied to her character design and the Light has a past of showing difficulty to heal such wounds.

That being said, I do think you should take a look at your post Thadeus and try to come to an understanding why people are getting angry about it. That is of course assuming you don’t already know and aren’t being malicious.

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You just brought her up. It is like you keep a list of these characters to discuss their race.

Keeping a list of characters to discuss their race like you do seems pretty obsessive.

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I based the possibility on Arthas restoring the leg of a woman who lost hers.

The people getting angry are either twisting my words to say something I didn’t say or don’t like that I oppose clumsy, preachy, overused social commentary.

If what I said was so bad, flag it for the mods.

Still twisting my words. You and others brought those topics into the discussion, not I.

One character isn’t a list, why not report instead of petty personal attacks?

You complained about social commentary on real-life issues. It’s not like disabilities are the only real-life issue you don’t want in the game. You were quite worried about human women of color being in the cast a few years ago.

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