Questions about Faerin Lothar's arm

That the idea that wanting to fix a disability is wrong. Whether or not she does it is her choice, the story takes a side and uses that scene to lecture the audience about it.

I don’t think story dwelt on the Shattered Hand clan’s practice in the same way, and I know we didn’t get a scene where one character lectures another about it.

When did they say this ever.

This was extrapolation on your part after you said ‘erm… why don’t they just heal her arm with the light?’.

And it’s like… I dunno, maybe they can’t for x y z reason that Blizzard makes up.

Where is that said?

Edit: Nevermind, I reread the dialogue. It’s not quite saying that, but I get what you mean.

Stay a while and listen.
Raen Dawncavalyr says: Faerin, I was inspired last Beledar’s Shadow. I designed a new arm prosthetic. I think you’ll wear this one.
Faerin Lothar says: Thank you Raen, but the shield you made me is all I need. I’m sure your talents would be better spent on other inventions.
Raen Dawncavalyr says: It’s my pleasure to make a new arm you would use, Faerin! You told me about the discomfort and how it impacted your mobility. So I was thinking–
Faerin Lothar says: Raen, no. I have lived with my injury since was a child. I’ve learned to do everything from sword fighting to dressing myself with one hand.
Raen Dawncavalyr says: But what if I’ve figured out the weight balancing? You said that was what you didn’t like about the first few I made.
Faerin Lothar says: Then I think some of our veterans who will lose an arm to the nerubians will be very grateful that you’ve improved the design.
Faerin Lothar says: Raen, I’ve learned to navigate my life without a prosthetic. I don’t want to relearn everything.
Faerin Lothar says: But if you want to improve something of mine, a better shock absorber on the shield would be a blessing of the Flame.
Faerin Lothar says: Those nerubians are getting bigger and it puts all that weight on the shoulder.
Raen Dawncavalyr says: Oh yeah? Hmmm… That’s a tough one. Let me sketch out some ideas and get some measurements. I think that’ll be an interesting project.
Raen Dawncavalyr says: Thanks, Faerin.
Faerin Lothar says: Keep up your work, everyone on the front line appreciates the new kit upgrades.

Well this does answer how she lives with a shield prosthetic. She knows how to use one-hand for everything.

Part of it is wariness from years of preachy social commentary in media. Part of it is how we didn’t see this with other characters in similar situations. And part of is people assuming the worst of someone for criticizing ham-fisted social commentary and falsely accusing them of being prejudiced or stupid.

Though in hindsight, when I think of what preachiness means - we all accept preachiness when we agree with the message.

Me bringing up healing it with the Light was me wondering whether this would come up, as having the limb restored would be more effective than a prosthetic - and this is something the Light can and has done in the lore.

So, they never said this and you’re just delusional and relating this to your skewed idea of reality.

Got it.

Or you tolerate or approve of it because you agree with the messages they’re pushing.

They’re not pushing a message.

You only believe they are because you’re making it up based off of ‘erm… the media is pushing their message on me’.

We all accept a level of preachiness when we agree with the message. You’re no exception.

I don’t agree or disagree, because there’s no message here.

If it was true you that you neither agree or disagree, you wouldn’t have mocked or ridiculed me when I said there is.


I mocked and ridiculed you because you’re a delusional idiot.
Which you are.

For believing that a character missing an arm, a common fantasy design trope, is somehow subliminally related to some ‘common media message they’re trying to push’.

I disagree that there’s any ‘social commentary’ at all.
That’s all I’ve ever said, and that’s all I’ve ever believed on the matter.

The scene was the social commentary, not the disability. And how you keep using insults instead of counterarguments show how hollow your claim is.

What scene.

Show me the scene.

I’m not neutral towards the fact that this is some kind of social commentary.

I disagree that there’s any social commentary here.

Faerin Lothar’s Shield Arm - More Details About Her Chosen Prosthetic - Wowhead News

The fact that you didn’t disagree without insults shows your feelings cloud your judgement here.

So, all those vicious accusations you and others made against me here? All that name-calling? The screenshots? Reporting me? Got anything to say about that now?

Let’s go over this.

In this scene she mentions how she’s had the injury so long that she’s gotten used to it, and prefers the shield prosthetic. They also explain how she lost her arm and eye.

Nothing here about ‘fixing a disability being bad’ like you were claiming.

I’m sure your feelings aren’t clouding your judgement at all by how upset you are at the mere existence of a character missing an arm.

I’m not the one spewing insults and false accusations against people who disagree with me.

Well, here’s the difference.

We’re not arguing something stupid.

I have nothing to do with the others, and I’m not defending your position or anything you said.

She literally says right afterwards that there are others who would likely need the prosthetic more then her, She isn’t taking some anti prosthetic stance, she is simply choosing to walk the path she wants. Able-bodied people i swear judge when they know next to nothing


Just calling something stupid doesn’t mean or prove it actually is.

How judgmental of you to say, able-bodied or not. Also, you know whether or I’m disabled or not?