Question regarding cofusion about digital edition refund policy

Meowrs :slight_smile:

After finally getting some much needed help to potentially get back in the game after two years of not being able to play it due to feature removals affecting accessibility, I’m looking to come back in, but there’s some confusion regarding the digital edition refund policy.

The policy stated in refers only to the regular base, Heroic, and Epic editions, but makes no mention of players with Legion accounts (like mine) purchasing the Complete version of these editions. Can someone please clarify the refund policy when upgrading from the Complete Epic edition to the Shadowlands Collector’s Edition? I can’t find any info on that and Blizzard’s own wording in the link above doesn’t help any (i.e. it’s yet another layer of confusion for players who don’t have BfA yet and are coming back).

You made me go look it all up. It intent with the Bnet balance refund on CE upgrade is to refund the cost of the Shadowlands Digital - which requires you to already have BfA. The Complete Edition is BfA and Shadowlands is honestly a TON of stuff though + game time and two boosts. It comes with even more stuff than the Shadowlands packages do.

Also, what did they finally change so you could play again?

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The regular editions require BfA, yes. Which is why I’m not interested in those. It’s the Complete edition that I’m looking for since I have only up to Legion. My question, and it seems you don’t have an answer (yet) is does the compete edition qualify for the digital edition refund? Thus far I’ve not found any info on that particular question, despite there obviously being people like me that only have up to Legion on their accounts currently.

Start from there and read the rest of the thread. It isn’t a 100% panacea for the issues I face, but it is, assuming it works as it is supposed to, a removal of the primary barrier to playing the game.

Once that’s resolved, the final issue is the fact that the modern UI has the bags on the right side of the display, where I’m blind. I have to turn my head far enough to lose sight of what’s around or in front of me to see the bags now. Yes, they can be moved with addons, but as a clicker, taint locks anything you click in combat, meaning, you guessed it - buttons and bags! I’d absolutely kill for a baseline option to choose classic or modern layouts without having to resort to addons. This is doubly annoying because after two years of being out of the game, updating addons is…painful. A good number of them have changed their UI layouts or elements, so the less I have to fiddle with the better. I’d be willing to lose the few extra buttons we gained on the modern UI for the classic layout built in.

Also, I really hate having to remember I don’t have TL3 here. I should really buy stock in the corporation that manufactures `s. :stuck_out_tongue:

He knows and has sent them an email. Long ago :slight_smile:
Tias is a former Tech Support MVP so is pretty up on the resources.

I already know of the accessibility link. I contacted them last year and got in touch with one of the accessibility agents (as they’re called) and gave in-depth descriptions of my issues. The irony here is that nothing I did there bore any fruit. It took someone from the platform team to get the ball rolling in one of the right directions.

Believe me, if all it took was merely reporting my issues to the accessibility team, I’d have likely been playing a year ago. Better late than never, I suppose. :slight_smile:

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It would also help players who come to this thread through Google.

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That’d be a pretty big longshot there since the primary subject of this thread (and its title) have to do with the digital edition refund policy with regard to the complete editions. :wink:

You’d be shock by the amount of folks come here through google, sum the page and post in it.


Forgive me if I’m missing something obvious, but, why can you not click buttons and bags in combat? Why would being a clicker cause this, and in addition, why would addon taint be an issue?

Personally I use some combination of Bartender, MoveAnything, and Dominos on my retail and classic toons to put my bars and other UI elements exactly where I want them. I can still click action bars, bags, or other UI elements during combat (though I do have my bags keybound to ‘b’ so I very rarely click them.)

I know you stated that updates are a pain, and I don’t presume to know your personal process for doing so, or how difficult it may be, so if updating is the core issue, I completely understand; I’m not sure what further help I can offer.

If it’s of any help or significance, though, I can state without a doubt that current versions of the addons I mentioned won’t cause UI taint or prevent you from clicking in combat no matter where you have their elements located on your screen.

A simple addon that POSSIBLY could help you, I dont know, is Bagnon.

The backpack will still be in the same spot, however you can set on your screen exactly where the bags you would either have to hot key your bags to not look over, or once you did the bags could open anywhere you want on your screen.

Sorry I don’t have an answer for your original question but this came to mind. Might help. Might not. However at least you have the info.

A tad tangential, but don’t forget to investigate the RaF process. :o

Taint can lock the addon that moved the buttons (if used) during combat, preventing clicking them. If not for taint, there’d be zero issues there. I use MoveAnything for most movement tasks and it’s been very stable except for one release that broke the hooks for the buff icons and caused them to only partially show.

The irony here is that it isn’t about necessarily being current. Yes, most addons that are up to date don’t taint if maintained properly. But an errant bug can cause taint, and I’ve had it happen many times over the years. And it doesn’t have to be the addon responsible for moving an item when it comes to taint - any addon that taints potentially locks the UI in combat. It’s the combination of taint and the secured functions that causes the issue, as it only happens during combat (combat triggers locks on most UI functions both for security and to prevent unwanted behaviours that might give players advantages they aren’t supposed to have).

Taint isn’t an issue for I’d say 98%+ of the playerbase when it comes to the UI since they can effectively use the mouse and keyboard or mouse and gamepad keyboard (e.g. Logitech G13, Razer Tartarus). It’s primarily a clicking issue. FWIW I’ve tried Bagnon, ElvUI, and a few others in the past, especially after I saw a nicely laid out UI with chat cleanly out of the way and things clustered right where I needed them for visual purposes (remember - blind in right eye here).

Believe me, after fifteen years of refinement, I had a good working system down. It was sad to see the developers not leave us the option of the original layout when players plainly stated during the PTR/beta that they didn’t want the UI changes. As I noted in the thread I linked regarding what is allowing me to potentially come back to WoW, little things can matter a great deal when you have disabilities, and the sad reality is that most people look down on those with disabilities because they can’t understand why we ask for the things we do or why we need them. It’s a simple matter of not having the understanding because they’re fortunate enough not to have the disability. It isn’t a knock on those people, just a statement of fact. I’ve got nothing against those that can’t understand why I need the thins I do, though I do be jellin’ at them for not having my conditions. :wink:

The best bet is to assume that the refund policy will be similar to the other editions. Don’t claim the additional boosts. For a definite answer, submit a ticket.

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Yeah…I’ll attempt it after I calm down. Apparently they changed the support ticket system so that as you’re entering text, it autosaves, but you have less than a second to continue typing before it erases any spaces you may have entered and while you’re gathering your thoughts it undoes the space again. And again. And again. Whoever came up with this god awful “thanks for the info, you’re done typing now” system needs to fix that crap. I’m not done typing until I click Continue. It’s a truly maddening annoyance when you’re trying to type info or gather a URL to paste in or…anything.

I know I won’t get an answer from any of the CS staff here until Monday, and likely the same with the ticket. Hopefully the answer gets here first so others can see it and it shows up in Google’s searches.

I’m really, really intensely unhappy right now trying to fight that ticket text entry “system” they have in place…

Edit: Looks like this is apparently royally confusing for the GMs as well. The first GM sent this as a response to my query regarding the refund policy:

That provided zero answer, and it appeared as if the first GM didn’t know or understand that the Complete edition has the same three variants as the regular base/Heroic/Epic editions, except that it provides baseline BfA as well for accounts that are only current up to Legion (like mine).

The second GM gave me this response, which just adds more confusion into the mix:

So I have had to open the ticket again to ask why the process is automatic for one set of initial digital purchases, but not the other. Suffice it to say, Blizzard isn’t doing very well providing their GMs with the correct information, so even a customer like me who’s pretty good at figuring things out is still left confused as to what is what and why.

This level of confusion really shouldn’t be happening, but sadly it is. :frowning:

I certainly don’t fall into this category, rest assured.

I totally get it. I’m just sayin’ that Bartender or Dominos will allow you to place bars where you want, with no taint.

I’m certainly not trying to minimize your issues. My father-in-law is blind (and deaf), I deal with it daily. In the past I’ve also made the acquaintance of video game players that were completely blind. I’ve helped them play (by calling out the visuals) and even helped them choose games for consoles that they would be able to play with such a callout system and another person present.

I only offer a simple solution to allow you to place bars where you want, size them as you want, configure them as you want, and most importantly, click them during combat! Bartender or Dominos will let you do this without any addon taint. Click, keybind, do whatever is most convenient for youl Taint will not be an issue with current versions installed.

Breakbeat#1787 if you need any help at all figuring out Lua errors or configuration, or anything. I don’t mind spending time helping you get stuff straight.

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Thanks for the suggestions. Bartender is one I’ve never had good luck with. That has actually caused more issues than any other addon I’ve ever had, so it wasn’t even on my list of addons to try. Bartender being so awful is why I switched to MoveAnything for most of my needs and had been with it for many, many years. :slight_smile:

Alright =)

But the past is the past. The current versions don’t taint or break during combat, even when you click to your heart’s content. I guarantee you this.

I know when one gets burned, they’re not inclined to go back. I only suggest you do to make your life easier and help you enjoy this game.

BTW, if you really want to see just how addon dependent I am, get a load of the addons from the last time I was able to play (I’ve since updated them via the Twitch client, but the names and amount are the same):

|!BlizzBugsSuck|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|!BugGrabber|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|!MoncaiCompare|0 B|Folder|9/1/17 12:38 AM||
|!Swatter|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|_NPCScan.Overlay|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|Accountant|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|ACP|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AdvancedInterfaceOptions|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Archy|0 B|Folder|1/23/18 11:36 PM||
|Armory|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|ArmoryGuildBank|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_Arena|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_Battlegrounds|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_BurningCrusade|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_Cataclysm|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_ClassicWoW|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_ClassOrderHalls|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_DungeonLocs|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_Legion|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_MistsofPandaria|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_OutdoorRaids|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_Scenarios|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_Transportation|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_WarlordsofDraenor|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_WorldEvents|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Atlas_WrathoftheLichKing|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_BattleforAzeroth|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_Cataclysm|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_Classic|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_Collections|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_Crafting|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_Factions|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_Legion|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_MistsofPandaria|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_Options|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_PvP|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_WarlordsofDraenor|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_WorldEvents|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|BetterItemCount|0 B|Folder|8/25/16 7:56 PM||
|BuffTimers|0 B|Folder|8/25/16 7:56 PM||
|BugSack|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|CanIMogIt|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|ColoredTooltips|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|ComboPointsRedux|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|ComboPointsRedux_Options|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Comergy_Redux|0 B|Folder|3/27/18 11:15 PM||
|Comergy_Redux_Options|0 B|Folder|1/13/18 5:11 AM||
|CooldownCount|0 B|Folder|7/23/18 2:22 AM||
|CQuestCounter|0 B|Folder|3/15/18 9:16 PM||
|CrucibleWeight|0 B|Folder|2/23/18 2:19 AM||
|CT_BuffMod|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|CT_Core|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|CT_Library|0 B|Folder|12/11/14 9:13 PM||
|CT_PartyBuffs|0 B|Folder|12/11/14 9:13 PM||
|CT_UnitFrames|0 B|Folder|9/9/14 9:37 PM||
|DBM-AQ20|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-AQ40|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Azeroth|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Azeroth-BfA|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-BaradinHold|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-BastionTwilight|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-BlackTemple|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-BlackwingDescent|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Brawlers|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-BWL|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-CastleNathria|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-ChamberOfAspects|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Coliseum|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Core|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-CrucibleofStorms|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-DefaultSkin|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-DMF|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-DragonSoul|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-EternalPalace|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-EyeOfEternity|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Firelands|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-GUI|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-HeartofFear|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Hyjal|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Icecrown|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Karazhan|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-MC|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-MogushanVaults|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Naxx|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Nyalotha|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Onyxia|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Outlands|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Pandaria|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Party-BfA|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Party-Shadowlands|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-PvP|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Scenario-MoP|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Serpentshrine|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-SiegeOfOrgrimmarV2|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-SpellTimers|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-StatusBarTimers|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Sunwell|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-TerraceofEndlessSpring|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-TheEye|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-ThroneFourWinds|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-ThroneofThunder|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Uldir|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-Ulduar|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-VoA|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-WorldEvents|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DBM-ZuldazarRaid|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DejaCharacterStats|0 B|Folder|7/17/18 8:46 PM||
|Details|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Details_DataStorage|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Details_EncounterDetails|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Details_RaidCheck|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Details_Streamer|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Details_TinyThreat|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Details_Vanguard|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|DocsDebugRunes|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|EasyMail|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|HandyNotes|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|HandyNotes_DraenorTreasures|0 B|Folder|7/23/18 2:22 AM||
|HandyNotes_LegionRaresTreasures|0 B|Folder|7/23/18 2:22 AM||
|HandyNotes_Lorewalkers|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|HandyNotes_LostAndFound|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|HandyNotes_TimelessIsle_RareElites|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|HandyNotes_TimelessIsleChests|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|HandyNotes_TimelessTreasures|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|HandyNotes_TreasureHunter|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Informant|0 B|Folder|2/4/18 7:52 PM||
|MapCoords|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MasterPlan|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MasterPlanA|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MaxCam|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_Artifact|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_Cloth|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_Leather|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_Mail|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_OneHanded|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_Other|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_Plate|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_Ranged|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MogIt_TwoHanded|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|MoveAnything|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|NeedToKnow|0 B|Folder|1/24/18 4:56 PM||
|NPCScan|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|OPie|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|OPie_WorldMarkers|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|Outfitter|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|PassLoot|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|PassLoot_AtlasLoot|0 B|Folder|1/16/14 3:05 AM||
|Prat-3.0|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Prat-3.0_Libraries|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Quartz|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|RangeColors|0 B|Folder|7/19/16 7:36 PM||
|Redprints|0 B|Folder|7/4/15 2:41 AM||
|sct|0 B|Folder|1/9/18 10:48 PM||
|sct_options|0 B|Folder|1/9/18 10:49 PM||
|sctd|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|sctd_options|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|sfbs|0 B|Folder|1/23/18 11:36 PM||
|SlideBar|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|Stubby|0 B|Folder|2/4/18 7:52 PM||
|TidyPlates|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|TidyPlates_Graphite|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|TidyPlates_Grey|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|TidyPlates_Neon|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|TidyPlates_Quatre|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|TidyPlatesHub|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|TidyPlatesWidgets|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||
|Titan|0 B|Folder|11/19/17 1:48 PM||
|TitanPerformance|0 B|Folder|6/30/16 11:00 AM||
|TrinketMenu|0 B|Folder|1/23/18 11:35 PM||
|WorldQuestTracker|0 B|Folder|9/18/20 11:53 AM||

All of that tailored to make my UI as minimally intrusive as possible while providing the most information at a glance and positional layouts necessary for me to play. Suffice it to say, I have quite a few needs that require addons, which is why I’d kill for a way to have that classic UI layout without having to add more to the mix. :slight_smile:

Good morning Tiapriestess!

I thought I’d take a stab at your questions too as I think the GM might have been wrong about it not being automatic. The way I see it is that the complete edition adds BFA, Epic Shadowlands (is the one you mentioned getting), game time and 2 boosts (110Bfa & 120SL).

I honestly believe that the system would only care about which version of SL you have. So when you add the CE key, you would get the refund based on having Epic Shadowlands.

“If you purchase any digital copy of Shadowlands (Base, Heroic, or Epic), and then upgrade to the Collector’s Edition in the future, we will automatically credit you the cost of the digital copy in Blizzard Balance” Source .

It really shouldn’t matter that it was purchased as a bundle. I know the GM says otherwise and I’ll admit I could be wrong, but I don’t see why it would matter to the system.

If I’m wrong, hopefully one of the Blues can shed some additional light!

And if I’m on the wrong page for what you’re asking, then my apologies :wink:

You also mentioned problems when entering the ticket where it removed spaces. I was wondering if you were using the following screen:

If it was, I’m not a huge fan of this box as it should probably not state “detailed”. I find the system gets more confused that way (imho). I tend to just use the “I would rather categorize the issue” link below the continue button. Then I can see the subsections for tickets and choose my own adventure!

If it wasn’t that box, then it’s very odd that it would have kept removing spaces in an actual ticket. Not sure what would cause something like that to happen.

Hopefully this doesn’t sour your experience too much and even more importantly, I hope you’re able to find a way to return and enjoy the game again.