Quest Will not appear, Stuck!


I have finished quest Illidary Allies however next quest Calling of the Council will not show up and the npc (minion) that should start it will not appear for me. This is a beginning quest for Legion Expansion. And I don’t know where to go further, where is the next logical quest? How to continue Legion expansion quest chain?

My char is boosted - does it effect any thing? And I still dont have my hearthstone to new Dalaran or way to get to new Dalaran! (I can cheat of course asking some one to open portal :slight_smile: )

Thank you kindly for any assistance.

Go to SW harbor and looks for the legeion returns quest or in the castle that should get you started turn on low lvl quest tracking.

I started chain quest ( Legion Expansion) in the harbor, then there was event where king Vrin ( I think lol) was killed, we have returned back, I was sent to meet Illidari in stormwind, then next quest didnt show up. And I am at lost, I checked keep, harbor nothing.

DId u check the throneroom I belive thats teh next step.

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Looks like I was responding to a post you deleted…

Copying response here:

Boosting to 120 shouldn’t cause any issues, as that boost doesn’t provide any footholds into the Legion expansion.

The introduction quests to Legion has become a bit jumbled and I believe the Calling of the Council is no longer required. In the Blink of an Eye, should be available after you complete Illidari Allies.

Strangely, Krina, you appear to have picked up, or at least have credit for, the quest before even picking up “Legion Returns”, the first quest in the intro chain, which seems odd to me. If you go to the Mage Tower, there should be an Emissary there. If you talk to her does she teleport you to either Dalaran or the Deadwind pass?

I’m wondering if you can pick up “In the Blink of an Eye” again so you can get your Dalaran Heartstone and start those quests there.


I did indeed good Tauren, right now should be Khadgards (whatever his name lol) chain quest and teleportation of Dalaran.

I will do it now what you said Vrakthris.

Regarding my oddity is actually quite simple I picked it from the Adventure’s Board, I don’t remember quest name but in it, you go to harbor and sign up for the mission ( npc Lee), had last meal armor polished etc and off you go sail to the broken island where king Vrin dies.

I did, in Mage tower I see Kirin Tor emissary lady she says if you would like to go back to broken Islands go take a portal upstairs BUT there is no portal other the one leading to OLD Northrend Dalaran!

Where do I get/pick up this quest in the blink of an eye? ( I think it should be auto-picked :smiley: )


It should be, once you qualify for it. That is why it is strange to see it on your completed list. If you can jump off of your character for a moment I might be able to take a look. Let me know if you can/have done that.

^.^ oo you going to take a look at me! Im shy :smiley: cheeks red DONE tho.

By the way The first thing I did after the char boost is asked for new Dalaran portal to get cloth there from the shop - this jump might broke something? Might be a bug! O.o And only after picked Legion Expansion from adventurer’s billboard the starting quest.

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Possibly, it definitely might be worth reporting in the bug report forum.

So I didn’t want to mess with any of the quests, as that could cause an issue, so I tested it by creating a Dalaran Hearthstone for you. It seems your character can use it and when you arrive Lord Maxwell Tyrosus will run up to you with the first Legion quest for your Artifact weapon.

Give that a try. :slight_smile:


That pesky bastard ALREADY was there the moment I showed up the first time! So I skipped all the Dalaran teleportation story line it seems? And This fellow Lord Maxwell is the next logical chain quest giver in my case now?

Is it possible you can report my bug/situation to the technical forum, I’m having issue to post there anything. (odd right? Legion’s curse? :slight_smile: )

Yes, stone in my bag, teleportation works, Lord maxwell gave me the quest, it goes on well! So that’s it then, until next “oddity” it seems :smiley:


Yes, Lord Maxwell will provide the quest that allows you to select your first Artifact weapon and open up your Class Hall. Assuming you wanted to quest through the content of Legion.

You might want to check out the available guides on wowhead if you get stuck. It’s a lot of information, but it may help. Legion Class Hall Mission Guide

Try logging out and back into the forums. Odds are the system just needs a poke to realize that you are a full active account now.


I’m marking the solution that you manually :flushed: have touched me and produced hearthstone into my bag and that Greeting NPC (whatever your class is) in new Dalaran location IS your logical continuation of the Legion Expansion chain quest IF you have teleported to Dalaran for some reason as I did before and haven’t received quest in the Blink of an Eye or Calling of the council. (that is for posterity sake explanation)

Thank you dear Vrakthris :sparkling_heart: for help and your kindness. See you around at new oddity adventure! :kissing_closed_eyes:

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Hehe. Alternately, I believe since you did have credit for completing “In the Blink of an Eye” you could likely have picked up a new Dalaran Hearthstone by speaking with Amisi Azuregaze in The Legerdemain Lounge.

Good luck!