"in the blink of an eye" quest bug

I’m having an issue getting the druid class hall quests to start in legion dalaran. Hamuul Runetotem does not show up in dalaran, Elerion Bladedancer does not have a quest after “illidari allies”. Here is a reference of the exact problem I am having: Quest Will not appear, Stuck!

My guess is you don’t have “In the Blink of an Eye” available because you already have credit for it. You should be able to start the quest line to get your first Artifact Weapon and into to the Class Hall.

I might be able to poke around a bit, if you can switch to a different character, Pajama. Let me know when you have done so.


i have switched to a different character. sorry for the delay and thanks for the quick reply!


No worries. This isn’t something we normally do, but I like poking around quest issues to see if I can figure it out. :slight_smile:

I can’t figure out why you weren’t getting Hamuul to show up in Dalaran, but poking around I was able to pick up and turn in the quest A Summons from Moonglade, in Moonglade. I left you standing in front of Hamuul, so you should be able to pick up the next quest.


thank you so much! you are a lifesaver! :smiley:


I’m not sure if it’s right to point this out. However this is a prime reason starting your own thread is very helpful. Our incredible centaur was able to assist you instead of having to moderate an ancient thread. Lesson be told to all that need assistance.


Thank you, Rycerz!


hello is there any way that you can please help me. ive done all the quests leading up to getting my hs from dalaran but no one approaches me. character name is Ykime on Burning Blade realm

If you have a quest called the harbinger, make sure you do it. That quest can cause dalaran to phase.


bro that fixed it. youre amazing. i really appreciate you so much. thank you you have no idea how happy i am


You’re welcome


Is there anyway someone can explain to me why I was able to do the quest to get to Dalaran, I got my Dalaran Hearth and I see the quest for “summons from moon glade” but the NPC never shows up. I am completely lost and nothing online is helping. I cannot pick up any quests, I’m able to do the quests from the weapons but it’s only the quests to upgrade the weapons, which I don’t have.

I am having the same exact issue. Is there a way to fix this?

Have you done

The quests that were suggested to solve it.


I have no quests in Dalaran or from the board in Stormwind. They only quests I have is the ones for the class weapons but it’s not even the quests to get them. It’s to raise them and get the blessings or whatever on them. It’s like it skipped that whole part. I have no idea how to get them or where to go to continue the quest line. I already have my Dalaran Hearth too. So I am very very lost and it’s getting frustrating

Well sice they cant be sold. Id do a thurogh search in ur bags and bank.

I should mention that this is a Druid that I used the preorder lvl 70 boost on. I never received the quests to get the weapons. Just automatically went to the quests to get them blessed. I never received them. Not in bags or bank. Is there a way to redeem them somewhere?

So, one thing I ran into was that on a 70 character that had the one of the recent story chapter quests auto-given, I didn’t get Snowfeather to spawn for the Hunter class hall quests until I removed it from my log. Perhaps it’s phasing Legion Dalaran for you?

I removed all Legion quests to try to start fresh after I got my Dal Hearth. Still nothing. I’ll have to look more when I get home but it was really bugging me. I gotta look and see if I already did the Harbinger quest.

You did, back on the 17th. You have the next quest “Door to the Ren’dorei” in your quest log. Completing the quest chain should allow you to start the Legion Class Hall and Artifact Weapon quests.