Quest rollback?

No I finished them after realm reset, then relogged and there they are again, for a 3rd time

Thanks, Blinkspam. I passed it on.


Just so I dont do anything dumb, I cant do these dailies again?

Ya I was confused that I had more dailies, when I thought I did them already today.

but if they reset on me again, I will leave them alone.

I’d refrain from a third time, Blinkspam. One reset is not ideal but it can happen when a realm goes offline suddenly, but if they continue to reset after that first one, that feels pretty broken. It starts to venture into exploitative, which I think should be avoided as best as you can.


Ok I wont just because you have my account info now :smiley:


My dailies reset on all my characters in uldum at least.

Mine also reset both in Vale and Uldum. After doing dailies I went to Chamber of Heart and before starting horror vision I had to restart Windows due to Windows Update. Came back and did horror vision of Orgrimmar and noticed my dailies were reset after. I won’t touch them till proper reset but they were reset on this character.

mine reset on log out/in, You guys need to be on the same page as blizzardCS on twitter, they’re telling everyone it’s ok to do them repeatedly.

They said a second time is fine but do not do them a third time.

Thanks for the clarification. Do not do it a 3rd time as this is something we are investigating. ^JH

— Blizzard CS - The Americas (@BlizzardCS) January 17, 2020

You shouldn't have been able to do them 3-4 times. We are looking into this further. ^JH

— Blizzard CS - The Americas (@BlizzardCS) January 17, 2020
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Just to add on to Arya’s post above, the people that post for @BlizzardCS are the same people that post here.

At least, in Kalv’s case.

I don’t think I did any three times but I sure hope they don’t ban anyone for doing three times. Because I am playing 3 characters in that stuff and I forget what I do and don’t do on each.

Just wanted to say that this is happening to me too, i did daily today before the daily reset, and once after the reset, then went to do something away from the computer, when i came back , the dailies of both zones were up again to grab.

I did not logout , i just moved from one zone to another and they were up again… i started to do some again, but thought something was fishy and came to the forums to get some clarification, seens like i was right in coming here. Ive now abandoned them and will just touch them tomorrow after the reset.

Btw, if the CS Vrakthris want to check something, that was happening with this character im posting with.

I know it has been mentioned but I want it in blue as well… No, we didn’t. I’m part of the team that handles the BlizzardCS account. We told folks that if the dailies reset with the restarts it was okay to do those again.

Once there had been additional clarification that some characters were able to repeatedly reset their dailies without limit we started gathering information to have it looked into further and discouraged folks from repeatedly doing them.

We understand the confusion there, Sarandor, and take that into consideration.


9 posts were split to a new topic: Unable to start Mechagon

As the bump to this thread had nothing to do with the original issue I’ve separated it to it’s own thread. Locking this one up to avoid any confusion.