Quest rollback?

I sense more rollbacks, or fun hotfixes that just happened. We all remember Taloc, right?

Can you give me a character name of a character of yours that you were able to do that with, Celestia?


the only guy its happen too is posting on 2 accounts lol. sounds like he might be bitter that his quests didn’t reset and is trying cause drama

Hmm I just tried and they didnt reset, so if it is happening it’s not everyone.


Can you give me a character name and do you recall which dailies you were able to do more than once?


I exited completely like Celestia said, the uldum quests did not respawn. It could be a case of only spawning for a handful of people

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I dont usually post here, but what Celestia say, is true. I log off wow, closed launcher, then re-open again and the dailies are AGAIN (3rd time). I did it the second time because blue posts say so. But i wont risk a 3rd time. Fix this asap.

 I did dailies this afternoon, and then I did them again after the servers went down. Now they are available again, for a total of 3 times during this reset.

On this character, Zalazane? I’m trying to get some sample characters so our QA team can take a look.


No, Sylaize. DH

Awesome, thank you, Swiftarma. For now, I’d probably avoid doing them repeatedly.

Once after reset was one thing, but if you are able to do them continually, that is something else.

By the way, thank you everyone!


mine reset also for a 3rd time on this character

I tried to reproduce it for the sake of the devs but was unable to (I wouldnt do it a third time) but it never worked for me. so im off to level my mechagnome :slight_smile:

with mine, I never logged off. They were just there again.

When I connect an alt who hasn’t done the N’zoth daily and go back to my main they reset

yup logging into a different character then back to main reset all dailies for 3rd time

is it characters that have the cape or any character? I logged into my 35 mechgnome and it didnt reset

Do you have a quest name that you did more than once, Blinkspam? Not counting from before the server resets today. I’m looking at your quest history for the last couple of hours on your Death Knight and I only see them done once.


i did all dailies twice, once in the morning and once after the reset. One of the quests names were “Down From the Sky” in uldum

So once before we had the realm issues that eventually resulted in us doing a quick restart maintenance? But only once since the realms came back up?

That should be fine. It obviously isn’t ideal, but the main concern is if the quests are continually resetting and able to completed multiple times, for multiple rewards, since the realms came back up about 3 hours ago.