Quest rollback?

I turned in quest now its back up . Do I need to redo the HATED daily or are you going to roll servers foreword ? Its hated because takes longer to find them then to kill them .

Yep, all my available dailies came back as well. I’m pretty certain they’re not going to restart again just to fix this. Just a guess, though.

When a realm goes down suddenly it is possible that some data is lost. If the quest is available you may need to do it again.


But, more to the point, should / can we do them again if we already completed them earlier today?

'Cause I cleared the board around noon, and now I have all the quests available to me again. Ignore em, or?

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I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t, Breakbeat.


Are we supposed to keep the rep we already gained from those dailies?
Because if they don’t reset for you, you’ll be behind in rep versus those for whom it did reset.

Everyone screen shot this if we get banned.


I don’t mean to be flippant, but lots of folks did just get actioned for a very similar situation.

Something was resetting that shouldn’t have been resetting. Exactly what happened here.

I’ll have to disagree with that.


The chest thing? No? People said they just kept opening them, when they shouldn’t have been “openable” in the first place.

Now people are going to be able to get more rep that they shouldnt have been able to get in the first place. And I’ll clarify that the rewards I received from doing them earlier in the day did not get rolled back. Only the quest availability got rolled back.

I see a very obvious similarity.

But that’s fine, I’m totally cool with double rewards day. Thanks.

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So since my dailies didn’t reset, I just fall behind in rep versus others who did. I just want to be sure that’s your stance, so I can stop worrying about it and just #feelbad.

What is going on with this company? Ban people for “exploiting” when they weren’t and roll back those bans and then ON THE SAME DAY we have the twitter account and a blue poster here basically telling people it’s fine go repeat the dailies that should reset ONCE PER DAY, since theyre permanently resetting today…

Seriously… if people get banned for this the people working the twitter account and the blue posting here should be fired.

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i dont think blizzard understands whats going on. when you log off and go back to your desktop and then restart it resets your dailies so you can just do them infinity sooo yeah blizzard saying yes is like LMFAO

Oh no the sky is falling…


I mean, if Blizzard’s official sources say it’s ok to do it, and then people are banned over it, then it is DEFINITELY a “sky is falling” situation, because they were inducing us to get banned.

I have screenshotted both this thread and the replies from the BlizzardCS twitter account. My WoW account has maybe one or two infractions in 14 years of playing this game. If I get actioned over an action Blizzard themselves said it was fine to do, hell yes I’m going to be pissed.

Just to clarify, I’m talking about the daily reset that happened with the realm restarts. This character at least has not had any daily resets other than that, but some players apparently can reset the dailies over and over by fully closing the WoW client.

So you are saying that you are able to completely reset your completed dailies by logging out to desktop and restarting? Do I have that right?

Because as far as I know you, as a player, have zero control over the dailies resetting for some people today. That happened with the restarts that we did today while working to address the issues that were happening today. So which version is correct? Because if YOU are able to reset your dailies to do them repeatedly, that is another matter entirely.


I logged out to see, they didn’t reset for my warlock but only once when the reset happened

yep if you log off wow to your desktop and relaunch wow its resetting your 8.3 daily quests so you can just keep spamming them

I just tested this, exiting and restarting my client. My Vale dailies did not reset again.


Yeah, looks like I can do dailies for a 3rd time now?