Explain to me right now how any of what you just said right here is relevant. Don’t dodge this question either because I want you to think about it. How is this relevant at all.
You JUST said alliance knew they would have much shorter q times, but in the same breath you act like the horde didn’t know theirs would be long and blizzard needed to tell us more info. Which is it?
Listen to me. And listen closely. Even if they removed crbgs and even if this spread out all alliance and horde PERFECTLY. The q times would be the exact. Same. Length. Because that’s what CRBGS does. The problem isn’t people spreading out, the problem is there is too much horde period.
Blizz could also start making some changes to make Alliance better, or even balanced with horde. Things like giving us the same guards on boats that Horde have on zeps, or making Wetlands an Alliance zone so we can switch continents without flagging like Horde can do.
Instead, they ignored Alliance, and then came up with a bunch of AV changes tailored to benefit the Horde- why would anyone roll Alliance at this point when even the developers are still dedicated to making the Horde experience far more enjoyable?
Frankly the AV changes are the last straw for a lot of people, every discord I’m in Alliance are pissed and talking about quitting, while Horde are celebrating- when the response is that polarized between factions it’s easy to tell who Blizz likes most.
TBC pvp realms are gonna be DoA, because nobody’s going to want to go through this again.
At this point I doubt there will be a merger- not that as time goes on it won’t happen just not soon.
I think the biggest issue will be during the War Supplies gathering – takes both Factions to unlock.
Stalagg will struggle - I am sure Blizz will open the doors , just not at first – probably closer to Naxx release.
I started a post a few weeks ago about this realm as some of guilds were planning on transferring … Now the realm is a ghost town. I still have some low level alts there . Last I checked there were about 30 60’s on at the time most were in AV
Post I started: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/stalagg-becoming-us-version-of-flamelash/402605
Reroll or quit, your faction on your server were the primary zugs spamming this as you deathballed, you weren’t looking for solutions when it was 80v5 in SG, EPL, WS, WPL, etc… every high level zone, you weren’t looking for solutions when every advantage was in your favour but you still had low levels to crush until they finally gave up on levelling.
Well look at that, they all gave up on levelling, grats.
Your situation right now is one you made willingly, you gloated and cheered as you got what you wanted and now you wanna cry about it. You haven’t had a pvp experience since launch, you’ve been heavily relying on numbers and in most cases exploiting too in order to ensure you have the most challenge free pvp experience possible.
Of course the players on the other side of that would leave. As one of the under 100 peak time alliance left, when I see a skull Horde while I’m out questing or trying to level they will chase me down and camp every single time even now- Stalagg Horde are famous for being the most cowardly and low skill players in the game, stacking the server because you knew numbers were your only chance of standing a chance.
There’s an automatic time based opening, I don’t recall- but it doesn’t matter. As much as it’d be great to hope that Horde never finish the event on this server, it’s not a reasonable hope. Most of what made Horde so capable of camping FPs and zones so well here was they had dozens of Alliance alt spy accounts sitting at portal rooms, major Alliance travel points and major FPs near dungeons so they could effectively camp.
There was always a level one sitting by a FP, and you knew the moment you saw it that even if you couldn’t see Horde nearby, they’d be coming- and seconds later they’d pop out of where they were hiding to gank.
Those alt accounts will now be repurposed to funnelling mats. All Horde is gonna do is move all the mats over and finish it.
Just because you don’t like the solution, doesn’t mean it isn’t a solution. Simply put, there’s too many Horde on PvP servers. So the only way it gets better is if fewer people play Horde, and more people play Alliance. That’s simple math.
Or, you know, they could do what they did with Retail, and get rid of PvP servers altogether.
That’s it, those are the only ways that the servers won’t be sh1tshows. People on Normal servers aren’t going to go to PvP servers. If they were going to do that, they would have done it in the beginning, and they certainly wouldn’t be doing it after P2. So, in the end, you have a simple math equation. There are 2 Horde for every 1 Alliance across PvP servers. The only way that math works out to anywhere close to even servers is if you get Horde to play as Alliance.
Yeah, I was with you saying that the xrealm BGs weren’t going to fix anything, but people thought that, surely people who went to play on PvE servers would love to live in AV all day even after they’re Exalted with the rep. I mean, why would people be on PvE servers except for PvP, amirite?
You say that like it is a bad thing.
If they are unwilling to reroll, then the only way imbalanced servers get fixed is by making PvP optional, something you can flag yourself for. You know, like Normal servers.
It is simple. Either Blizzard comes in and makes changes that will invariably cause more problems than they solve until Horde quit in enough numbers to even the playing field, or Horde reroll voluntarily. Or you transfer to a Normal server. That’s it. That’s the reality of the situation.
PvPers made their bed, now they have to lie in it.
You mean pvpers did what was the most efficient honor for their faction to reach upper brackets? Say it isn’t so. Also I seem to remember blizzard allowing transfers off of imbalanced server before finally realizing the mistake. Players really aren’t to blame, the system required that play style in order to earn rewards along with free transfers backfiring.
How is having Horde fliers perched around your corpse going to make it easier to escape being camped? How is having the dominant faction prevent anyone from getting through the dark portal going to be good for the Alliance?
I guess we know who hasn’t learned from what’s happening here. I’ve been correct on every prediction so far, from the Horde queues after phase 2 to Blizz not listening to Alliance but making fast changes for the Horde. I’m not going to be wrong on TBC- if you roll A on a pvp realm in TBC, you are making the biggest mistake of your gaming life.
I didn’t say alliance knew they would have shorter queue times. But that, if horde have better PvP racials, then the only reason a pvp’er would go alliance is for shorter queue times.
You’re saying, “As it is right now, the only solution is for horde to reroll alliance or quit”. And then you say, “This is the fault of players because it is the players who have to fix it”.
In essence that is correct. My point is, a lot of horde on Stalagg either wouldn’t have stayed on Stalagg or would have rerolled alliance if they knew the first day that Stalagg was a 70/30 server and that there wouldn’t be CRBG’s.
Are we really comparing the entirety of TBC to launch day? Come on dude… plus flying mounts make in infinitely easier to avoid ganks lol wth? You rez as far away as possible, mount up, fly away. Yeah they can hit you but it’s way way harder than in vanilla. Plus just casually flying around farming you can fly over a zone and be like “Oh hey, there’s a ton of horde here, Imma dip out”. Where in vanilla you mount up to a place, see a lot of horde, then get chased down and die because you have no where to go.
Come on dude don’t play dumb to try and make your point, it is infinitely easier that’s why people always say “FlYiNg RuInS WoRlD pVp”… no it ruins ganking and camping.
Yikes this was super cringe my dude lol you can be right on classic pvp all you want, it was really easy to see this coming. It’s fairly clear you aren’t too savy with tbc pvp tho.
When there’s a dozen Horde sitting on you, there’s nowhere you’re going to be able to rez up and fly from- and even if you do, one mage pom poly’s you and you’re dead, and back to being camped.
That’s literally saying the exact same thing. So yes, that is what I’m saying.
Drop the CRBGs dude. If there were no CRBGs and the servers were perfectly balanced like you are thinking they would be, the q times would be the EXACT. SAME.
And the horde knew the server was a 70/30 server btw graphs were posted everywhere pre launch.
You can paint these picture perfect scenarios all day my dude to try and prove your point. Point is this scenario is rare. I said it helps to fend off ganking not completely null and void it and it will never happen again.