A lot of people & guilds have already transferred a few more are planning to on Tuesday
Blizzard should consider merger with Heartseeker, I know they don’t need any more alliance but could use a surge on Horde side.
free transfers were open to HS i think 3 times before paid xfers came out… at this point, you’re better off just paying the ferryman 25$ and come to HS b4 stalagg collapses… after you finish ranking ofcourse.
One might say it’s becoming Stalaggnant
Yes there was transfers before , and the last one was only for horde only . Those that play Horde won’t transfer , why would they? They dominate the server . It’s an easier way of life to part of the dominate fraction.
Issues that I see happening:
Alliance side:
economy will dry up.
Dungeon / Raid groups will become non existence
Leveling will become even worse 40 +
BWL entrance forget about it( you won’t be able to even get the quest)
The server is close to failure.
Now for the biggest thing that I see happening and this isn’t just for the server Stalagg.
I highly doubt there will be TBC servers.
Why? There will only be one fraction , no one that has had to deal with the issues not being on the dominate fraction will want to do that again, Least on Pvp servers .
And Stalaggnant that’s funny because that’s what it will be
I believe the Alliance are transfering off Stalagg because there isn’t enough Alliance players PvPing on the server to allow for even one R14 tier. So any Alliance PvPers that aiming for that PvP Rank 14 have to do so elsewhere on other servers.
As Horde on Heartseeker it is quite saddening to see some of the Horde voices on the forums tell y’all to “reroll, git guud, PvP happened, etc.” And yet they won’t come here because they don’t want to for whatever excuses they tell themselves.
How about no, the horde are getting what they deserve.
Someone’s salty for not playing Classic.
I have a horde toon on heartseeker and I think the same thing when i see horde players act like that.
I wish i could heart your post about 50 more times.
Ayy man much appreciated!!
I remember during phase two pre Bags there’d be a full alliance raid pushing Org, and at level 43 I was healing our healers in our defensive raid group as another full raid group of horde just sat on the bank and watched.
Don’t believe the horde posters on here when they say the majority of alliance players don’t like to PvP. Plenty of Heartseeker horde before they quit or raid logged due to the “PvP happened on a PvP server.”
With that being said, those of us who like to fight back and do, have a tremendous amount of faction pride.
They say those words.
Then cry about alliance AV.
Oh the irony indeed. Isn’t it sweet?
Good luck Stalagg horde on opening gates by yourself lololol
Don’t worry with all the multi account no lifers, they’ll get the gate open with just horde. Same with HS.
Stalaag is dead, but the last place I want to go is heartseeker. I really hope I don’t end up there.
That’s their choice and their problem.
I bet the server you transfer to will have a similar or lower Alliance population than Stalagg does after you transfer, but will be Alliance dominant. Maybe Deviate Delight?
Stalagg is fine. If we have to, we’ll all reroll Alliance alts on second accounts and open the gates. Please stop all the anti-Stalagg propaganda. Server is fine, move along.
I actually don’t know where I’ll be going since I’m just letting my guild choose. Though if you think I’ll be going to a lower pop server than Stalaag you have no clue what you’re talking about.
OK, well good for you, and your guild.
I was just looking at ironforge.pro
, and based on the last two weeks, it is showing something like 6583 total players logging raids on Stalagg. With a 25:75 faction balance. That’s something like 1646 Alliance vs 4937 Horde logging raids.