PVP Servers (i.e. Stalagg) - Need solutions

Well the reason they are bringing up faction specific que is directly because of the bg ques and such. If horde players don’t want to have something like a q that hinders their gameplay then they should have no room to complain about bg qs or premades. That’s just the nature of the beast.

You actually have a toddler brain with toddler thoughts please just step away from this thread.

What did I say that was incorrect?

Literally everything because you can’t understand context.

Can you give me even one example of what I said that was wrong so I can respond?

All three of which cause as many issues as they solve.

The only true fix to imbalances on PvP servers is to remove PvP servers, as they did in Retail.

The situation on Thalnos is the WORST, so far. Almost all alliance guilds left the server this week, because of the server state, we had a unbalance of 30/70 horde at phase 2, but now the alliance of the server is almost dead, ppl are leaving the server every day, and the AH have less than 4K itens right now. Blizzard opened a lot of servers, and a lot of free xfers, now the situation is bad for almost everyone, that’s unfair with the community, when you need to pay a transfer to leave a dead server because of Blizzard mistakes.


Fine, without jumping into your nonsense arguments I will show you.

This is from the very top.

This thought right here that you keep arguing is literally irrelevant to anything and everything in this thread.

This is a player created issue, anything you are going to talk about regarding this topic is null and void. You can keep spouting off what’s good and not good about being in the majority all you want, this is a player created issue, that only has a player created solution.

Blizzard didn’t tell everyone to go horde. They didn’t give more rewards for horde than alliance. Blizzard didn’t make this problem. If players split 50/50 then the camping/pvp would be the best for everyone. But no, horde players WANTED to be dominant.

Everything you keep saying like

or anything remotely similar to this thought is also, null and void. People knew there was going to be an imbalance. Period. No more discussion. No more “WELL WE DIDN’T KNOW HOW BAD IT WA…” no. stop. They knew it was going to be horde bias’d and they didn’t care and went horde.

There is only one solution to this problem and it’s horde need to go ally. That’s literally it. You can say “BUT THEY HAVE PROGRESS” or “BUT THEY HAVE FRIENDS” all you want. That’s fine, if they don’t want to go alliance then don’t go allaince. Just be prepared to live with the consequences YOU made.

If you still don’t get it let me make an analogy for you.

Let’s say we are playing a round based FPS. And you get points for killing the most people making the rounds pointless. Well the horde players had this mindset of “HEY LETS ALL JOIN ON ONE TEAM AND GO 10 vs 1 AGAINST THIS GUY SO WE WIN THIS GAME EASY LOL”.

But then they realize that although they may have been winning the fight in terms of rounds but the solo guy has more points because he has more people to kill, then they all of a sudden want it fair without having to reverse their actions.

No, that’s dumb. There’s no arguing for that to even be remotely considered. Just like in the fps game, the only way to fix that problem is to switch sides. “BUT I SPENT TIME ON HORDE ALR…” that’s your fault.

Imagine if BG’s didn’t exist at all, wouldn’t the imbalance be even worse? Why?

Yeah that’s a great idea, throw away hundreds of hours of progress if not more.

It was perfectly clear how bad it would be.

Retail has crbgs AND mercenary mode. The queues for horde in retail are pretty bad. Translate that to classic which doesn’t have merc mode. I, and many others were trying to explain that early during phase 1, using 3rd party population data, that the queue times were looking like they would be awful But everyone just wanted to parrot that it would be fixed by xrealm bgs and(lol) Alliance PVE servers.

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Please no I like having a nice server

When Classic first came out almost no one had any clue what the ratios were. And when I first looked, the best servers were 50/50, and the worst servers were 65/35, plus the PvE servers were all 80/20 alliance.

Most people speculated the overall imbalance was only 55/45. And when BG’s first launched the horde queues were only 5-8 minutes.

But regardless, if there weren’t CRBG’s then Stalagg Horde would be leaving in droves. They stay on Stalagg because they get the same queue times everywhere. Why would they leave?

Which we also predicted perfectly. If you feel like digging through some of my old posts, I made several where I stated I believed horde queues would be fast at first for a few weeks and would slowly climb after that till they held at about 30-45 minutes.

This is because at first, PVE players would queue to get rep rewards. But once rep was done, they’re done.

I do wonder if the queue will keep climbing or not though since it’s already about reached what I predicted.


To be fair, the reason the queue time started at 7 minutes was because the average game lasted 7 minutes. The queue time jumped because the average game is now 30 minutes. Plus a lot of alliance didn’t just quit after the rep grind, they quit because if you’re not in a premade, AV is awful for alliance. Horde get to Belinda at the same time as the alliance and just block the alliance from doing anything.

On horde, the pugs basically get as much honor per hour as the tryhards. On alliance the premades get like 4-10x more honor per hour than pugs. This creates a very haves and have-nots environment, and most of the casuals are quitting, leading to even longer horde queue times.

On alliance an epic mount is basically a requirement otherwise you can never get passed stonehearth. For horde it really doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter because whatever happens it would be at fault of the people who made this situation.

Do you understand this very simple thought yet

Why are you so obsessed with literal nonsense arguments that mean nothing lol.

Out of every single pvp server HS was the exception otherwise every other server from my experience was more dominated by horde and even going back to the forum posts it was horde who were camping FPs and Other areas in p2.

When BGs releases then it wasn’t as bad, and when a lot of alliance came to the forums to complain a lot of horde then always posted “quit, reroll or go back to retail”

So I still stand that it is the hordes own fault for telling the alliance on their server to quit or reroll if they didn’t want to deal with the camped FPs and the like during the p2 and no surprised when paid transfers were a thing that the alliance who didn’t quit decided to leave a dominated server for greener pastures.

My server was the same thing during p2 but I stuck it out and it got better when bgs released but basically every pvp server with the exclusion of HS (which is like the only one alliance dominated) is horde dominated. Last I checked my server was like 55/45 ratio, which isn’t terribly bad like others where it’s 70/30.

Kind of funny how now it’s mainly horde were complaining about the problems when before during p2 when it was all alliance most of not all post by horde on those forum posts all involved saying to quit or to reroll or worse go back to retail.


HAHAHAHAHAHAA oh wow it’s finally started, the zugs complaining because you zugged too hard.

No, you don’t get what you want- we told you this was gonna happen, you happily made your pvp server into a pve server and now you wanna whine about it?

How about no? You zugs spammed ‘reroll or quit’, you made it clear you wanted a pve server- you got it. You made the game unplayable for weeks, and so people stopped playing.

There are no mergers coming- who do you think you’ll merge with? The only A high pop pvp server is HS, which Horde server gets to merge with them?

Most Alliance that left servers like Skeram/Stalagg went to other servers that are still Horde dominated- if you start merging very horde dominant with moderate ones, you’ve basically just milked cash out of players to have them back in the same situation.

At which point- players will just quit, and you’re still with a bunch of pvp servers that are really pve.


The only thing that the alliance ever had to keep them playing alliance was knowing they would have short BG queues compared to horde. Remove BG’s and this would be a one-faction game.

Everyone but you would call this “bad game design”.

Luckily there are BG’s, and I would bet that if the Horde on Stalagg could have seen the first day that the server was imbalanced 70/30, and that there wouldn’t be CRBG’s, they would have acted appropriately.

In that sense, Blizzard should have provided the players with the information they needed to make good decisions. And not wait 4-5 months once they are in BiS gear, rank 10+, with hundreds of hours and thousands of gold invested.

And before you appeal to #nochanges, there were no CRBG’s at this point in the game. And Stalagg would have never been this imbalanced if there weren’t going to be CRBG’s.

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Heartseeker is awesome. We get to hoard all the alliance everyone else complains about.

I guess the horde should have came over whenever they had the chance. I suppose they were too afraid to be the underdogs.