PVP Servers (i.e. Stalagg) - Need solutions

I play on Heartseeker, it is 80% alliance, without CRBG’s my queue times would be two hours. But with CRBG’s this server could be 100% alliance and I’ll still get instant queue times.

At one time there were actually free transfers to Heartseeker for only horde from Stalagg and Skeram, they didn’t come. Why? Because the queue times for horde on Heartseeker are exactly the same as they are for horde on Stalagg/Skeram.

Trust me, if people knew from the beginning there wouldn’t be CRBG’s, a lot of people would have chose different servers/faction.

I came here from stalag. Most of the time you are getting ganked is in a zone like BRD or something similar where everyone is waiting outside the instance and you can’t mount. In TBC this isn’t the case. Some zones you get a mount for your ghost… TBC is nothing like vanilla in terms of camping or zones so you comparing the two is honestly laughable.

Sure buddy.

I said “keep them playing alliance”, I didn’t say “why they chose alliance”.

I was referring to phase 2 during the slaughter.

Literally read everything I wrote next time before you comment. Everything you said here is meaningless

What does this have anything to do with

Oh wait it doesn/t

No, most of it is in SG or BS, or EPL. It’s in places you can mount, but you don’t have the time to because they fan out over the area where you can spawn.

Did you hide in IF the entire phase? This was every day, not sure how you missed it.

Rorshak, would Stalagg be a 90/10 server if everyone knew from the first day there wouldn’t be CRBG’s?

In the absence of CRBG’s, do you think more horde would have taken the free transfers to Heartseeker?

It’d be this bad day one if players knew everyone is rolling Horde- and now that we do know that, when TBC comes around players are going to understand it’s going to be even worse since there’s zero reason to be Alliance in TBC- even pallies for raiding isn’t a benefit.

Ok bud I have played on stalag until last week and this is actually pretty rare that they freaking fan out over your body lol you are really stretching the truth to try and be right.

What I said about ganking and TBC is true. Full stop. You can argue about vanilla ganks all you want. TBC makes it infinitely better.

You have made it pretty clear you aren’t looking to argue for the truth but just looking to argue to be right.

In which case, you aren’t.


Not that it matters at all and this isn’t what we are arguing or discussing at all but you keep bringing it up…

but yes

hello i am emma watson please change your name

You’re so clueless, not surprising coming from one of GRIZZLY’s dogs. Enjoy getting camped everywhere you go in TBC classic, unless you just sit in Shattrath raid logging.

TBC, with 5x sized servers, is going to be blackened skies from so many of the dominant faction. If they don’t layer for the first month, the low pop faction isn’t going to get through the portal and by then half of those left will have quit.

Classic is going to look like Hello Kitty in comparison.

I’m assuming you never played on private servers?

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What? Well thanks for outing yourself as someone who should be listened to dear lol.

What? Who said the server sizes would be 5x? WTH are you smoking…

Yeah I’m just steppin out on this one bud. Keep painting false narratives with your scenarios.

Flying fixes the ganking issue. Period. Have fun

You think after making Classic servers 5x bigger than Vanilla, they’re not going to be doing the same for TBC? WTH are you smoking…

Wait, did you get GRIZZLY’s botters to get your 60 for you? I guess that explains why you don’t know even the most basic thing about the game- you haven’t actually played it.


Pay xfer and move to a server that needs horde. stop crying

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Which…was…layered…to match a standard vanilla server.

You are asking for help from “the people in charge”, rather than solving your own problems. That strategy works for children and in recent years it works in many colleges. If you complain enough, someone “in charge” will help you. But it doesn’t work in general. Adults know this.

You can use any words you want: “need”, “issue”, “fix”, “solution”, “problem”, etc. That doesn’t change things. You are using this strategy: get someone above you to help you.

No words you use will convince Blizzard that they are obligated to help you. Especially not by changing a “copy of the 2005 game” into something else that is easier for you.

The system required nothing. They chose to roll Horde instead of Alliance. They chose to form roving murderballs and drive what Alliance were on their servers away. They chose to try for Rank, even though everyone has been saying since the beginning that the process would suck. They chose to stay, even when the queues kept getting longer. They chose not to reroll. They chose to go with the flow, following the lemmings in the path of greatest efficiency.

They chose their fate, and this is what awaits them.

Now, the only choice is whether you continue to whine, or take responsibility for your choices, and either suck it up, transfer to one of the Alliance-dominated servers, or reroll. Embrace the suck, or go somewhere else. That is reality.


I think people are angry that Blizzard’s policies caused or worsened a lot of problems we see in Classic.

This was easily avoidable if Blizzard hadn’t been incompetent.

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