Taivan Mount Animation Fixes in 10.2.7

In order to alleviate some animation bugs with Taivan, we recently reduced the default size of the mount.

This was a temporary measure, and we’re developing fixes for everyone’s goodest good boy. We expect to return Taivan to a larger size in 10.2.7, and we’re planning to test those fixes in an upcoming 10.2.7 PTR build.

We appreciate the enthusiastic feedback we’ve gotten on this!


Let’s goooooooooo!

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Everyone liked that


Thank you for the update. It really is appreciated.


Thank you Warcraft Devs

Huuuge, thank you. I’m like 1 single elemental storm, daily, fishing hole and 2 photographs away from the whole meta, so this makes it worthwhile

I question the “temporary measure” part but thank you for this update regardless. It is much appreciated. Thank you.


The biggest boy ever!

I hold my enthusiasm until likely becomes will, but thank you for the clarification and potential action.

Big THANK YOU to everyone who spoke up about this.


Easy and popular decision. The giant doge mount is fantastic.

Great news. I think this shows some value in being more transparent in the future, assuming this was always a temporary measure and not a hastened retreat after all the feedback.


It better be atleast the size of the NPC glares, better if it was the original size though. Also i don’t buy the animation fix with all the other problems some other mounts have. I think you just got backlashed to hell and back.


Thank youuuu!!!

The Best Boi deserved a lot of noise. Thanks Blizz!


Can you also give it working wings. I really hate that as hard as this achievement was. It basically awarded a mount that’s almost entirely useless. Even when dynamic flight is added to more mounts. This is still just a ground mount. THe model clearly has wings on it yet it remains grounded. Maybe the animations weren’t done in time who knows but I’d like to see good boy actually be usable in war within. It’s not like expansions of old where we start on ground. Dragonflight and war within START airborn so we’ll never use a ground mount.


I actually made a post recently trying to alleviate the unfortunate current state of ground mount usability if you wanna check it out, I’d love to fly on a massive dog too


I was losing hope we’d hear anything official at all. Thanks for the update/ listening to our feedback!

The emphasis on “enthusiastic” took me out! :rofl:


And make the fur really flappy and his tongue bounce around with his fluffy face while zooming everywhere!

Lots of big ol’ fur flapping around… wait is the WoW engine capable of this?