PvP join the discussion-minor damage changes is not TUNING

since I can’t give you guys the good threads because thats not allowed. good rule right? I guess I just have to say if anyone’s interested in joining the pvp discussion please go over there and participate. we would love to have you. please we need more people. for pvp related threads here in the general discussion category check the posts below. thank you.


Anyone looking for teams? Would love to find some people to play with.


sure can i put my battle net here or is that against the rules lol dont wanna get 404’d again

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It’s not against the rules. I used to make partner seeking threads over in the arena forums all the time because we needed more people playing back then too. Just make it organized and make it so people can have a format to follow and it should be smooth.




bumpbumpbump it up

I hate pvp but you know what, good luck to you guys.


I’m not even meaning like go PvP and join us I mean go to PvP forums and voice your opinion on the threads there or make one yourself. if you hate it let us know why, please. also thank you appreciate the positivity


I might. One day. I did pvp a bit with a friend in cata and had…a bit of fun lol. Mostly because I was hanging out a friend.

cata was a vibe, thats for sure. cant wait for classic i want in that beta soooooooooo bad

Personally I like world pvp and wish there was a pvp server on retail that operate similar to classic pvp severs

great topic that sounds awesome, arenatourment realm should be free as well with a subscrpition its really insane that its not its equiv to a ptr that actually has people on it regularly


bumpnstuff w myself



Years ago, for a short time, I played on a PVP server with a friend. It was fun. Though, when I was alone, I would never survive (I have the eye/hand/speed coordination of a turtle) but I still enjoyed my time playing …it was a great server !! I liked having to be aware that, around every corner, there could be someone lying in weight !! The mentality of “PVP happens on PVP servers” hadn’t taken hold yet and it seemed to me that folks played to enjoy themself AND let other do the same. Now, that players know that ‘ganking’ could/will happen why not bring back PVP servers. Perhaps adding an honor system to discourage ‘ganking’ would make this play style appealing to more !!
/bow in respect

The problems with PvP are a bit of a “beating a dead horse” topic

Plenty of complain threads and feedback threads have been made over the years, but they just get ignored from what I’ve seen

If there’s any class balance issues that come up in arena/rated PvP specifically, they usually get fixed fairly quick. But if there’s problems in the larger/more popular areas of PvP such as casual PvP or wPvP then those issues go unaddressed for years at a time

Most casual PvPers already know what the problems are (which classes are OP, what abilities need tuning such as Sniper Shot, which maps need tweaking, etc), but at the end of the day it’s on the devs to actually do something - if they don’t do anything then the players are just left twiddling their thumbs waiting for something to happen

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