PvP Issues Organized Megathread Plea for Aid to Community Council and Blizzard

Bumping the post.

The PvP system in WoW was set to fail years ago and now we are seeing the results.

All current PvP game modes revolve around ranked modes. These are largely inaccessible for new players, and the moment-to-moment gameplay is terrible. I’m thinking here of all the aspects involved: from forming an arena team, getting an rBG premade, or sitting in a 40 min shuffle queue, to facing very experienced carries and gladiators playing their alts at lower rankings in arena, bots in shuffle, and well behaved players in rBGs.

Casual PvP modes, which would be the natural place to encourage new and casual players to make the jump for ranked have been all abandoned. They are all rewardless chores that only make sense in the context of gearing up for ranked.

The game has no way of onboarding new players to ranked modes, and it has become obvious that more players are leaving the game mode than joining.

The problem is that fixing this path is almost impossible. There is almost no reward the game could offer to entice the demographic that currently plays this game (a broad range of younger adults, adult teenagers, and regular adults) to spend the time required to enjoy ranked modes of PvP. The amount of complexity and learning they have to go through is simply not worth almost anyone’s time.

Who would go through all that in 2024 when the only thing they might possibly find at the end of the tunnel is a PvE tier reskin, a title, and a mount every season?

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A Community Council member has just taken up our cause and posted a link to this Forum in his CC Forum post, please head over there and show him some love if you’re reading this!

Bumping this post!

now were cookin with gasssss my panda male


This is gonna take everyone if we’re gonna create any semblance of a movement large enough to get Blizzard to consider supporting PvP. I might even go post of the WoW Classic Forums lol. We need all hands on deck! we need to be sharing this CC members post on every PvP related post and maybe even some other large posts, without being rude or spammy.

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I like this idea of pushing changes for PvP…But didn’t you’ve this thread…

another one…and then another one about CC

Man is too much and it’s getting disorganized for the playerbase… the idea of a MEGA thread is too keep everything in a single thread.

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Yeah you couldn’t be more correct. The first thread there that you linked the Megathread, did it’s job of garnering the attention of a CC Member, he just made a post in the CC Forums where he linked my Megathread. The Cc Rallying Cry is an attempt to reach out to all the CC Members who straight up ignored the call for aid Megathread.

I agree it is getting disorganized. However the process is working, albeit slowly. Some CC Members will clearly overlook and ignore any post with PvP in the title, so that’s why I think we should try to keep both posts alive until we can get 3+ CC Members communicating on Cyrios CC Forum post. Once multiple CC members start working together and talking, that’s usually when we see a Blue Post.

You didn’t give them even 3 days between threads…They are also part of the playerbase with their own schedules and life. You need to be patient too, I know the frustration that Blizzard generates with the bad treatment of different aspects of the game but give them time.

You’re doing spam until works, then the conversation gets split between different threads, you could have tag the CC members again in the same megathread. We need a single thread for this discussion.

Cyrios already did a thread and he can reach out other members with a pvp focus via their discord or wait for their response in his thread…We don’t see a blue post under that reasoning, they actually response when they’ve to put out some fire…

You can go to the CC and organize post by comments and there’s plenty of topics with a lot of discussion that were ignored by a Blizzard.

The whole idea of the CC isn’t working as we expected because there’s a lack of communication, check the threads from CC members about that, So I don’t think even if 3-4 members talk a little bit that a Blue will appear, In depence if a CM can actually say something that won’t impact the WoW team or if a Dev can mention that they’re workin on something without compromising the team, imagine the budget, time restrictions.

You did a good job with this thread, but be mindful of the people coming in and saying “bump,” because that’s frowned upon here and I don’t want to see anyone start flagging or your thread get deleted.

So much time and effort was done here and I’m glad to see this is going in a more positive direction than some of the last PvP threads and that’s great!


actual tuning

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Eh, GD’ers frequently bump some of the most mindless drivel/fluff threads imagineable :joy:actual feedback threads/threads of substance getting bumped is fine imo

There’s certainly more substance in a thread like this than say, a random bait thread

Oh, I have no issues with it personally. It’s just that I’ve seen “bumping this” posts get deleted and I know of at least one incident where an entire thread was deleted because of people just coming in to say “bumping this.” I don’t want to see that happen here, because it’s a good well thought out thread, so I thought it was a good idea to toss out a warning, just in case!

Like I said, it’s frowned upon, but I don’t know if that’s listed in the CoC. It’s just in the Welcome post at the top of the forum. So it’s completely up in the air depending on people and mods. And I’m overly wary of people on this forum. LOL

If people want to come in and say, “Hey, commenting here because I don’t want to see this fall off, I like this particular point in here {insert point here},” then that’s more constructive and still bumping without just “bumping” so there’s no worry about weird stuff happening. :wink:

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It’s considered spamming, which is against the CoC.

Spamming or Trolling
This category includes:
Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
Making non-constructive posts


Thank you for the feedback. I’m pretty new to using the forums, from what I can tell it looks like if things don’t pick up after a couple days they tend to get buried and forgotten. My goal was to strike while the Iron is hot. I’m not planning on making any more threads, these two are gonna be my main focus but I think if there has to be 1 that everyone rallies around it should be the Megathread.

So again thank you for your response and feedback, I’ll keep all that in mind for sure.

Thank you Sendryn, like I told Naamah, I’m pretty new to the Forums I had no idea the bump thing was an issue! I appreciate the support and feedback!

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Sure, at least pvp is a bigger topic but don’t expect anything at least from Blues, as I mentioned before Cyrios posted my thread about pvp prestige system being forgotten and few CC members reply… We even have threads like the toys:

93 likes, tons of replies…0 Blizzard response.

I don’t expect anything and I still provide feedback on the PTR but for example, players ask in 3 different interviews by content creators about Siege of Orgrimmar skip, Ion responded the same question multiple times, We had multiple threads and it took around 2 expansions for that change… :man_shrugging:

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Thank you for clarifying!

If you or anyone you know happens to know, or anyone reading this, knows anyone on the CC that would be willing to support Cyrios post titled “The State of PvP” would you be willing to reach out to them? So many of the issues related to PvP including the massive drop in player engagement are the result of refusals to keep up with the most basic of maintenance needs.

I unfortunately don’t know anyone, but I can bring it up in a couple of Discords to see if anyone knows anyone or if maybe you could get some content creator support from somewhere.

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That would be truly wonderful and appreciated if you’d be willing!

My hope is that since so many have been speaking up on the issues lately, and since it’s already been years and years since we’ve seen any effort at all put forward we might finally be at the point where if we can make a splash something will get done. If these issues don’t get fixed, we may find it’s beyond helping by the time they decide to do anything, feels like we’re getting close to that point. I’m not expecting progress over night, but if we can nurture a spark, we can have a fire.

Sums it right up.