Really badly
The product is suffering
Don’t respond to my post. Make your own with the same title.
We’ve been begging for a long time.
What else do we do?
ill bump uglies w a draggo, dont mind if i do.
also pls put my rogues pvp crusade thread in your post and anyone who actually likes the idea of doing what youre suggesting do the same please.
Play a game that actually cares about/balances around pvp?
Blizzard’s made it clear that this will never be a priority.
then it isnt an mmorpg and sucks lol so have fun ig
Their focus on content has nothing to do with the game classification. You can have an MMO with zero PvP.
To clarify, I’m not saying they shouldn’t care, just that they don’t.
Bitter reality is they don’t care about much anymore except maybe Mythic raiding. Everything else is either infinitely scaled, over gear it if you’re annoyed, or low-effort automated away. PvP being unbalanced just makes sense with how many fudges they’re giving these days.
D-tier troll attempt.
Oh Imma respond to your post alright. And there’s nothing you can do to stop me!
Bring back pvp servers
I never understood why like once a month the PVP team doesnt release a statement saying something like “The following balance changes are due to X,Y,Z overperforming, 5% blah blah, we will continue to monitor our data”. Or option B, dont say anything, no comunication and sporatic changes people have no idea why youre making.
Idk man, in my brain it seems so easy.
That’s too long. Balance tuning should be weekly/bi-weekly at most.
0 rating, interesting. Hope this post worked out for you.
I don’t think they care enough to fix anything in PVP because the number of participants in PVP have been on a decline and continue to be.
Retaining the win/trading and RMT players and elite PVP players will give them enough data that there are still players in current WoW PVP mode, so they don’t need to put more budget to fix anything.
Well the OP had zero thoughtful ideas, so I didn’t put forth much effort.
I just play League or any other game to get my PvP fix in.
WoW’s PvP has been left to die, so I won’t bother investing more time into it.
It’s basically become a PvE game even though I don’t like PvE nearly as much.
PvP had a dev, and GD made a lot of threads about it back in the day if I recall.
pvp was never the product, it was the side thing you could do in the product
take the hint
play a game with pvp as the focus instead
PVP was my game play of choice. I quit in Dragon Flight due to Rated Players coming into most games ruining it for others, who might just be trying PVP out. Game after Game being killed by Rated Players did it in for me and I PVPed for many years on my main and my other characters throughout the years. We need new Battle Grounds, and a slew of other upgrades and balancing for the Players that do play and love this game style…It is like we have been Ignored for years…I’ll PvP again when the developers get around fixing the issues.
PvP discussion in the general discussion category. just editing out my link
Gonna link this right here too where’ve I’ve opened up a similar conversation with a member of the community council in the hopes of having some of these issues addressed. Thanks for working towards a better tomorrow for PvP. Pre-made Epic Battle Grounds Need to Stop + Buffs and Revamps (Community Council Requested)