PvP is on the wrong path... not sure if it can recover

Yeaaaa nah it’s not gonna get better if anything it’s just gonna get worse with them adding more stuff that will need to be thoroughly balanced to not break stuff more. We all know though they won’t balance it and it’ll be a clown fiesta per usual. I mean they can’t even balance the game now but hey atleast it comes with a different name! :rofl:

I agree with OPs post. I don’t know the solution, but I wish we could get some communication from the devs.

I don’t know how it happened but each season of DF has gotten worse and worse, Season 1, imo, was fantastic.

I wish I could offer more feedback other than, “yeah feelsbad” but I’ve lost all interest in PvP ever since the weird rating change in Season 2. Feels like I can never progress, broken af classes, ugh… just tired of it.

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Cata had pretty healthy diversity And lots of triple dps got % gladiator. Rls, spicy chicken, rmp, wls, vanguards, smokebomb, double healer, mls, lsp, cupid, shatter, jungle, kitty, think there was kfc too. etc. Just Comps i remember.

I didnt really see triple dps until s11, mostly ret dk hunter, rogue ret hunter, and basically anything with a ret and a agility wearer with shadowy vial tbh lol. But i saw it a lot that season, both ingame and on streams.

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Let me clarify than. The latter half of the expansion was dominated by RLS. There was some diversity, but only for the first season and about the 1/2 the second.

Rogues dominated the ladder completely, especially above 2.2. Having bomb on prep and insane healing from recuperate made them unstoppable. Every melee beyond that was less than 4% rep and warriors were below 2%. Part of the reason I remember was because I playing arms at the time and gave up arena for RBGs. I couldn’t even get past 2.1 in arena. Arms didn’t recover till MoP. Granted, they need a big nerf going into cata, but they got gutted instead.

After casters started getting the staff, it was game over. Double UA from locks, sunfire spam from moonkin, combust spread from fire… It was crazy. Than add in all the insane trinkets from dragon soul. Moonkins running Souldshfiter Vortex for the 3,000 mastery proc. I still remember going up against Thegodofdmg in RBGs and just everyone dying. Same with Cunning of the Cruel. Melee didn’t have anything close to compare to the caster gear. Let’s not even talk about the lego daggers. :frowning:

By the time the expansion ended, rogues were at 20% rep, resto sham was at 17%, and I think affliction was at 14% in 3s above 2.2. Ret was the first spec to come close this expansion, but even that didn’t compare to cata rogue.

I mean. Point taken and my being a rogue i probably contirbuted. But i dont think the representation was as black and white as you’re putting unless youre leaving out likr 15% mages or something. There were so many tsg, thugs, kitty, jungle, cleaves is the word im looking for. Melee and wizard.

If rogues were 20% its because they were in RLS, but also RMP, Rrp, rogue feral, rogue enhance, thug, and smokebomb. There was a crazy number of comps my partners and i would jump for joy when we got a rematch cause there was nearly zero chance of vsing the same team in a night.

I agree rls was insanely strong, i know rogues who got their first 2200 without keybinds playing it. But dominated is the wrong word imo. Huge diversity

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I don’t want to misremember it, but what I do remember is that is the entire reason I got into RBGs. As the expansion went on, it just seemed to get worse. Even RBGs got lopsided to the point the only melee were either tanks or rogues and maybe DKs for grip + beam. I remember being in a group with Vanguards and people wanted to kick him. lol… was so bad.

Yea, I remember watching rogues playing 2s doing first person camera angle and cruising to 2.2. Double bomb was just crazy and rogues never died. They did eventually nerf recup some, but it was still really good. What was nutty about rogues as well as some of the top rogues didn’t even have the daggers.

Fun times.

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Yeah. I met this rogue in cata who basically opened my eyes to the wider world of gameplay for arena. He was 120-0 in 2s with full bloodthirsty s9 crafted blues in s11. He transferred chasing a rumor reckful was piloting on our server and wanted to snipe him.

Anyway yeah rogue was just insane. Gear wasnt mandatory lol.

As it turned out he lived down the road from me so weve been close buddies since

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Yea, that was true for a lot of specs. I really miss that. Feels like MoP was really the last expansion you could feasibly outplay someone consistently on skill alone. Not that that isn’t true in many cases now, but not nearly as much. Just totally locking out healers. So nuts.

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As late as wod i could on a non orc healer who didnt have a break, on paper, in a vacuum, solo cc for like 45s.

Always makes me double take cc complaints before the modern meta context kicks in

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Really dont get the idea of posting on an alt. People go through my profile all the time and attack me for it. Its a self-own for them. No idea why anyone would care.


Welp, I made a post about it in general and I tell you what, people were very angry. lol

The post got ‘flagged’ for trolling like 8 or 9 times and was restored each time. The low level alts with hidden profiles are such a cancer on these forums. Really wish blizz would allow for even a tiny amount of accountability.

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Chipping in as I’ve fallen into the trap of having too many characters. But, at least in some cases as I can’t be the only one, I assume some people continue to use a character as it’s got their forum history / posts attached to it.

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Yeah, that’s fair. But you’re not even going to level cap the poor guy? It’s a TWD week, my man. TWD gives a vault slot now!

I mean, I will eventually. I’ve got like 3 2 70 warriors, 2 rogues, Priest, Shaman, Warlock, Mage. But i’ve mostly been playing wrath so I don’t wanna commit to practicing two metas for now.

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I’d post on my wrath rogue for fun but it just has me as this the WoW icon so I can’t even “flex” my (discount) gladiator tabard.

Lowkey playing classic in the hopes they allow me to keep some of the unique mogs im gonna get from playing cata lol.

I was a healer because i wanted to help the community and see Solo Shuffle thrive. Ive switched to Ele for the season. The people deserve the queues and Shuffle can burn in hell for all i care.

I did my part.


Rogue in late cata wasnt even the most broken iteration of rogue which is the crazy part.

Then Immediately after ,start of wod they cooked 9 second kidney shot combat rogues with unstoppable one shot killing sprees.

Quite honestly who cares at this point. I willing to bet more people have always queued for BGs in general than arena and that is even that case now I would bet. Arena is fine and needs to get attention, but I am really on the train that arena should not be the focus of PvP anymore. It should be there for the HYPER competitive people. One of the reasons I am excited about BG blitz is because it is more in the direction of a casual rated experience.

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I’m not sure if I agree or disagree. Combat rogue in wod was so gross that I actually quit playing to avoid association. Arcane rmpala rogues were coming out of stealth with mutilate though so idk how much better or worse it got by the end of it.

Cata rogue was just so strong, they got rid of a lot of rogues weakness with recuperate & combat readiness, smokebomb, and gave us redirect. I think what made it was just how rock solid a lot of the classes are in cata and rogue just peaked. It’s downhill from there. TBC > Wrath > Cata > Everything else for rogue gameplay and feel.

MoP gets a worthy note for rogue power imo. Even though rogue was arguably the weakest melee at the end of mop, it was still A+, just everyone was A+ or above lol. Being able to delete someone while invisible from subterfuge was disgusting.

I can understand that, though casual and rated seem like two opposing concepts. Why not make regular bgs more of that experience?

I really think we are getting too many forms of content that continues to dilute the already dwindling pool of players. I get that there is trade offs in there. Add more content and keep some people who may quit… more engaged at the risk of your ‘primary’ content having reduced value? Or would it be possible to rotate primary forms of content in a way to keep all parties more interested. Like right now, at the start of the season and with inflation being low, arena isn’t doing great. Competing forms of content could work, but as the season gets going more, than you’re pulling players in multiple directions.

Again, if it means losing players, then I get more or fresh content being needed, but at the same time, the content we have needs work and these new pieces of content are simply taking away from that. Regardless, hopefully it does well.

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