Too many 'hidden profile' trolls on the forums

The game is already anonymous. Why do players need to hide their mains as well? It’s always the same thing from these accounts.

Edit: Since there is some confusion, I’m not saying people with hidden profile are trolls. I’m saying trolls very often have hidden profiles to avoid scrutiny or repercussions on their mains.


It doesn’t matter, hidden profiles are meaningless because you can easily get around them if you really want to see what someone has done.

The real hidden accounts are classic toons.


Makes it marginally more annoying to stalk people.

Also this. If you want to find trolls, look to the 55 Classic DKs.


this right here…

The game is already anonymous and we have ample tools to deal with stalkers.

It’s almost entirely people trolling. :frowning:

Not always, unless there is some tool I’m not aware of.

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Not really. Lots of people do it, for their own reasons.

You can choose a specific person in the advanced search options and see everything they’ve ever posted.


If you’re hoping to check their profile to discredit their opinion with a big ol’ strawman, I can tell you’re a reddit regular.


It’s easy to get around. For 90% of the profiles you go to armory and just type their name in. You get a quick hit, verify the picture, done. Honestly, it’s easier than disabling the profile in the first place.

But you can do the same thing with check pvp, and I’m sure there are other tools that help match up alts based on achievements.

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Personally, whenever i sign up to a website, service, or set up a new product i have purchased, the first thing i do is a deep-dive into the settings to turn off any automatic sharing, linking up of social media info, or data sharing.

I really couldn’t care less about people seeing my very average WoW characters lol

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The real trolls of the forums, especially when they troll retail discussions.



For sure, but they’re still on an alt. :man_shrugging:

Reddit is a cesspool. And no, I’m not trying to discredit anyone. Just pointing out that trolls on low level alts with hidden profiles. No need to complicate this.

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I mean, if you’re not going to listen to what people are telling you, sure.

I’m not following this line of logic. Because they have a hidden profile they’re on an alt?


Even though she is no longer my main, I have always posted on this mage, back form the days in which she was my main


I really hate it when they don’t even have a profile image. :wink:


because I don’t need “lol @ your smolderon grey parse scrub” from trolls.


No, just disagreeing.

I’m saying that finding what other comments they have made doesn’t do much.

Nothing wrong with that. Posting on alts is fine. Posting on alts that you don’t play, are low level or entirely fresh, and than hiding your profile for the soul purpose of harassing other players on the forums is the issue.

So ignore them. If you want to participate in topics where experience matters, than be prepared to back up your comments. I don’t see any issue with this.

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I should start hiding my profile just to bother people like you.


hidden profile reporting in.


I rotate my mains every season, this is my forum main :smiley:

Or it is now since my last one was deleted/inaccessible :sob:

Has to be on an alt. :slight_smile:

Just hiding your profile is fine. Trolling people is the issue.