you cant fix it, you scaled dps way to high everything is out of balanced sod is not fixable in pvp, you devs just cant figure out how to quit ruining wow with your retail infested brains
Yeah no it didn’t… It looked pretty BOARING. EZ uninstall gg well played keep catering to the BUMS.
Patch should say nerf shaman 20% rest classes stay the same
i mean, its classic.
It is a one shotty fest in classic era pvp, obviously would eb far mor one shotty with more specs being able to do it lol.
Wish i could downvote you stop messing with the game this is classic fights shouldnt last 3 minutes classic was a game of rock paper scissors
Probably fix the horde queue system so alliance dont face nonstop premades.
Stop pussyfooting around guys. Cancel sub. Stop supporting this elephant-turd company.
Check out unofficial servers. Move on from this stockholm syndrome.
yeah i could feel something was up bgs back to feeling awful
A slight tune down from the 1st pvp aura weekend with a reduced healing of like 25% would of been great. The game feels so bad after the weekend is over. Quit testing this and just stick with something and then adjust. Having fun pvping on the weekend and then getting killed in 2 globals on a Wednesday the following week feels so bad.
just release 60 already everyone is done with these crap phases
if people want to run around grinding on people for 5min to get robbed of a kill by a healer go play retail, it exists
Yeah, tell me you know nothing about rogues without saying you know nothing about rogues. No Rogue has enough energy to pull all that off without popping tea and other cooldowns. If they are, it’s open world PVP or you are by yourself in BG’s.
you are literally delusional - who doesnt run around with tea? -
Im glad i can only play on the weekends and have to experience this forced PTR.
You guys are actually destroying any will I have to pvp with these constant blanket nerfs. And this one is even worse than the last. Phase 3 is flopping hard, incursions are terrible, and you are making pvp seem pointless with all these constant changes. Guess i’ll just raidlog and leave this ghost town alone until you figure out wtf you’re doing.
It’s so much fun spending the entire BG OOM while melee get to keep running around facerollzugging everyone with their lesser damage reduction and no mana issues.
foreal, my ele offspec is just off the table now with this. Not that i want to pvp with these terrible decisions anyway. But nerfing damage and not compensating for mana is ridiculous.
You know whats even more fun that being OOM the whole BG?
Ressing and instantly losing half you mana to self buffing - with a pet at half health that dies shortly after from dots from before.
ive never carried thistle tea
what if i play heals to run around for 5 minutes looking for a kill to rob