Last weekends Pvp looked good?
Explain why? What is this based off of? An opinion, or some sort of metric? Seems so vague coming from a blue post.
I for one did not enjoy last weekends pvp. I don’t really understand how nerfing everyone solves the problem?
Someone please explain to me how a blanket nerf to everyone, benefits underperforming specs/classes. If you nerf everyone, doesn’t that mean the strongest classes still remain, the strongest?
nj with the melee buff this week…if you’re not nerfing the dmg just like last week gtfo of here
Agree man. I wish they would just do what they are going to do so I can cancel my sub if I need to. If it stays like this I’m gone. Literally no reason to nerf healing.
nah healing deserved a nerf too.
Well yea, healing needs a nerf too. We’re all about equality right?
Isn’t the dmg nerf the same as last week, and they just upped the healing nerf from 20-30%?
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It’s amazing how you guys need 300 overlapping modifiers to “cast a resemblance of balance” in sod pvp
Start by admitting the framework for class rune combinations in sod were terrible from the get go and they should have just stuck to prepatch wrath or tbc “classes and talents” and then balanced from there
doesn’t feel like it to me I’m getting torn to shreds by anything melee…
Your reply would make sense if the numbers even remotely reflected reality. In resto spec as a geared sham my heals come no where close to damage done. It should look more like this:
Damage 5
Healing 2
Now it will be:
Damage 3.75
Healing 1.5
Doesn’t math. I love resto but sorry boys. One less healer out there for BM and BGs, I’m throwing meatballs and fully stacked rolling thunder earth shocks this weekend.
And by the way, why can’t they give a little more warning before they do this? I work and travel all week, then drop this change last minute over the weekend? I was looking forward to pvping this weekend but now Friday comes and I don’t even want to log in. Cool. How about some common courtesy to your customers?
You’re joking right? Are you completely ignoring the WSG w/l ratio? Pretty good if you’re only playing horde.
I came across a meme depicting the full SoD dev team seated at a long table. It portrayed one lonely paladin at the end of the table, while the rest of the seats were occupied by shamans.
Alliance hasn’t had a fair WSG game since level 25. It’s time to stop punishing all classes and instead address the real issues. The focus should be on classes capable of bursting down characters within seconds. Introduce a buff that limits damage taken by a character to a set threshold, thereby leveling the playing field, preventing rapid deaths, and enabling class abilities to have a meaningful impact. At the moment it’s complete Horde dominance in WSG.
…looked pretty good.
Guess I’ll stick to pvping when these alpha changes aren’t being tested. I got to say blizzard really knows how to squeeze every dollar they can, why bother paying testers when you can have thousands of players pay blizzard to test.
I still think that 20% reduction for both melee and spell, and no changes to healing will be the sweet spot
I like how confident you are at being wrong.
Keep at it.
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Too late Blizz, everyone already quit playing SoD. Crusader Strike is a complete ghost town on Alliance now. The devs clearly showed their inability to balance and their unwillingness to even attempt it at a reasonable level made people quit. This is a complete crap show and I cancelled my sub today because of it.
Just did a few games on my priest, the healing reduction feels absolutely terrible, these auras have to be class based.
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Where is the CC nerf? You can’t cripple classes that rely on damage and healing have no cc then let the classes with infinite cc run wild. Should not be able to win a fight with a single instant fear.
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By the end of sod, ya’ll will have worked out these blankets to cover the devs stuff ups, look bad, feel bad and play terribly, only 6months of that curve to go, exciting not being interested in pvp 3 weekends in a row.
I’m all for trying things out on the fly, keep it, makes things interesting, opens up new play. Should just make some random changes every weekend imo to change up the meta.