Completely change how pvp works.
Every attack does 1 damage
Every heal heals for 2 damage
Heals always take 2.5 seconds.
Everyone has 10 hp.
Learn to help each other.
Completely change how pvp works.
Every attack does 1 damage
Every heal heals for 2 damage
Heals always take 2.5 seconds.
Everyone has 10 hp.
Learn to help each other.
Make like 15-20% Stam bonus the 6 piece bonus on PvP set. Solved.
Not enough health, it could be 30% and still wouldnt be enough with how much dmg is being dealt
Then run into a bear or woe shammy when they have more hp than half your party XD
And that’s different than doing 30% less damage to bear Druid or woe shammy like right now how?
Well that puts a woe shaman at literally 50% more health and bears are sturdy af so giving them even more hp makes them a brick wall of fafo
I have 4000 health and it seems to be plenty. A simple %health set bonus would be fine. Most people have 3300ish health in PvP gear.
You realize adding 30% health is the same as reducing damage by 30%?
add class based auras, pretty sure shaman be fine with 50% reduction across the board.
this. /10char
As a feral Druid I felt last week was a very good test and I actually PvPed better then when there was no mitigation due to actually being able to survive for more then .01 seconds due to all the Shaman.
Maybe your perspective is different because you don’t have to face Shaman as much, but I can tell you in both BM and AB (I refuse to do any more WSG now that I am exalted) PvP felt much better, and I look forward to testing this change in a half hour in the upcoming BM.
no it isn’t.
Please make 35% dr baseline, 15% reduced healing, and 30% mana reduction. You guys feel really out of touch over there.
Physical needs to be 35% or this crap will stay dead.
Like how do they think 20% is good? It’s still straight garbage
As always has been the case in wow. The only reason why everyone is somewhat viable in pvp is because everyones capable of globaling others. Basically first to land usually will win.
I agree.
I run into so many people with this logic, and youre so wrong lol. a smaller healthpool just means a smaller window for survival (less time for healers to react/heal)
1000hp, +30% = 1300hp
100dps-30%= 70dps
normal dmg 100dps to 1000hp =10s
w/ HP bonus 1300hp= 13s
30% dmg nerf: 70dps to 1000hp = 14.28s
dmg nerf ,extra health 70dps 1300hp = 18.5s
just an example, but we’re STILL messing around with increased hp that scales terribly well for certain classes.
Smaller(normal) health pool = smaller window for healers to keep people alive, reduces the stam gap on certain classes (why do warriors have less hp than hunters?)
smaller damage = longer fights, which help healers sustain, but kills all resource dps classes
smaller heals = healers going oom and becoming useless in team fights.
my solution was to remove the current (probably forgotten) bonus stam, reduce all dmg equally(33%), and maybe scale back some numbers on certain classes that are still outperforming with the nerfs in effect.
I was gonna say, it’s actually better than damage reduction. You can prioritize stam gear and come out better off. So make it 20% stam buff. Either way it’s better than the artificial damage reduction. You can get new gear and it will make a bigger difference. As it stands, just stacking stam and int will be most efficient now that your +spell damage or AP will be auto reduced.
or a rogue killing you with no counter play if trinket is down — CS, Mut, Mut, Kidney, Mut…dead - still dont think that is addressed…
envenom which is the highest damage rogues have, is magic dmg.
i mean against majority who cannot cleanse or bubble - dont even need it - CS/ Mut Mut/ Kidney mut - dead … i rarely need it on my rogue to be honest. Easier to to reset after trinket and cds are used - and clean it up.