rumors say classic team and diablo team are trying to outdo eachother on how horribly they can **** up their games
Its past 1pm and i havent noticed any dmg reduction from pallies
Unsubbed until P4, if you botch P4 and refuse to do any actual work like you did with P3 I’ll finally be able to just walk away from WoW forever. Laziest group of devs with the greediest company I’ve ever seen.
Wasn’t resilience originally introduced in TBC because not only did they want a “pvp stat” but because with the power creep, people were getting too bursty?
Anyway, I guess my point is more about what resilience did to fix the same issues we are seeing in SoD. Seems like crit damage reduction, reduced chance to be crit, and reduction of mana drains (less important) might actually be a better way to implement some broad pvp aura in structured pvp. Include the reduced damage from DoTs in there too?
I’m sure there is a proper way to balance that without completely gutting the PvE/raiding side of the classes. Yes, Lavaburst is powerful and hits like a truck, but if they completely nerf its damage, then its going to screw ele shaman’s single target damage.
meh, I still had fun in AB this week and will probably still be hitting up WSG this weekend.
Increase damage reduction to 30 or 35% or don’t even bother doing anything cause pvp will be dead along with sod.
I know you guys need our feedback but “looks pretty good” isnt what we’re wanting to hear lol. the whiplash from the DR coming off and then back on. its making it impossible to log in and find enjoyment
Not really sure how you think healing is the problem here. People still die in a few globals with the current DR implementation and it’s actually impossible to heal through MS without dumping your whole mana bar. It’s literally better to let that person die and heal someone else. I could see a healing reduction of this magnitude if we are on 50% DR, but this is insanity. Please reconsider because this is not a good change.
Majority of hunters damage in pvp is magical.
Chimera shot does nature damage and is subject to the 30% reduction.
Rogues Mutilate is physical though.
Another damage reduction update without addressing mage mana issues. Another weekend I will continue to not play.
So im confused did they not do the dmg reductions this week and just reduced healing…like are they even playing the same game we are right now… Healing without the dmg reductions is pointless…There is no damage reductions live in bgs right now
Just stop, there is basically no wpvp left for you to kill, no one wants to play this anymore
The guinea pigs say the same thing
They’re trying to get it right before level 60, we’re going in the right direction
Good. They want to you play Cata anyways and don’t forget to use the in game store.
As much as I think the damage nerf is unneeded, the healing nerf is over the line. If it stays this way I’m unsubscribing. The artificiality makes me not even want to play. If it were an even damage cut across the board sure…but why nerf healing too? Horde already have virtually no PvP healers and now there will truly be none.
this is so tone def…healing is not the problem whatsoever its dmg you tools
Still not enough. People insta healed to full with the 20% reduction. Should be 50% base
Literally all you had to do was make PvP sets with a lot more stamina on them. That’s all. The artificiality of your blanket healing and damage nerf ruins any fun in PvP. Got some new gear? Yeah is about a third worse than it looks on paper because of the heavy invisible hand on the scale. I’m pretty much done with SoD. PvP was the only fun part about it and you are completely ruining it.
I guess it’s time to play moonkin instead of resto this weekend. Great work at making healing not fun or rewarding
I think adding a blanket 30% stam buff on top of the current aura would work out fairly well actually. The amount of stam needed without a dmg reduction on top of it would be ridiculous. As you’d want players ~6k+ health at least with the dmg that is being done.