PvP Damage Reduction Test #3 - May 10

It’s way to much work to care about the game and make targeted, finely tuned nerfs and buffs to balance classes correctly.

35% healing under mortal strike? lol

Honeslty i dont think you do legit need to wait more runes and more talent points to realise some of the issues are getting worse regardless.

Good example is void palgue and maelstorm healings.
But i do agree with you a 60 balance would be wiser i just dont see them balacing classes at all regardless due timeframe.


Please and thanks Mr. Greenfield.

:pray: :blush:

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Because it’s easier and lazier than class tuning… The Blizzard way.

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Yeah nerfs healers in pvp even more it’s not like they are already an endangered species because it sucks to heal in pvp in sod.


Mutilate does not need to be nerfed. It’s the only thing we have that keeps us competitive.

Doesn’t this just do absolutely nothing since the problem only lied in a few classes and build because they kill you in 1-2 shots?


i love lazy band-aid fixes, hell yeahhhh let them cook!


Gold please…

Stop with the blanket nerfs

Buff hp more and do 50% crit reductions or smth. (Oh no that’s gonna nerf lava burst too much)


Blanket nerfs are not the way to go.

get off your lazy rears and nerf the individual classes that are doing the burst damage. Shamans, hunters, boomkin. start by nerfing these into the ground.


melee dmg needs matched to 30% as well…this makes rogues op af


What exactly made you believe the changes went “pretty well”? What metric are you using!?
Battlegrounds and PvP events are getting more and more rare/empty. They also feel significantly worse. You guys developed a version of the game that significantly increased the dmg and healing output of everybody, then you artificially reduce the both to “compensate”…

Now the classes with most utility runes get significant advantages over everybody else. I find myself very excited to play BGs only to go into 1 or 2 and feel like complete sh*t… excuse the language, but that is the most appropriate way to describe it. Time to go back to my 45min AB queue because apparently their system is incapable of working single player into the queue.


Rogues have been the most opressive class I have had to play against. Its insane

‘‘Last weekend’s PvP play looked pretty good, so we’re going again starting today, with one adjustment.’’
SoD Never have seen so fews players yet thats what they say.
The only thing they needed to do was to down DR to 25% or 30% instead of 50%
Not mess with heals.
How can they be so incompetent

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Also, reduce paladin dmg by 50% when in bubble.

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thanks for letting everyone know


Wtf Blizzard, do you guys even play as healers in PvP?

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Either reduce all damage by 50% and healing by 25-30% or just reduce damage by 20-30% and no healing reduction. This solves absolutely no issue, you’re still dying way too fast compared to the healing that’s possible to do. As both a boomy and resto druid I find these changes make absolutely no sense. You over boosted everyone’s dps, so now you’re trying to fix it by reducing the damage instead of properly adjusting it in the first place (you should’ve simply added QOL / fun abilities instead of doubling everyone’s damage…) Reducing healing fixes absolutely nothing in pvp if you can’t outheal the damage that’s being done by just 1 person.