PvP Currency Changes and Dates

NO in fact, i was a beta tester. But that said. DONT TAKE MY HONOR AWAY

I would like to know if I will receive compensation in gold for the more than 30 BoA honor tokens that I used to equip alts and that simply disappeared from my bag without even being added to my honor points on any character, more than 48000 honor points that I accumulated and that disappeared.

WE HAVE ALREADY ESTABLISHED HONOR limitations. 15k wont hurt you boy. unless you are scared of me. YOU’Re ARE WEAK AND SHALLOW. YOU ARE. LETS DO 80 pvp

Thank you for sharing this. I was caught off guard by some of these changes. Thanks for saving me from this mistake.

Any idea what the quest is called? I’ve spent the past 15 minutes googling for it, but I couldn’t find it.

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Pvers can still do raids in all dificults but we pvpers cant earn conquest to get our remix character to next xpac, you all hate pvp on blizz lol

Is m+ working still? That’s the real PvE mode, tons more people m+ every day than raid.

I’d have just shrugged it off if it had happened when the season ended,but they let us keep playing, so why lock it down now?

With no communication, that part hurts.

I sure wish you had thought to mention you would lock down all rated play.

I want my BGB back!

As I am currently redoing the talents and action bars of 37 toons who had those things randomly changed and wiped when converting from Remix, I beg to differ.

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Yeah, conceded the remix landing being just like what the abandoned toon refresh was a bit of a fail. I have at least 4 toons I need to completely redo action bars on.

The reset of action bars makes sense, IMO, for a toon you haven’t played in a long time and are doing the full gear refresh on. I have logged into old toons with the action bars in place and have really wondered WTH I was thinking when I set it up.

SO again while I am annoyed, I am certain the purpose was never to annoy.

Long ago in a nother life I was office manager for a mom and pop ISP. We had a database I helped build and was the one maintaining it. there we 6 employees and only 4 could actually use the database. Maybe 1000 customers.

There were still endless problems and and disagreements about how the interface should look and work… every single day.

WoW is, at its very core function, a massive database with a immensely complicated UI. I have nothing but respect for those who keep the thing running at all, let alone as well as it does almost all the time.

And yeah, I get annoyed by things that don’t work, or design decisions. I still don’t think they are really trying to annoy.

It also depends on which ‘they’ we are talking about. There ain’t no one on the AH crew who had any say in if Early Access was gonna happen or not.

yeah I have read that 4 times and am still unsure but ‘I think’ honor is just resetting today and the cap changed on the 26th.

me too!!! same thing to me

Weapons of Conquest

It will be available in 3rd week of Season 1. Quest requires you gather 2500 Conquest points.

See you on the Battleground!

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