PvP Currency Changes and Dates

Honor transfer was working yesterday but it looks like they shut down all transfers right now.Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled -- August 14

Yep. I’m not sure why people would expect it to not get reset.


I dont recall tbh, but why is that necessary? the honor gear inst avail until lvl 80 anyway.

because i spent hours and hours capping my chars with max honor, so i dont have to grind it when i hit 80 to jump right into bgs thats why

But why would you think they would let you do that this expansion when they haven’t before. Honor does not usually get reset between seasons, but it does get reset between expansions,

Besides if you do it right you won’t really be doing the initial honor grind on more than one toon. Get one geared and transfer honor to the others.


Because its the right thing to do. I/WE invested many hours capping honor. i earned it.

If i do it right? I WANT TO PLAY the character i get the honor on. Full stop. Transfers are just to help out.

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If grinding honor up on each and every toon is your fun, then go for it.

I’ll usually bounce 2 toons until one doesn’t need any more honor, and then gear my other alts up one at a time with their excess. But now, with an expansion starting with BGB, I’m gonna push one hard until they can get into rated and then use that one to gear the others, with absolute minimum time in unrated BG.

But being mad about Honor going away is like being mad that you just found out all your conquest gear is gonna be vendor trash in a few weeks.

IIRC you get gold for the honor and conquest they take :wink:

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and it takes less than a day to hit 80. I don’t care if they let us keep honor, I have a bunch on all my characters just from doing comp stomp all expansion but they won’t because honor is being used for all kinds of profession stuff this expansion as well.

BUT YOUR way is more of a grind lmfao. AND its LESS entertaining. Grinding with one toon for others is the grind, oh the irony here. Also i dont need gold, i spent REAL MONEY and TIME getting the honor already. And IF it ONLY taks a day to get to 80, then thats even more of a reason to not reset honor. its a control move, and its not necessary. Another thing to “annoy” people.

I dunno man, The idea that a giant entertainment company is in business to annoy people seems… unfounded.

And as I said, I’m going for minimum time in old style randoms. ToonOne gets geared enough to escape into rated, then pulls ToonTwo up, those two pull up ToonThree while I bounce between them. Then bounce between the three for ToonFour, and on thru the alt army.

WELL I WANT TO KEEP MY HONOR> BLizz knows my position

You won’t get what you want. No matter how many demands you make.

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Not sure this is the place to ask but it ties in with the announcement concerning gear.

With the changes to pvp rewards. With elite now unlocking the entire arsenal including rewards purchased in the past and kept in banks.

Is there any plans to introduce weapon arsenals or reintroduce the option to buy past seasons elite weapons for players who earned the rank in prior seasons?

Every expansion the honor is converted and mailed to you as gold


not sure if anyone suggested this but spend that honor. maybe turn it into gold or marks of honor? i just buy chests, but i’m pretty sure you can buy gear and then sell it to a vendor.
*same with your conquest and bloody tokens, strife.

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NO. i want my honor gear at 80

DUDE. I played war with my chars. I EARNED that HONOR. DONT TAKE IT AWAY

Forced replay of the same content over and over is how they do business.

Dude, it’s just the way it is! Use your current honor to buy stuff that will be useful… or let it be converted to gold. Fair is fair. We will all start with 0 honor and 0 conquest, and we’ll fight for it, and we’ll get geared up, and all will be right with the World of Azeroth again!

Do keep in mind that about 3 weeks into this expansion, there will be a quest that will GIVE YOU your CONQUEST WEAPON, so don’t go buying it with your first conquest points…

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Is this your first expansion? You’re acting like this hasn’t happened in the past, EVERY expansion…

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