Let's compile a list of things that broke or were disabled to support Early Access

Allowing people into the new expansion early is one thing. Disabling existing things outside of TWW to make this happen is something else entirely.

  • Comp Stomp now requires Level 80
  • Honor was reset to 0 at EA launch time for everyone. At least this was announced
  • LFR is now closed for all levels. I still see listings in the finder for Normal+ raids so it seems like those are still open?
  • Radiant Echoes was nerfed into oblivion, I guess to stop people levelling 70+. Sucks for lower levels. Apparently this is now fixed below level 70. It’s probably nothing above 70 though, which is fine.

my friend just messaged me she was in queue for an hour and then BOOM no more awakened. that doesn’t seem… right?

I mean, maybe not que last minute?

she was trying to gear her remix alts :). afaik she paid her sub she can play how she like it when she like it

It shouldn’t be right. According to the update notes, S4 isn’t supposed to end until the 26th, when the expansion launches for everyone.


the nerf to exp for the radiant event was a bug. should be fixed now, according to wowhead

:smiley: you know what she can’t do, LFR those raids. :slight_smile:

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Main town evacuated all NPCs, no one was there. Went to relog, and Character already exists in game.

Agreed, I have early access from buying the CE, but I wasn’t able to play much the last few months, and had planned to chain LFR all weekend to catch up on transmogs. I’m not happy about the rug pull.

It’s not last minute, though. Blizzard told us all explicitly that we could continue doing Dragonflight content up until the 26th; it’s not the 26th.


I love how people use this. To which I say, they say things all the time and walk back on it, how are people not use to this?

Lovely result.